Shift Happens Book Companion


0 Photo/Illustration

EPTY layout 272

@ key 59, 958, 1171-1177

@ P key 3830, 1174

€ symbol 958, 959

# (hashtags) 1189, 1196

. key 713

? key 475

“ ” (quotation marks) 127-128, 441

; key (semicolon) 49, 1290, 174, 1178-1179

0 key 220, 229, 1003, 1196

1 key 1196

3D printing 1091

3M Company 1126

5 key 110

10 key 1156

10 PRINT CHR$… (book) 1063, 1066

11 key 1156, 1156

27%–87% keyboards 8360, 837, 838, 839, 931

47th Street Photo, New York 909-910

1944’ers/1956’ers 176-180, 182-184, 193


A key 508, 922

Abdulhamid II, Sultan of Turkey 283

AbKey Revolution keyboards 9390

ABS plastic 851

accelerator and modifier keys. See also keyboard shortcuts; non-printing keys; specific keys: chording and 713; contortions to reach 1199; inconsistency of 720-721, 723-725; layers 839; logo keys 503-506, 506, 509; Shift and Control, first use 382; telegraph/teletype legacy 343, 343, 713; word processing 453

accessibility. See also ergonomics: braille systems 1025-1027; chorded keyboards 1030-10310; Datadesk LittleFingers 1034-10350; device settings 1039; hearing disabilities 1028-1029; light-activated keyboards 10430; mouth or gaze-operated 10420; musculoskeletal disabilities 1029-1033; one-handed devices 1029, 1029, 10360; over-sized keyboards 1029-1032; pointer keyboards 10370; Sticky Keys 1178; talking keyboards 1028

ACER keyboards 7900

Acorn computers 616, 720

acoustic switches 763

Action key 1178

actions per minute (apm) 921

actuation force (switches) 751

actuation (keys) 749

ADB connections 1102

Add-A-Skill keyboards 225

adding machines. See calculators

Addison, Joseph 1194

Address Book key 1163

Addressographs 1156

Adélie keyboards 10920

Adesso keyboards 8000

Adjusters (Aligners) 121-126, 131-136, 1340, 139-140, 151-154

Adler typewriters 140; Adler 39 2680; Adler Favorit 154-1550

Adlersuchsystem (hunt-and-peck) 270

ADM-3A (American Dream Machine) 385-390, 3880, 730, 819, 10220

Adobe Photoshop 1038, 1199

Advanced Input Devices 6490, 651, 652, 653, 659

advertisements 77-82, 351, 562-569, 5730, 574, 576. See also under individual companies and products

AEG Mignon typewriter 5260

AEK64 keyboards 1101

Aesthedes 2 computer 1172-11730

AEU layout (Belgian) 284

AFNOR recommendations 958

African keyboards 845

Afrikaans typewriters 273

AI. See artificial intelligence

AI Dungeon 2 (game) 1144-1145

AIERTY layout 272, 284, 2860

Aircomp 16 computer 6250

airlines and planes: Coronas in 858; crashes 819; early portable computers and 868; keyboards in planes 1158; reservation keyboards 5610, 7160, 11590

Akron Falls Park, New York 460-461, 4600

Alberich i Escardívol, Montserrat 1059, 10620

Aldrin, Buzz 1148, 1149

Alexa 1207

Alexander, Jacob: force curves 758-761, 7600, 7610; keyboard of choice 763; keyboard startup 765; lab 741-744

Alice keyboard 1091, 10920

alienation. See dehumanization and alienation

aliens 1048

Alissoff, Michael 36

“Alive after five” ads 565, 7690

Alley Cat (game) 6030

Almak, Mahmut 287

Alonso, Ramón 1147-1148

Alphabet March (Turkish) 286

alphabetical layouts: examples 220, 410, 2220, 3250, 3750, 5050, 5950, 5970, 10250, 10370, 10400, 10610, 10810; as inferior to QWERTY 191

alphabets. See characters; languages and orthographies

AlphaGrip keyboard 10300

alphanumeric keys 50, 51

AlphaSmart 3000 8990

Alps Electric: CP105SJ550A kanji keyboard 948-9490; switches 748, 751, 752, 757, 7580, 759, 763-765

Alt key: ControlAltDelete 810-811, 812, 8130, 890; functions of 1179; Model F keyboard 644; Polish keyboards and 966-967; Unicode and 1073; Windows and Mac 723-725

AltF combination 969

AltF4 combination 527, 723, 725, 813

Alt label for Option (Mac) 722

Altair 8800 computer 493-495

AltGr key 724, 942-943, 958-959

Amazon 1143, 1207

Ambassador typewriters 534

American Airlines 5610

American Dream Machines (ADM-3A) 385-390, 3880, 730, 10220

American Foundation for the Blind 1039-1041

American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 833

American Simplified Keyboard (ASK) 181

American Society of Questioned Document Examiners 485

American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) 338-341, 1061-1064, 10730, 10740, 1075

American typewriters. See also specific brands: blind machines 28, 33, 70-71, 72-730; early development of electric 200-202; early models that disappeared 35-42; effects of, in society 262; evolution of form factor 140-141; exported and modified 274-282, 350; first popular (See Sholes & Glidden Type-Writers); giant devices 84-87, 860, 96, 97, 5240; office work adoption 91-93, 1950, 204-205; sales (See sales); Shift Wars (See Shift Wars); theft of 82-83; typewriting becomes standard 433-434; typographical horrors of 126-131; as unable to handle Chinese 347

American Writing Machine Co. 680, 69, 78

Caligraph №2 typewriter 46-48, 460, 480, 1175; “Caligraph,” meaning 49; non-QWERTY keyboard 49, 172; Osbourne’s typing win on 55-57; in Shift Wars 50, 57-62; speed competitions 45-48, 51-55; uppercase only 48

Caligraph №5 6, 7 typewriters 69

keyboard layout 480, 49-50, 59, 59

New Century typewriters 60, 69

Amiga computers 8110, 8130

Amiga key503-506

Amish typewriter use 211

Amstrad computers and keyboards 748; Amstrad CPC464 10510; Amstrad CPC6128 9580; Model F clone 6570

An Wang 449. See also Wang Laboratories

Analytical Engine 363

anchors (dimples, nubs) 110, 111, 1180, 223, 656, 793, 8080, 990

“ancient monument” key () 722

Android screens 63, 241, 1004

animal pictures on keys 110, 1160

ANITA Mk VII calculator 229

ANSI (American Natl. Standards Inst.) 833

ANSI art 1075

ANSI Enter key 833, 848

antennas 484

anthropophilic computers 892-893, 894

Anti-Digit Dialing League 984

anti-glare keyboards 825

“anti-machine machine” 586-587

Any key 1096, 1162, 11630, 1177

apm (actions per minute) 921

Apple Inc.: 1984 Super Bowl ad 707; as exception to rule 687; FingerWorks TouchStream and 978, 983; Jobs’ tenure at 499-501, 733; Raskin’s tenure at 892-893; Sculley’s tenure at 897-898; typewriters not allowed at 4880; Wozniak’s first computer 498-501; Xerox PARC licensing 1012

Apple computers

ads 506, 508

as antidote to IBM 706

Apple I 4960, 498-501, 892

Apple II 5000, 5100; AppleWriter 5470; costs 502; design 501-502; lowercase and 5490; men start typing, finally 5730; popularity 892; Reset key 520, 809-810; scrolling 699; VisiCalc and spreadsheets 702, 7300, 732-737, 892

Apple IIc 852-8530, 1048

Apple IIe 5030, 5330

Apple IIe Enhanced 11090

Apple III 892, 893, 1130

Apple iMac 849, 851

key (Apple) 506, 721-722

Apple Lisa 703, 7200, 721, 723, 1012

Apple MacBook 754, 757, 879, 903, 11940

Apple MacBook Pro 806-807, 8090, 810, 819, 843, 903, 1005

Apple Macintosh 6820, 7210; 1984 Super Bowl ad 707; beige era 849-851; key 722; development of 892-893; forcing new software 683-684, 703-706; graphical user interface 696-697; keyboard design 683-684, 685, 703, 703, 709, 721-722; keyboard shortcuts 721-725, 8110, 8130; MacCharlie extension 7210; Model M keyboards and 678, 720; mouse devices 696, 894; recreating keyboard of 1101; sales 706, 707, 894; third-party add-ons 704-7050; users afraid of damaging 261; Xerox PARC and 1012

Apple Macintosh II 894

Apple Macintosh Plus 684

Apple PowerBook 8440, 8450, 869; PowerBook 165 8080; PowerBook Duo 8340, 845

Caps Lock key 890

key (Command) 722

FingerWorks products for 983

IBM’s influence on 642

“seven powers” 508

Shift missing early on 527

Siri key 11940, 1207

Windows vs. 182, 183

Apple iPad 709, 725, 999, 1103, 1210-12110

Apple iPhone 9940; capacitive glass 994; development of 991-994, 995; gestures 990, 1202; IBM Selectric vs. 420-421; keyboards 990-994, 996-9990, 1002-1003; keypad inconsistencies 241; launch 9720, 989-991; Notes app 519; PDA-inspired 9920; press reaction to 991-994; as prudish 1143; simplicity of 999; sounds 1002; typing on 10-11, 1004

Apple iPod 990, 991

key (Apple) 506, 721-722

Apple keyboards

appealing to masses 788

Apple Adjustable 7220, 778-779, 7790, 779, 7810, 851

Apple Extended 706-709, 7060, 7070, 707, 806, 8090, 851, 894, 1101, 1103

Apple Wireless 8380

Arabic 9650

Avid keycaps 7350

Colemak overlay 9390

durability 707

early D and K nubs 110

function keys 725, 806

keys: key (Apple) 506, 721-722; arrow keys 697; Clear key 215; key (Command) 722; Control and Alt designations 722; Esc key 709, 806-807, 821; 🌐︎ key (Globe) 725

Model M-like keyboards 720

never marketed as solving RSI 793

Touch Bar 709, 806-807, 8090, 810, 1005

Apple TV keyboard 10000

apps. See software and apps

Arabic typewriters and keyboards 271, 2730, 275, 275, 2760, 281, 474, 9650

arcade games 914-918, 9180, 920

Archimedes (Acorn) 720

Are Two Spaces Better… (paper) 1197

area codes, discrimination in 238

Aristotle switches 1087

Arithmometers 217-219, 2170

Armenian keyboards 273, 959

Armstrong, Neil 1149

ARPANET 490, 1171

Arrested Development (show) 1144

arrow keys 688-6910; arranging 687, 687, 709; cursor key origins 684-685; DEC research results 692-694; DEC terminals 6860; dual sets 697-699; early typewriter keys functioning as 713; evolution of 685-686; gamers and 922; IBM adopts 694; inverted T 692, 694-695, 709, 1178; Macintosh computers 683-684, 703, 709; programmers and 706; sequences of use 694; third-party keypads 704-7050; “unnatural acts” and 698; usage statistics 692; varying layouts 9230; Wheelwriter usage 886

Arrow typewriters 862

art, created by typing (artyping): ASCII art 1061-1064; Chromatic Typewriter 1103-1106, 11080; evolution of 10740; masters of 1059-1060, 10620; mazes 1046-1047, 1061-1064; Meyer’s KYBDslöjd 1075-1076, 10770; modern versions of 1075; mysteries 10550, 1059; Nelson’s Artyping 1055-1056; origins of 1055; popularity of 1056-1060; Robotron art 10680; on Sholes & Glidden 10720; Snoopy calendars 10690; teletype art 1060-1061

artificial intelligence (AI): ChatGPT-3 and -4 AI 1144, 1145; ELIZA program 1183-1187, 1185, 11860, 1187, 1192-1193; Halmak layout 190; small talk and 1193; Turing test 1185-1187; writing with 1144-1145, 1144

artificial languages 190, 191

artificially insane raconteurs 1185

artisanal keys 1086-1087, 10860, 10870, 1088-10890, 1090-10910, 12000, VOL 2 BACK ENDPAPERS0

artyping. See art, created by typing

Artyping (book) 1055-1056

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) 338-341, 1061-1064, 10730, 10740, 1075

ASCIICKER (game) 10730

Ascota accounting machine 2450

Asian keyboards and hand size 845

Asimov, Isaac 420, 518

ASK (American Simplified Keyboard) 181

assembly language 494

Associated Press 334

Aston 4 TV production keyboard 11600

Astrolokeys 1107-1112

astronauts. See space missions

astronomical typewriters 474

@ P key 3830, 1174

at sign and key (@) 59, 958, 1171-1177

Atari computers 687; Atari 130XE 10520; Atari 400 502, 519-520, 613, 752; Atari 800XL 10440, 1045-1048, 10500; Atari 2600 controllers 6280; Atari logo key 503; Atari ST 720, 8110, 8130; keyboards 5080, 717

ATASCII art 1075

Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal 283-284, 286

Atex system 809

Atlantic City Boardwalk 84

Atlas Computer and Rutherford Appleton Laboratories 3990

Atlas keyboards 10920

ATM machines 427, 1158

Atreus keyboards 1093, 1099

AT&T computers 7180

AT&T telephones and systems 238-241, 238, 2420, 984

auctions, keycap 1086

audio cassettes 448, 451, 613

Auerbach, David 1193

Austin, Denise 8030

Austin Adding Machine 2240

Australian Telecom 7660, 767-770, 799

authenticity, typewriting and 433-435

auto-flagellation 975

auto-repeat feature 416, 528

Auto Space key 1199

Auto-Typist Self-Operating Typewriter 4390, 459

AutoComplete, AutoCorrect, AutoFormat, AutoText (Word) 1136, 1139, 11400

Automatic Eraser Co. 11190

Automatic portable typewriters 858, 859, 859

Automatic Telegraph Company 42

automatic typewriters 4390, 4520, 4540. See also word processors

Automatypewriters 1106

autopens 437

Autosave features 941

Avid keycaps 7350

awards and medals 1150, 593, 629-631, 974, 10170

AZERTY layout 272, 2770, 5290, 9580. See also French typewriters and keyboards; de luxe version 958; deserves death 956; jamming 275; tell-tale signs 275; typebar clashes and 186


Babbage, Charles 363, 574, 813

baby names 406, 1206

backlights under keys 925, 937, 1088, 1096

\ key (backslash) 337, 733, 737, 960, 1178

Backspace key and backspacing: circular 978; ControlH combination 724, 1130, 1134, 1142; correcting keys and 1129-1130; destructive 1129, 1130; early typewriters 1116-1117, 1116-11170, 11180; energy to use 201; functions of 1179; international key legends 271; iPhone 998; ISO Backspace 833; popularity of 1130, 1134; symbols for 828, 830; teletypes 329-330, 332

Backus, John 378

Bajtek (magazine) 10740

Ball, Nita 1580

Balochistan 2830

Baltic computers 616

Bambi, A Life in the Woods (book) 470

Bancroft, William Sellers 2640

bandwidth 384, 389

Bang & Olufsen 631

Bank of England 560

Bank Street Writer 526

bankruptcy, Mark Twain and 265

banks 2310, 4140; calculators 2310; ::: key (Check Protector) 1152; correctable ribbons and 1129, 1129; German typo catastrophes 1196, 1197; keyboards for 6690, 677; maintenance costs 677; punch cards and 296, 297; Turkish 286; typed letters insult bankers 434; women in 560

banks of keys 49, 167

banned characters (Turkish) 285, 287-291

banned typewriters 283, 284

Banuelos, Joe 883, 889

Bar-Lock typewriters 50, 560, 58-59, 71, 581; Bar-Lock №4 3; Columbia Bar-Lock 5220

Barbie Model M keyboards 679

Barnes’ Complete Typewriting… (book) 108

Baron, Dennis 519

BASIC language 6360; learning 632-6330, 1066; mazes 1061-1064; novels written in 635; overlays for 6280; sample program 379; sheet music holders and 630; Wozniak and 498, 499; ZX Spectrum and 631

basket shift 62

BAT keyboard 10310

batch processing 363-364, 371, 376-377, 378

Bateman, Oliver Lee 911

Bates Torrey knee shifts 6960

batteries 323, 865

battleship keyboards 839

Baudôt, Jean-Maurice-Émile 324-326, 327, 328, 338-341, 343

Baudôt telegraphs 324-326, 3240, 3260

Bauhaus school of design 631

Baydemir, Osman 269, 287-291

BBC computers 502, 615-616; BBC Master 810; BBC Micro 616, 618, 8110, 8130

BCC (blind carbon copy) 155

Beacon, Mavis 907-913, 911, 9120

beam-spring keys 749-750, 7500, 752, 871, 1084

“beamhemoths” 1084

Beauchamp, Dominic 1091-1093

“Beep Repeatedly and Break Everything” 730

beer, keyboards and 743

beige era of computers 849-851

Belgian typewriters 275, 284, 2850

Bell key 332-333, 335-336, 337, 502

Bell Plus Adding Machine 2230

bells 23, 123, 1420, 1430, 222, 332-333, 335-336, 337

Bemer, Bob 807

Benghazi report 480

Bennett Typewriter 92-93

Bennington typewriter 713

BÉPO layout 190, 956-958, 956

Berkeley, Edmund 493

Berkeley Typewriter 883-885

Berry, Wendell 577-578

BESK computers 4220

BESM-1 computer 3730

“big-ass” Enter key 833, 833, 843, 848

Big Keys keyboard 8350, 1029-1032, 1033, 1034-10350

Bildschirmtext computers 5330

Bilofsky, Walt 908

BINAC computer 363, 364

binary, Wichary makes you do 497, 499

binding 755, 843

BIZMAC computer 365

Black, Edwin 313

Blackout key 1156

Black symbols, Mavis Beacon as 911-913

BlackBerry mobiles 9880; bemoaning demise of 890; BlackBerry Pearl 9900; BlackBerry Porsche Design 9950; CEO of disses iPhone 994; development of 987-989; final years 1005; manual 10070; name of 989

BlackBerry thumb 989

blank keyboards: Das Keyboard 426, 927-930, 9280, 935, 935; exported keyboards 828; HHKB 837-838, 9290, 930-932, 9330; learning to type and 110; stolen typewriters 462; typists unable to label 116-117; Wichary’s use of 115, 463

blank keys 272, 848, 849

Blankenbaker, John V. 493

Bletchley Park, U. K. 362, 1150

Blickensderfer, George C. 165-168, 1178

Blickensderfer typewriters 680; Blick 859; Blick Oriental 166; Blickensderfer Model 1 166; Blickensderfer Model 5 581; Blickensderfer Model 6 1690, 581; Blickensderfer Niagara typewriter 166; Blickensderfer №5 1670, 858; Blickensderfer Oriental 275; electric typewriters 201; patents 1780; Remington buys 168; repair prices 1680; Scientific layout 165-166, 1670, 1690, 172, 175, 1780, 257; slogans 78-79; Typewriter Row store 74

blind typing 28, 33, 70-71, 518, 529

blindfolded typing 60, 103, 107, 1140

blindness and visual impairment: Braille and 1025-1027, 1027; Braille Writer 1026, 10290; embossing typewriters 35; Hall’s invention 1025, 10280; large key legends 1032; Tellatouch keyboard 1039-1041, 10400; Writing Ball 199


blocking 757

Bloomberg, Michael 1171

Bloomberg keyboards: Bloomberg Terminal 1156-1158, 1171; Freeboard VOL 2 FRONT ENDPAPERS0

blu-tack 614

blue boxes 499

blue-collar workers 772. See also classism

blue screen of death 813, 815

BMW corporate office 4150

board chow 755

Bob’s Big Boy restaurant 377-378

Bodine adding machines 2070

Bohemian keyboards 1153

bold text 129, 254, 519

Bonus Bureau, Computing Division 2140

book interfaces for keyboards 9400

book readers 1158

book typewriters 148-1500, 2440

BookMac 11100, 1112

books 248, 249, 263, 1143-1144, 1158

Boom key 977

Borgholm Castle, Sweden 723

Borland Quattro Pro 736

Boss key 9210, 924

Boston Computer Society 502

Botnik Studios 1144

Bottle Deposit key 1158, 1171

Bova, Ben 1122

Bower, Raymond G. 1790

Bradley, Dave 698, 703, 810, 811, 1049

Braille, Louis 1025-1027, 1027

braille typewriters and keyboards: Braille Writer 1026, 10280; Braille’s invention 1025-1027; Hall’s invention 1025, 10280; similarities to teletypes 1027; Tellatouch 1039-1041, 10400; Writing Ball 199

Braun GmbH 631

Bravo word processor 520, 521

Brazilian computers 810

Brazilian terms for hunt-and-peck 270

Brazilian trips with typewriters 856

Brazilian typewriters 36

break commands 807-811, 8110, 8130

Bremerton Office Machine Company 900-9010, 902-903

British Broadcasting Corp. See BBC computers

British class boundaries rubbish 620, 620

British invasion of Iraq 480

British Ministry of Defense 480

British teletypes 3310

British typewriters and keyboards: closed captions 10220; demand for 618-620; early companies manufacturing 140; Enterprise 64 computers 808; inverted commas 127; Manchester Mark I computer 364; manufacturing 1590; ZX Spectrum (See under Sinclair computers)

British Typewriters (company) 462-463

Brooks, Byron A. 49, 75

Brooks typewriters 75

Brother Kitchen Assistant 5100

Brother typewriters 140; Brother Compactronic 889; Brother Correct-O-Ball XL-I 1129; Brother Correctronic 889

Brugger, Herbert 1790

BTC keyboard 6570

Buchanan, Robert 263

buckling springs: 1990s use 754; capacitive buckling springs 762; dental floss and 667; exploded view 7510; Model M 6620, 663-666, 677, 750; origins 666, 673; Unicomp and 761

Budapest, Hungary 3340

buddy lists 1189

buffers (word processors) 518

“bug splattered on windshield” key () 722

bugs: first keyboard bug 416-419; Optimus Maximus keyboard 977; predictive text and 1139, 1139; Selectric bug 4820, 483-485, 4830, 4850; Therac machines 806, 815-819, 821; Wichary’s Medium bug 941-943, 9430, 961-969

Buick Reatta keyboard 10000

Bulgarian keyboards 275, 284, 6800

Bull key punches 3040

“bunny ears” 127

Burlington Railroad 1950

Burmese typewriters 475

burn-in on screens 7180

“burn-in” periods 521

Burroughs calculators 227, 2360, 240-2410

Burroughs keyboards 6940

Burroughs typewriters 2070

Burstein, Max 1156

Burt, William 35, 400

Burt Typographer 400

Bush, George H. W. 5750

Bush, George W. 17, 290, 4780, 479-480

Bush, Vannevar 1009

businesses and offices. See office work

butterfly key () 722

butterfly key (Keyboardio) 1096

butterfly keyboards 875-876, 8760, 1093-1099

butterfly switches 757

buttons 23-24, 210-211, 236, 238-241

Byte computers 6250


C. M. (Charles Morrison?) 320, 321

C-10 language 575

C/O key 1156

cabbage (@) 1177

cable routing 747, 747

cables, keyboard 1102

cafés, word-processing 952, 9620

Cahill, Thaddeus 201, 203

calculators 2170, 2180, 2230, 2260; 1980s era 1164-11650; adding and subtracting typewriters 5960; bank usage 2310; better office records and 234; Comptometers 219-227, 2210, 306; Duodecillion machines 225; early versions of 2140, 217-227; exploding 610; Fireball calculators 11640; first augmented 217; first devices to evolve 227; first electronic (ANITA Mk VII) 229; functions added to 233; homemade 5090; Keeper project 630; keyboard-attached 11650; “keypad wars” 229; as leading to computers 233; manufacturers ignore layout tests 243; not common until 1970s/80s 243; phone layout vs. 241; pre-mechanical 216, 2160; Sinclair products 610-612; specialized for industries 227, 227; ten keys 227-233, 2280, 2360, 2370; testing 240-2410; trial balances and 234; typewriters, merged with 2450; watch calculators 610-612, 6110, 612; word processor calculations 531

calculators (people) 225-226, 227

Calibri font 481-482

Caligraphs. See American Writing Machine Co.

Callahan, Tyree 1103-1106

calluses 494, 501

cameras in keyboards 1159

Cancel key 1178

Cangjie characters 970

Canon Inc.

Canon Cat 525, 8820, 8910, 8940; as anthropophilic 894; computers do in 896-897; keyboard 894-896; naming 896, 897; prototype 11090; sales 896; “To type, just type” 894; user-friendliness 894

considers buying NeXT 896

CANS (RSI complaints) 798. See also RSI

Capacitance Activated Template (CAT) 456

capacitive buckling springs 762

capacitive glass 994

capacitive surfaces 981

capital letters. See uppercase letters

Capo, Fran 91

Capone, Al 208

Capote, Truman 537

Caps Lock key 154, 890; alternate names for 155; Das Keyboard sends packing 932; early PCs 503; as hated 154, 1179; as popular 1178; symbols for 830


carbon copies 1450, 155, 208, 208, 1117

carbon paper 18, 93, 136-138, 1026

Card, Stuart 394

card holders 141, 1450

CARDIAC system 365

carpal tunnel 770, 798. See also RSI

Carpalx software 1089

carriage returns. See also Return key: automatic 23, 33; daisy wheels and 448; early electric machines 210; energy created by 200; energy needed for 779; Selectric moves font ball instead 411; Sholes & Glidden 2, 370; speed competitions and 87; teletypes 328; timing 905; treadle-controlled 23, 33; word wrap and 527

cars, design of 631, 635

Carter’s ribbons 562

cartoon characters 910, 913-918, 9140

cases, iPad 709

cases, typewriter 864, 864-8650

cash-register-like keyboards 502, 520

cash registers 85, 880, 227, 2330, 754, 1156

Casio Darwin G-900ST Japanese 9570

cassette memory 448, 451, 613

Castle Typing program 913

castles 723

CAT (Capacitance Activated Template) 456

cathode ray tubes 867

CBS Broadcasting, Inc.: 1952 elections 3580, 359-360, 366-371; Bush memos 4780, 479-480; Kennedy assassination 337; laser eraser segment 1123

CC (carbon copy) 155. See also carbon copies

CD players in keyboards 11110

CDC 6500 supercomputer 3870

CDC 6600 supercomputer 493

cellphones. See also specific brands: accessibility settings 1039; Android 63, 241, 1004; BlackBerrys (See BlackBerry mobiles); early keypads 9860, 9870; emoji 1068-1073, 10710; input method editors (IMEs) 986; iPhone (See Apple iPhone); keyboards attached to 9860; keypad inconsistencies 241; multiple letters per key 984, 9850; PDAs (See specific PDAs); physical keyboards 989; predictive text and 1004; Shift layout 63; smartphones 989; texting on early phones 984-986; thumbs and typing 1004; typing on early phones 984; typing speed 986, 1004

Cembalo Scrivano 35, 410

Censor key 1002

censorship 1002, 1142, 1143

Census (U. S.) 294-301, 3020

Centennial Exposition 1888, 45

centering text 141, 442, 518, 527

Central Computing Comp-Time MegaSystems 379

cerebral palsy 1032, 1038, 10380, 1059-1060

chair-mounted keyboards 786

Chambers, Whittaker 470-473, 4720, 476-477

Champion Eastern Altitudenous Coronatypist 856

Chancellor typewriters 534

Chaplin, Charlie 6520, 656

characters. See also languages and orthographies; special characters and symbols; specific languages: adding with second keyboard 152-1530; ASCII 338-341; banned in Turkish 285, 287-291; character widths 442; features lost in typewriter fonts 126-131; letter widths 126; missing on typewriters 127-129; monospaced fonts 126-127, 156, 413, 950, 1197, 11980; overtyping (See overtyping characters); proportional fonts 438-442, 7320; scraping off pieces of letters 130; specialized symbols, swapping in 146; Unicode 341; wear compensators and 419

Chariton Courier 10740

Charles, King of England 1057-1059

charts (force curves) 758-760, 7580, 7600, 7610

Chat key 1163

chat programs: adding new languages 1194; chatroom systems 1189; first 1188-1189; as second most used program 1207; shorthand for 1192; “someone is typing” messages 1189, 1193

ChatGPT-3 and -4 AI 1144, 1145

Chatpad add-ons 11900

chatroom systems 1189

chattering 755

::: key (Check Protector) 1152

checkerboard keyboards 9260

chemistry, keyboards for 1153, 1171

Cherry Electric: 1990s era 754; 2008 buy-out 925; Cherry MX Blue 7580; Cherry MX Clear 765; coveted red keys 934, 9360; current production lines 761; Das Keyboard and 928, 929; early switches 751, 7640, 765; fading star of 762, 763; first key and switch customizations 389; gaming devices 925, 935; in Keyboard Canyon 648; keyboards 924-925; mounts 752, 753

The Chessmaster 2000 908, 9110

Chicago Daily Tribune 346

“Chicago typewriters” 208

chiclet keys 651-652, 6540, 656, 753, 870, 877-878

child-proof keyboards 502, 509, 753

childbearing, women’s work and 565

children: animal pictures on keys 110, 1160; child-proof keyboards 502, 509, 753, 1034-10350, 10360; computers and 509, 532-5330, 540-5410; Sholes on 774; typing before school-age 117; typing programs for 908-913, 911, 9120, 913-919

Chinese computers 3470

Chinese language: characters 345, 348, 351, 943; computerizing 3470; dialects 345; logograms 345-346, 351; numbers speaking 345; proposed reforms 352, 355, 944; radicals, dividing into 346-347; Zhuyin 350

Chinese print history 249, 345-346

Chinese typewriters and keyboards 2890, 3440, 3480, 3490, 3540, 3560; American manufacturers’ Zhuyin 350; “common usage” characters 348; competing with print industry 350; customizing characters 355-356, 357; Double Pigeon typewriter 355-357; early ridicule of 346, 3460, 357; iPhone offerings 999, 1002; issues with 349; Japanese imports 945; Ming Kwai (明快) 350-355; Mustard keyboards 1153; Qi Xuan’s failed 350; QWERTY and 970; radicals and 346-347; restricted use of 352; speed competitions 355; training for 349; tray typewriters 347-349

chips 384, 629

chirographers 36

chording keyboards 1030-10310, 10430; braille and 1025-1027; early telegraph keyboards 324; Engelbart’s 1010-1013, 1012, 10130; first portable typewriter 1021; IBM research 1112-1113; keyboard shortcuts and 713; keyboard size 1019; Microwriter 6030, 1021-1024, 10240, 10250, 1026-10270; one-handed keyboards 1029, 1029; stenotypes 1013-1019

Christie, Agatha 863

Christmas lights 368, 401

Chromatic Typewriter 1103-1106, 11080

Chromebooks 8110, 8130

“chubi” 1142

Churchill, Winston 151, 441, 1150

chuzografía (poke-o-graphy) 270

Cincinnati, Ohio 440, 45, 49

Ciresi, Mike 482

cKeys non-profit 1107

classism 620, 620, 772, 801

“clean room” techniques 647

cleaning typewriters. See repairing and restoring typewriters

Clear key 215, 233

clear typewriters 8880, 8890

Clear2048 keycaps VOL 2 BACK ENDPAPERS0

Clemens, Orion 1079

Clemens, Samuel. See Twain, Mark

Clemens, Susan 10780, 1079

Clephane, James 29, 42, 249

Clicky Keyboards 6720, 675-676

clicky keys and switches 751, 761, 929

Clinton, Hillary 1142

Clinton, William Jefferson 17

Clippy 910, 1184

clones 622-627, 629, 647-648, 677, 761

closed captions 10220, 10230, 1028

Cloudflare outage 1196

cloverleaf key () 722

clubs 497-498, 499, 499, 511. See also meet-ups and type-ins

CNC machine keyboards 1176-11770

Code key 1178

Coffee key 1159

coil springs 748

coin-operated typewriters 5360

Colani, Luigi 779

cold milk, hot computers and 614

Coleco Adam computer 716

Colemak layout 190, 9390, 1089

collators 377

Collingwood, Charles 3580, 360, 368-370

Collins, Samuel 1780

Colonial keyboards 1153

colonialism 282, 350

color-coded keys 110, 1170, 222, 630-631

colors, typing in 1103-1106, 11080. See also art, created by typing

colors of computers and keyboards 845, 849-851, 851, 8530, 872, 1102

Colossus (computer) 362

Columbia typewriters and computers 438, 647; Columbia 2 Typewriter 770; Columbia Bar-Lock 5220

.com key 998

Comanche 4 overlay 7240

combat wounds, Coronas 858

comet erasers 1117, 1118, 11190

Comfort keyboards 7910

Comic Sans 10360, 10370, 1106, 11080, 1176-11770

key (Command) 722

command line interface: bandwidth and 384; break/reset commands 8110, 8130; legacy 401; new users and 384; origins of 379; prompts 684; Unix commands 385; using 684-685

“commercial at” (@) 59, 958, 1171-1177

Commercial typewriters 680

Committee of Ten Million… 984

Commodore computers

arrow keys 687

buses loaded with 540-5410

Commodore 64 5070, 5320, 8160, 10770, VOL 2 FRONT ENDPAPERS0; BASIC programs 1066; Dickinson on 631; function keys 717; keyboard shortcuts 8110, 8130; Meyers’ art and 1075-1076

Commodore 128 703, 10520

Commodore Amiga 635, 720

Commodore Executive 64 8800

Commodore PET 502, 508, 520, 10530

Commodore SX-64 portable 867, 869

Commodore VIC-20 10520, 74030

as forgotten 687

keyboard overlays 7360

Model M cloned keyboard 9380

sex and 869

common sense thrown out windows 881

communications: “accelerating the alphabet” 36; AI and (See artificial intelligence); Apple’s seven powers 508; chat (See chat programs); with computers (See human-computer interactions); computers become tool for 509; correspondence (See correspondence); decrypting 362; dehumanization of numbers and 984; with dolphins 742; email 482, 1171-1177, 1188, 1195, 1207; home computers and 509; Morse’s tragic need for 320; non-verbal 1065, 1187 (See also emoji; emoticons); people with disabilities and (See accessibility); telegraphs and 323, 324, 326; telephones (See telephones); teletypes (See teletypes); television (See television); texting (See texting)

Communism and communists: Chinese restrictions on typewriters 352; Chinese typists’ customizations 357; cloned computers and 622; computer clone names 626; “down with…!” 4690, 469; Endfield fingered as 1020; Hiss case 470-477, 4730, 4750; Japanese imports and China 945; limited computers due to 622; Polish keyboards and 963; Tytell accused of aiding 475

Communist People’s Republic of China 352

“compact” keyboards 837

Compaq computers 647, 695, 8690

Compasso d’Oro award 593

compatibility 698, 702, 703

Compis computers 809

“complete” keyboards 58

composition, print 248-249, 251-253, 2530

Comptometer machines 5570; Comptometer Educator 9170; Hollerith differs from 306; key layout 220, 2210; Model E 2210; number arrangements on 243; origins and design 219-227; practice keyboards 225, 9170; “woodies” 220

Compucolor II computer 1048

Computer History Museum 314, 489

computer keyboards. See keyboards

computer typewriters 887

computers. See also specific brands

accessibility of (See accessibility)

AI (See artificial intelligence)

Baudôt’s legacy 338-341

communicating with (See communications)

computer literacy 615-616, 1196

computer-written books 1143-1144

debugging 575

defining 362

electricity as brain 423-424

Engelbart’s influence on 1009

evolution: anthropophilic 892-893, 894; calculators become 233; command line, origins 379; early bandwidth 384; early numbers of 371; early word processors (See word processors); first computers 359-360, 362-364, 371-377, 372-3730, 372-3750; first programming languages 377; first spell checkers 1134; home computers 394, 531, 571 (See also personal computers); single-tasking 376-377; before software 363-364; terminals (See terminals); transistors 377, 610, 866. 610n; vacuum tubes 363

fears of damaging 261, 516, 542, 1196

female programmers 574-575

hobbyists and (See hobbyists)

human behavior of 910, 1184, 1185

human-computer interaction (See human-computer interactions)

input (See also keyboards); first, issues 364; key punch cards 364, 376; stenotyping machines 1018, 1027; tape 364, 1018; teletypes attached to 378, 382-384, 3830, 384; terminals (See terminals); typewriters attached to 377, 422-425, 4220, 424, 4240, 4250, 4270, 428-4290

mainframes 384-385, 815, 815, 8540, 865 (See also specific mainframes)

mechanical 362, 3620

military uses of (See military typewriters and keyboards)

mini- and microcomputers 384 (See also personal computers; specific brands)

monitoring and keylogging 487

moving 8540, 865

personal computers (See personal computers; specific brands)

programmable or universal 362

repairing 6720, 675-676, 8040, 851, 890, 1102

spreadsheets as killer app (See spreadsheets)

supercomputers 384, 3870, 493

time-sharing 365-366, 371, 377-382

Turing test 1185-1187

word processors (See word processors)

computers (people) 227

Computing-Tabulating–Recording Company 301, 658. See also IBM

concrete keyboards 11110, 1206

concrete poetry 1060

condom manufacturers, keyboards and 631

Condon, Richard 519

Consul keyboards 9650

Contact (movie) 787

control characters 343

Control Data 687

Control key: Apple and 722; early home computers and 502-503; first 343, 382; functions of 1179; programmers and 1178; teletype legacy 341; terminals and 389; Wichary discovers 1046; Windows and 724

ControlAltDelete 810-811, 812, 8130, 890

ControlF combination 737-738

ControlH combination 724, 1130, 1134, 1142

ControlS combination 539, 941, 942, 943, 969

Cooke, William 321-322, 1137

cooker-dial manufacturers 631

“cool,” keyboards Wichary feels are 463

Cooper, Leon 445, 459

copy holders 1440, 1450

copy machines 1158

copyright law 963

Corona typewriters (later Smith-Corona) 8780; Champion Eastern Altitudenous Coronatypist 856; Corona 3 portable 167, 856-858, 8560, 8580, 8590, 860-861, 862; durability of 856-858; forensic evidence and 467; Fox lawsuit 864; living interesting lives 856-858; movie career of 859; slogans for 856; Standard Folding Type-Bar Visible Typewriter 861; war-time service 856-858, 8600, 861-862; World War II end of 863

Corr key 317

correction fluids 1118, 1118, 11190, 11200, 1121

Correction key: non-Selectric correction keys 1129-1130, 11350; Selectric 1126, 1127, 1128, 11330

correction paper, pens, tape 11190, 1120

correspondence. See also modern forms of (i.e., texting, email, etc.): facsimile letters 4360; love letters 4350; peevish letters 898; poison emails 482; “the poison typewriter” 463-465, 4650; preference for handwriting 433-434; typed as impersonal 437; typed becomes standard 433-434

Corsair keyboards 925

cortical homunculus and 12060, 1207

Cosby, Bill 656

“cosmic latte” 851

Cosmopolitan Shorthand (magazine) 105

costs: American texting fees 989; Apple I 499, 501; Apple II 502; coveted red Esc keys 934, 9360; early computer keyboards 932; early machine time 364-366, 382; FingerWorks purchase price 983; HP 9825 630; IBM 5100 as… reasonable 866-867; IBM PCjr 648; IBM Selectric 420; laser erasers 1123; Model F keyboards 651; most expensive keyboards 932; Optimus Maximus keyboards 977; personal computers 536; rubber membrane keyboards 753-754; typewriters 536, 537; typists, hiring 115; Videotype 451; ZX Spectrum 629, 632

Cough key 1158, 1171

counterculture 497

counterfeiting. See questioned documents

Courier Executerm terminals 11580

Courier font 129-130

court reporters 29, 249, 5990, 10220, 10230. See also lawsuits; shorthand, stenotype machines

Courturier, Lucile 10580

Cover-It 1121

Covert key 8190

Cox, Ray 816-818

CP/M operating system 637, 639-640

CPT 8100 451

CPT keyboards the color of dust 851

crackberrys 987

Crandall, Lucien S. 49, 75

Crandall typewriters 680; appearance 50, 581; Crandall New Model 5820; curved keyboards 71, 776; non-QWERTY layout 172, 5820, 11090; portable 11090; proportional fonts 438; slogans 79; Typewriter row shop 69-70

crashing machines: airplanes 819; autosave and 941; BlackBerrys 989; ControlAltDelete 810-811, 812, 8130, 890; error messages and 811-813; IBM word processors 516; Save functionality 539; Zinsser’s horror 516

Cray computers 8140

Crayola keyboard 10360

creeks, typewriters dumped in 461

Crichton, Michael 545

crimes and theft: Alger Hiss’s case 470-474, 475-477; American typewriter theft 82-83, 462; British Typewriters’ office 462-463; counterfeited receipts 468-469; ditching typewriters 462; forensic experts (See forensic typewriter experts); forged typewriters 474, 475-477; forgeries (See questioned documents); Hemingway manuscript theft 863, 863; keyboards as dangerous 485-487; keylogging/monitoring 4860, 487, 4870; Pakistani Panama papers case 481-482; piracy 622, 963, 967; poison emails 482; “the poison typewriter” 463-465, 4650; Selectric as most stolen item 420; Sherlock Holmes and typewriters 468; Sholes accuses Densmore of theft 97-99; stupid criminals 462-463; typewriters 82-83, 462; W key in Turkey 269; watery ends for typewriters 461, 462

Croatian computers 9640

Cronkite, Walter 337, 3580, 359-360, 3610, 11140, 1123

crowdfunding 934

crowding 419, 1120

cryptographic keys 8190

CTS (carpal tunnel) 770, 798. See also RSI

Cubic font 130

Culler-Fried On-Line System 3870, VOL 2 FRONT COVER0

Cupertino effect 1137-1138, 1139

currency 227, 297, 356, 958, 1150-1151

Current, Richard N. 30

Curry, Chris 616

cursive writing 438, 438

cursor keys 685. See also arrow keys

cursors: cursor keys 685; destructive and non-destructive 518; dipped in acid 519; first onscreen 493; mouse pointers 696; moving (See arrow keys; joysticks; mouse devices; trackpads); word processors 456-457, 518, 519

curved keys 826, 845, 848

cushioned keys 9340

“cushioned” typing 151

customizing calculators 227, 227, 5090

customizing devices and keyboards

home computers (See hobbyists)

keyboards: 3D printing 1091; checkerboards 9260; designing new 1090-1093; homemade 5080; industry-specific 1153-1158; keycaps 1084-1087; lights and sounds 389, 1088; mechanical 1084-1087; Model M 679; programming 1095; recreating 1099-1101; software 1087-1090; switches 762, 1087

Linotype character sets 254

teletypes 328

typewriters: Chinese 355, 357; crosses and bones 475; font balls 413; hieroglyphics 474-475; language modifications 1410, 146, 270-274, 474; music 474; planets and stars 474; QWERTY modifications 274-283; recreating 475-477; repainting 1083; Sears kits 140-1410; specialized symbols 146; swapping typebars 141-146, 1450; types of customizations 1082-1083

Cute Keyboard Club 1107

cyclone (@) 1177

CyKey machines 1024

cylindrical keys 826

Cyrillic text 2780, 959-960, 971

Czech computers and keyboards 502, 629, 967, 1153

Czech typewriters 271


D key 922

Dactyl keyboards 1093

daisy wheels and wedges 887; arrow keys 685; Blickensderfer’s daisy wheels 166; as maligned 953; Olivetti ETV250 8970; as only current typewriters 899; repairing 889; Sholes considers 24, 25; as transitional 887-892; Wheelwriters 8270, 8840, 885-887, 8870; Xerox 800 448-449

Dalton Adding Machine 2260

Damn You Auto Correct site 1139

Danger phones 989

Danish computers and keyboards 954, 10510

Danish typewriters 127, 272, 357

Daresbury Laboratory, U. K. 3810

Darr, Jimmy 338

Dart typewriters 760

Dartmouth Time-Sharing System 379, 1188

Das Keyboard 426, 927-930, 9280, 935, 935

dash characters 254, 441

Dasher D400 terminal 3980

data processing 6000; calculators (See calculators); census data 294-301; computer-like machines 377; computers shift to communication 509; computers take over 313; key punches (See key punch machines and punch cards); mainframes 384-385, 815, 815, 8540, 865; tabulators 124, 1260, 1270, 298-299, 3000, 301, 306

databases 463, 531, 675, 676, 706, 741, 933, 1102

Datadesk keyboards: Datadesk LittleFingers 845, 1034-10350; Datadesk Switchboard 8490; Model F alternative 647

DataHand keyboards 786-787, 7890, 798, 1094, 1099

Datamancer keyboards 1103

Daugherty Visible typewriters 730, 96

David, Paul 181-182

David Lynch Teaches Typing program 9150

Davies, Margery 556

Day, Jeremiah 319

Dayton, Sky 994

dBase 706

DCS (DIN Cylindrical Sculpted) 848, 849

De Azevedo, Francisco Juão 36

de-jam keys 813-815, 8180, 8200

“dead cockroach” fix (Sinclair) 618

Dead Heat key 1158, 1171

dead keys: exported typewriters 275; international keyboards 2680, 272, 274, 275, 281-285, 288-2890, 347, 956; iPhone keyboard 998; legacy 155, 644; overtyped letters and 141; typing special characters with 272

deafness and hearing impairment 197, 259, 1028-1029, 10290

Dealey, William 173-176, 177

deaths, user interfaces and 806

debouncing 755

debugging programs 575

DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation) 687-695, 695

DEC glass teletypes 692

DEC PDP computers 692, 692

DEC terminals and keyboards 385, 6860, 692-694; DEC VAX 629; DEC VT-52 692; DEC VT-100 692; DEC VT-220 6930, 694-695, 793

DEC word processors 4880

decimal tabulators 124, 1260, 1270

decoupling keys from output: electricity and 211-213; IMEs 947-952, 9500, 971, 986; Ming Kwai typewriter 351, 357; Selectric and 485, 745

“Defender wrist” 773

Degan Publishing Company of Chicago 1140

dehumanization and alienation: full-number phone numbers and 984; punch cards and 312; RSI and 771, 773; typing pools 572

Deighton, Len 459

delays, key press and results 412, 413

Delete key 456, 459, 810-811, 812, 8130, 830, 890

“delete with force and fury” 809

Dell computers 647

Dene keyboards 1002

Dennerlein, Jack 807

Densmore, Amos 76, 79, 99

Densmore, Emmett 76, 79

Densmore, James 250, 26-27, 35

anger in letters 1203

collaborative success with Sholes 37, 42

Densmore typewriters 11180

first typewriter store 43, 67, 680, 79

markets machine to telegraphers 171

money worries of 99

in Remington negotiations 30-32, 320

royalties 32

Sholes accuses of theft 97-99

Sholes is angry with 97-99

Sholes’ letters to 27-28

Sholes’ personality and 26-27

testing typewriters 28-29

typewriter design: first Sholes & Glidden Type-Writer 25-35; manufacturing issues and 29-30; promoting Shift 93; spacebar design and 1202; standardizing keyboards 117; underscore characters and 5460; upper- and lowercase insistence 48-49

Wichary wishes to talk with 1203-1206

dental floss 667

Design Council Awards 629-631

Design Museum, London 586

Deskthority site 741, 933, 1102

desktop publishing 739

destructive Backspace 1129, 1130

destructive cursors 518

detectives 83

detenting (Selectric issue) 419

Deutsche Marks 1151

DHIATENSOR keyboard (Scientific) 165-166, 1670, 1690, 172, 175, 1780, 257

dialog boxes 811-813

dials. See rotary dials

Diamond, Jared 183

Dickerson, Richard E. 187

Dickinson, Rick 614, 629-635, 902

dictaphones 569

dictation 1207

dictators 51

dictionaries 982, 995, 1017, 1134, 1136

Didion, Joan 536-537

die-injection molding 1091

Diehl Alphatronic computer 5050

Difference Engine №2 8120, 813

Digital Equipment Corporation. See DEC

Digital Research 637-640, 658

digital-to-analog converters 424

digits 216. See also number keys

dimples (nubs, anchors) 110, 111, 1180, 223, 656, 793, 8080, 990

DIN standards 8420, 844, 845, 848, 849

dirt and dust 842, 843, 903

disconnecting keystrokes and output. See decoupling keys from output

discrete-mechanism keyboards 1084

dishwashers, keyboards and 677

diskettes 4540, 521-525, 543, 967

Disney’s Adventures in Typing program 914

DiSplay and KeYboard interface (DSKY) 11460, 1147-1149, 1149, 1150, 1150, 1178

display typewriters 886

displays. See screens

distributing type 248, 251

divorce attorneys 1156

“do not fold, spindle, or mutilate” 311, 312

Doctor Who (show) 1171

doctors 270, 771, 797-798, 925

documents: correspondence (See correspondence); forgeries (See questioned documents); “track changes” and 480-481

dogs (animals) 204-205

dogs (parts) 251, 416

Dolch computers 1084

Dollar typewriters 71

Dolph, Fred A. 9700

Don’t Care key 11570, 1158

Don’t Know key 1158

Doolittle, Eliza 1185

Doom (game) 924

doorstops, early computers as 633, 635

double injection molding 827

double keyboards 50, 520, 57, 58-59, 152-1530, 969

Double Pigeon typewriter 355-357

double-shot injection keys 8280, 8290

Down, Paige 913

Doyle, Arthur Conan 468

Dr. Dobb’s Journal of Computer Calisthenics & Orthodontia (magazine) 497

Dragon’s Lair (game) 920

Dreyfuss, Henry 581

dropping computers 893

drum typewriters 9460

drunken brawls, typewriters and 862, 863

DSA Magic Girl keycaps 1107

DSK. See Dvorak keyboards

DSKY interface 11460, 1147-1149, 1149, 1150, 1150, 1178

dual keyboards 50, 520, 57, 58-59, 152-1530, 969

dual Shift machines. See Shift key; Shift Wars

dumb phones 989

dumb quotes 129

dumb terminals 389

duochrome ribbons 129, 1440, 1450, 413

Duodecillion machine 225

Duplex typewriters 50-51

duplication: carbon copy attachments 1450, 155; carbon paper 18, 93, 136-138, 1026; early methods of 136-138, 1370; facsimile letters 4360; impression strength 1430; mass mailings (See mass mailings); printing and Linotypes and 262-264; typewriters and 262, 264

Dura Mach 10 4260

dust-colored keyboards 851

Dutch typewriters and keyboards 540-5410, 6930; Aesthedes 2 computer 1172-11730; currency symbol 1156; monkey’s tail (@) 1177, 1177; Philips VG 5000 520; “poking” 269; symbols and special characters 273; Velotype stenotyping 10300; word processors 5170

Dvorak, August 1640, 9060; “Dvorak hands” 183-1840; finger movements 174, 188; key transitions 695; keyboard design 172-181 (See also Dvorak keyboards); later interests 181; Naval studies and tests 176, 180, 181, 909; one-handed typewriters 474, 1029; on QWERTY 180, 1178; teaches typing 909; Typewriting Behavior (book) 119, 173-174; Wichary imagines discussions with 193

Dvorak, John C. 673

Dvorak keyboards (Dvorak-Dealey Simplified) 1740, 1770; 1944 and 1956 studies 176-180, 181, 182-184, 193, 909; ANSI X4.22 standard 845; Apple switch for 8530; Carpalx testing 1089; computer keyboards and 181; Datadesk Switchboard 8490; destruction of study data 177; development of 173-176; DSK Noiseless 180; “Dvorak hands” 183-1840; eternal question of best layout 187-190; Fenton and 907; heat maps of usage 1860; patent 1780; praise for 176; Russian keyboards and 961; as sabotaged 168; TouchStream version 980-9810; TRON TK1 version 782, 7830, 953; typing speeds on 175-176; Wichary’s Royal 157, 1570

Dvorak on Typing program 913, 9150

Dynabook 1112


E. Remington & Sons. See Remington typewriters

e-ink keyboards 9930

EACA PMC-80 computer 716

Eagle Computer 640

“an eagle search system” 270

Eames, Charles 629

earplugs 929, 932

🌐︎ key (Earth or Globe) 725

Eastern Bloc countries 622-627, 963, 969. See also specific countries

EasyWriter word processor 527

Eberhard Faber Co. 11190

Ebert, Roger 1038

Eckert, J. Presper 3610

economy: American in 1870s 42, 43; Eastern Bloc countries 622, 963; Great Depression 594, 1151-1152, 1156; Long Depression 560; South America 622; Soviet Union 622, 629; United Kingdom 620, 622; women’s participation 552, 560, 577

Edgewood College, Wisconsin 6600

Edison, Thomas 42, 204-205, 265, 569

Edison Electric Light 211

EDVAC computer 365

effective apm (actions per minute) 921

Eigner, Larry 1038

Eisenhower, Dwight 3580, 360

elections 359-360, 366-371, 401

electric erasers 1120

Electric Paper word processor 525

Electric Pencil word processor 537

electric shocks, as telegraphs 321

electric typewriters. See typewriters (electromechanical machines)

electricity: adoption of 200; backup supplies for typewriters 208; computer vs. typewriter use 423-424, 779; dangers of 201; decouples keystroke and result 211-213; as muscle 423-424, 778, 779; warnings about 211

Electromagnetica Jet computer 623

Electromatic typewriters 1250, 203, 204-2050, 210, 310, 1178

electromechanical typewriters. See typewriters (electromechanical machines)

“electronic sweatshops” 571-572

electronic typewriters 886

electronics 362, 423, 448-449

electrostatic discharge guns 742

Elektronika 15IE-00-013 7020

Elektronika BK0010 9600

Elias, John 978-983

ELIZA program 1183-1187, 1185, 11860, 1187, 1192-1193

Elkin, Stanley 1038

Elwro 800jr computer 623, 9670

em space key 12000

Emacs text editor 728-732, 932

email 482, 1171-1177, 1188, 1195, 1207

emancipation, women’s 551-552, 577, 579

“Emancipation” (drawing) 5500, 552, 554

embarrassments: apologizing for predictive text 1196; odd spell check substitutions 1137-1138

embossed typing 1025. See also braille typewriters

emoji 10710; bastardization of language and 1193; development of 1068-1073; iPhone 1002; keys for 11950; meanings 1070, 1192; messaging apps 1192

emoticons 23, 1065-1067, 10650, 10670, 1070, 1070, 1188-1192

encryption 166, 199, 362, 679, 8190, 839, 1149-1150, 11610

End key 516

Endfield, Cy 1020, 1021, 1024

energy: Backspace key and 201; carriage returns and 200, 779; laser erasers and 1123; typing and 200

Engelbart, Doug: demonstration 10080, 1009-1013, 10130; legacy of 1038; mouse devices 696

England, Jesse 1106, 11080

English language 1134, 1206

Enhance key 11570

ENIAC 362-363, 364, 365, 3720, 575

Enigma machine 839, 1149-1150

enikeyshchik (anykeyer) 1162

enslaved people 294

Enter key: ANSI 833; “big-ass” and friends 833, 833, 843, 848; ergonomics and 833; examples of 834-8350; first 395; indicating user’s region 833; size of 1178; stabilizing 843; TIE 849; word processors 457

Enterprise 64 computers 808

Enterprise 128 computers 5270

envelope holders 141, 1450

envelopes, gummed 435

Epson Business Full Keyboard 8480, 8500

Epson HX-20 computer 1048

Eraser Stik 11190, 1121

erasers: correction keys 1126-1130, 11330, 11350; early crumbly 1117-1118, 1118, 11190; electric 1120; eraser shields 1118; laser erasers 11140, 1115-1116, 1117, 1121-1126, 11240, 11250, 1129

ereaders 1158

ErgoDox keyboards 1091-1093, 10940, 10950

ErgoMotion keyboard 796

ergonomics and human factors. See also RSI: arrow keys 692; Baudôt’s telegraph 337; calculator keys 243; chair-mounted keyboards 786; comparing keyboards 8470; continuing experiments 795-796; Crandall typewriters 71; curved and uncurved keyboards 776; designing for 1094; Dvorak and 174, 188; electricity and 778, 779; exercises for typists 802-8030; “finger shredders” 494; finger size and reach 783, 785; Fitts’s law 833, 925; glare 825, 826; improvements in 800-801; key punch machines 795; key-result delays 412, 413; keyboard caveats 789; keyboards not adopted widely 787-793; Model F keyboards 644, 646; modern keyboard features 792-794; over-hard key presses 757; QWERTY and 168, 394; rotated keyboards 785-786; RSI and (See RSI); scrivener’s palsy 106, 107, 773, 799; Selectric keyboards 426; Sholes & Glidden typewriter 775-776; short-lived victories of 969; split keyboards (See split keyboards); split spacebars 103, 1199; standards 800; terminal use 394, 395-396; terminals and 396; tilting keyboards 784-787; Typewriting Behavior (book) 173; work station focus 794; wrist rests 7660, 793, 793; zero-force typing 978-980

Erika typewriters 140, 534, 862, 8650

Ermita, Brandon 6720, 675-676, 677, 680

Error Control key 11210

error messages: crashing computers 811-813; diskette-related 524-525; early computer alerts 366; as emotional 819; terminals 396; Therac machines 806, 815-819, 821; as unkind 1196; word processors 516, 526, 539, 5440

errors. See typos

Esc key: Canon Cat lacks 896; coveted red keys 934-935, 9360; dating keyboards and computers 819-821; functions of 1179; history of 807-811; prototypes 815; removing 709; Touch Bar outrage and 806-807, 821

#escapegate 807, 821

escapements 23-24, 200, 201

Eskimo typewriters 281, 2880

Esperanto 191, 357, 1002, 1153, 1178

Espinosa, Chris 706

espionage: accusations of 472-473; Hiss case 470-477, 4730, 4750; Selectric bug 4820, 483-485, 4830, 4850, 485; U. S. efforts 485

Esslinger, Hartmut 849, 851, 1112

Estridge, Don 638-640, 646, 656

etaoinshrdlu 265-267, 2660, 267, 913, 914, 1003

Eureka typewriters 534

Euro symbol (€) 958, 959

European hand size 845

European pictograms 830

Europlus Apple II 5000

Evans & Sutherland PS 300 computer 10040

Eve, Alice 4140

Everest calculators 2350

Excel (Microsoft) 703, 7250, 733, 737

Excelsior Script and Typewriting Machine Company 438

executives, bosses and managers: begin using personal computers 574; begin using word processors 571-574; dealing with 566-569; feminism and fun 574; “future lady executives” 565; ill temperaments of 566; lipstick marks and 562; pet peeves of 569; secretaries’ marriages and 562-565; sexual harassment 558-560, 562; typing pool relations 572; women blocked from becoming 556; women’s work hidden from 569-570

Executron Correct-O-Riter 1129

exercises 763, 8020, 8030

Exidy computers 502, 810

Exp key 1127

Explain key 896

exploding calculators 610

exports and imports: British exported computers 618, 620-622; British imports of computers 614; China imports Japanese typewriters 945; Communist import restrictions 618; exports and imports 167, 274-282, 283; few U. S. imports of early typewriters 74; HHKB keyboards 932; Japanese imports of computers 952; Polish computer assemblers 963; Turkish laws slow imports 284; U. S. exported computers and typewriters 167, 274-282, 283, 614; used U. S. computers 959

Exxon 500 word processor 526

Exxon Qyx and Qwip word processors 446-4470

eyestrain 395, 518


Caps Lock key 110, 656, 673, 737-738, 793

F keyboard (Turkish) 284-285, 2900, 291, 959

F11 key 673

F12 key 673

Facit Facitronic 889

Factor S keyboard 3860

Fahlman, Scott 1066-1067, 1070

Fairchild Semiconductor 733

Fairchild typesetting machines 6010

fairytale typewriters 1145

Fantoni, Carolina 136-138, 554

Farsi typewriters 474

fast food, computer evolution and 377

“Fast Save” feature (Word) 1130

Faux Cyrillic 971

fax machines 326

Fay-Sho (Fay-Sholes) 76

FBI. See U. S. Federal Bureau of Investigation

fear and terror: Communism 472; computers and unemployment 620; damaging computers 261, 516, 542, 1196; electric typewriters 204; folding, spindling, mutilating 311; graphoideophrenoia 464; IBM-caused 307; Linotypes (justifiably) 259; personal computers 506, 516; pressing wrong key 516, 520; RSI and 771, 797; Wichary’s fear of dementia 119; Zinsser’s crash 516, 542

featurephones. See cellphones; specific brands

feet, keyboard 151, 644, 652, 747, 841

Feit, Anna Maria 958

Felt, Dorr 219-220, 225, 227, 243

feminist, Sholes as 552. See also sexism; women

Fenner SPC-800 computer 1048-10490

Fenton, Lenore 9040, 9060, 9070; as “bad-ass” golfer 937; as “baddest-ass” typist 905-907; Dvorak’s Navy tests 909; Mavis Beacon and 909; on pinkies 918; precision 924; StarCraft players and 922; Wichary wishes to chat with 937

Fialka machines 11610

fictitious people 908-913, 911, 9120

Figueres Museu de la Tècnica 1-11, 30, 4-90, 120, 12080

Filco keyboards 924

filler text (nonsense text): “Amaranth sasesusos…” 135; “The boy stood on the burning deck” 77, 1021 (hieroglyphs); etaoinshrdlu 265-267, 2660, 267, 913, 914, 1003; NnNnNnNn filler text 135, 5120; “Now is the time for all good men…” 111, 117, 135; “The quick brown fox…” 111, 135, 886, 1082; Stapenell’s favorite 135; T-Y-P-E-W-R-I-T-E-R 43, 168, 187; Wichary unaware of best-known 111

Find command 737-738

Fine, Thomas A. 187, 1196

“Fine and Mediocre” 673

finger and hand positions: arrow keys 692-694; cortical homunculus and 12060, 1207; “Dvorak hands” 183-1840; Dvorak or QWERTY layouts 172, 174, 175; ergonomic keyboards 777, 782, 785, 786; finger size and reach 783, 785; gamers 922-924, 9230; heat maps 1860; home rows 103, 107, 1180, 656; index fingers 102-104, 103, 172, 918; keycaps and 842; keypads and 243; Linotypes 256; Mario’s and SpongeBob’s 914; Selectric 839-841; Sholes & Glidden 776; spacing between keys 844, 845; StarCraft players 920; stenotype machines 1015; studies 114, 284

Finger Form keys 141

“finger shredders” 494

“a fingerboard of keys” 219

FingerFans 982. See also FingerWorks keyboards

fingernails 908, 909

fingerprint scanners 1159

FingerWorks keyboards

Apple buys 983

FingerWorks TouchStream keyboard 9790, 980-9810; changes computing 801; development 977-980; dictionaries 982; gestures 978; iPhone and 995; learning curve 980-981; as membrane 796; predictive typing 982; Wichary hadn’t heard of 977-978; zero-force typing 978-980

iGesture Retro 983

Finnish keyboards 998

Finnish typewriters 271

“fir trees” 127

fire trucks, chasing 84

Fireball calculators 11640

“first” message 1196

Fisher Book typewriters 680

fist (telegraph operators) 1188

Fitch typewriters 172

Fitts’s Law 833, 925

flat keyboards 1209

flat keys 848

flattery, cloned computers and 622

Fleishman, Glenn: peevish letters to 898; tank obsession 1049; tea ceremony of correction fluids 1121

Flexowriters 437

FlexPro keyboards 784-785, 792-7930

flicking 419

Floating Arms keyboard 786

“Floating Shift” 610, 62

floppy disks 4540, 521-525, 543, 967

flossing keyboards 667

FLOW-MATIC language 575

“flying walnuts.” See font balls

Fn key 616. See also function keys

foam-and-foil switches 762

folding keyboards 1154-11550

folding typewriters 8560. 8570 8570, 8580, 8590, 860-861, 864

font balls (Selectric): benefits of 411-413; IBM Selectric Composer 441-442; interchangeable 412-413; semigraphics 10600, 10610; swapping 431

Fontana typewriters 534; Fontana Baby 50

Fontgate 481-482

fonts and typefaces

Chinese tray typewriters 348, 3480

choices of 147

composing and distributing 248-249

designing 248

early Chinese and Korean 249

forensic evidence and 467

graphics in 1067

imitating handwriting 438, 438

imitating typewriters 434-435, 4370

Japanese keyboards 950

Linotype matrices 252, 254, 257

monospaced 126-127, 156, 950, 1197

pitch 412

proportional 438-442, 7320

samples, thanking everyone 160-163

Selectric font balls (See font balls)

Sholes dislikes 42

specific fonts: Calibri and forgeries 481-482; Comic Sans 10360, 10370, 1106, 11080, 1176-11770; Courier 129-130; Cubic 130; Frutiger’s, on Selectric Composer 441-442; Quadrato 130; Vogue 130

swapping 70, 1450

typewriter typography horrors 126-131

word processors 519, 531

foot pedals 889-890, 945

footnotes 453, 539

force curves 758-760, 7580, 7600, 7610

forcing functions 683-684

Ford, Gertrude 173, 177

Ford typewriters 74, 78, 534

Foreign Language Type Kit (Sears) 1410

forensic typewriter experts: Albert S. Osborn 469-470, 485; American Society of Questioned Document Examiners 485; Martin K. Tytell 474-477; Ordway Hilton 467, 4680; Peter Tytell 4780, 480, 481; William Hagan 469; William J. Kinsley 464-465, 470

forged documents. See questioned documents

forged typewriters 474, 475-477

format effectors (control characters) 343

forms 391, 394, 4000

forums 932-935

Fountain typewriters 534

Fowler & Wells Co. 8020

Fox River Electric Railway 2940

Fox typewriters 864

fraction keys 899

frankenboards 675

Franklin 2 typewriters 8460

Freeboard keyboard (Bloomberg) VOL 2 FRONT ENDPAPERS0

Freeboard keyboard (IBM). See under IBM keyboards

freezing machines. See crashing machines

French language, Latin and 1194

French Ministry of Culture and Communication 956

French typewriters and keyboards 1040, 2760, 2880; AFNOR recommendations 958; AZERTY layout 186, 272, 275, 275, 2770, 357, 5290, 956, 9580; BÉPO layout 190, 956-958, 956; converting from English 474; key legends on 271; new layout 9590; as not standardized 844; proposed revisions 956-958; Remington’s “expert” on 282; Russian-Polish-French keyboards 1153; Swiss French and 956; symbols and special characters 272

Friden calculators 227, 2340, 5980

Friden Flexowriter Programatic 714

Fritz, Rose 91

frog design 1112

frogs’ legs, as telegraph 321

front-strike 184-185

Frutiger, Adrian 442, 443

Fudacz, Greg 190

Fujitsu HHKB keyboards 837-838, 9290, 930-932, 9330

Fujitsu Oasys 30AX-W word processor 9540

Fujitsu switches 757-758, 762

full-travel keyboards 754

fun cluster. See function keys

Fun with Your Typewriter (book) 10570

function keys. See also under specific programs and keyboards: Apple and Windows differences 725; Apple touch bar and 806; Fn key 616; function keypads 438; gaming keyboards 925; inconsistency of 720-721; Jobs pries off 707; numbers of 715-716; onscreen guides to 716, 9570; origins of 713-714; on portable computers 879; small keyboards and 837-838; typewriter 714


G key 467

Galabov, Teodor 284

Galli-Curci, Amelita 5960

Gallivan, Joseph 188

“game lock” option 926

GameCube keyboards 11910

gamers. See video games and gamers

Garber, Megan 1141

Gardner, Ava 862

Garson, Barbara 571

gas-run Linotypes 253

gas-run typewriters 211

Gateron switches 7580, 1087

Gates, Bill 650, 738, 779, 811

Gateway computers 647, 1162

Gatistotle switches 1087

Gay, Tyson 1143

GeekHack forum 933

gender biases. See sexism

General Electric-Bull 415 computer 428-4290

General Instrument 6490

generators 208

Geomet system 808, 810

German computers and keyboards: BlackBerry with overlay 9880; NeXT 7340; pictograms and text on 831; PowerBook with light keyboard 8450; Psion 5MX computer 1199; QWERTZ layout 5270, 6700, 7340, 8690, 954, 10380, 1174-11750; software-based layouts 190; spider monkey (@) 1177; standards 825, 841, 8420, 844, 845; ThinkPad color battle 872; Zuse 362, 3620, 3630

German typewriters 1540, 2720, 2790; Adlersuchsystem (hunt-and-peck) 270; companies 140; converted from English 474; converted from Russian 2790, 1156; converted to Polish 9680; currency keys and 1150-1151, 11510; differences from English 272; high commas 127; Ideal Polyglott 2760, 969; key legends on 271; Klein-Adler 864; Mercedes Elektra 2030; Nazi Germany symbols 1151; QWERTZ layout 1040, 186, 275, 7750, 11510; Shanghai-German keyboards 1153; symbols and special characters 272

Gestapo forgeries 477

gestures: capacitive surfaces 981; hovering 980, 981; iGesture Retro keyboard 983; iPhone integration 995; multi-touch 980; pinching 981; ShapeWriter software 1089; TouchStream keyboard 978, 981, 982; trackpads 991

Gherkin keyboard 1091, 1093

ghosting 757, 1103

giant devices 84-87, 860, 88-890, 96, 97, 5240

Gibbs, Kevin 1141

Gilbert, William 172, 1780

Gilberth, Lilian and Frank 174

Gillette Company 1118

gimmicks: gaming keyboards 926; geared towards women 565; giant devices 84-87, 860, 88-890, 96, 97, 5240; typewriterly keyboards 1103

gin, instead of mercury 365

glare 395, 825, 826, 975-976

glass teletypes 385, 692

Glidden, Carlos: Densmore and 29, 1203; joins Sholes and Soulé 21; leaves project 29, 42; name on machine 33; shows Sholes Pterotype article 36-37; spacebar design 1202; upset by Scientific American article 30; visit to Mitterhofer 36

glitchy text 1075

🌐︎ key (Globe or Earth) 725

Glossary (Microsoft) 1136

gloves, keyboards for 1032

glyphs. See semigraphics; special characters and symbols

Go key 1158, 1178

God, sacrilege and 62

“God clearing his throat” 336, 337

“God’s own keyboard” 681

gold-dusted keyboards 932

gold-plated springs 926

“golf balls.” See font balls

Good Companion typewriters 864

Google: failed apps 1142, 1143; Google searches 1196; Google Suggest 1139-1142

Google Poetics site 1142

“goose eyes” 127

GORILLA.BAS (game) 725

Gould, Stephen Jay 183

GPT-3 and 4 AI 1144, 1145

Graffiti software 1004

Graham, Bette Nesmith 1118

Grahn, Judy 539

grammar, typewriters and 1134

Grams, Rod 482

Grandjean stenotype machines 10180

Granville Automatic 1-2

graphic symbols. See overtyping characters; semigraphics; special characters and symbols

graphic terminals 3980

graphical user interfaces 684, 696-697, 721, 9210

graphoideophrenoia 464, 482

gray era of computers 849-851

Gray Wolf 461-462

Great Depression 594, 1151-1152, 1156

Great Runes 62

Great Western Railway 322

Greek typewriters and computers 2790, 2880; &ςEPTY layout 272; ancient Greek 474; converting from English 474; Greek font balls 413; key legends on 271; language reflected on 273; little duck (@) 1177; typographically-hostile layouts 273

Greeley, Horace 30, 31

Gregg shorthand 1013

Grid Compass computer 868

Groma Gromina typewriters 864

Groma Kolibri typewriters 864

“group buys” 934

Guenther, Alice 338

Guermeur, Daniel 927

Guinness World Records 932

Gunhus, Christine 482

GUNMAN (NSA project) 485

Gutenberg, Johannes 248, 254


H key: ControlH combination 724, 1130, 1134, 1142; terminal jokes 1134; terminals and 1130; vi H J K L navigation 6910, 729, 9230

hackers and hacking: Happy Hacking Keyboard 837-838, 9290, 930-932, 9330, 935; i-Opener machines 1170, 1177; jargon 1192; Jobs and Wozniak 499; keyboards 1103; Model F keyboard 647; UNIVAC TV debut 368

Hagan, William 469

Hagedorn, Rolf VOL 2 FRONT COVER0

half-spacing 1123, 1199, 12010

Hall, Frank H. 1025, 1026

Hall effect switch keys 748-749, 7480

Hall typewriters 71

Halmak layout 190

Halo keyboards 1005

Halo switches 765

Hamilton Automatic typewriters 8470

Hammer, M. C. 357

Hammond, James B. 76

Hammond, Thomas 76

Hammond typewriters 680; Chinese 350; curved keyboards 776; Hammond Folding 864; non-QWERTY layout 172, 1790, 11530; patent 1790; poems about 70; rare key 1153, 11530; Shift keys 50

hand punches 293, 297

“hand-to-mouse” existence 896

hands. See finger and hand positions

handwriting 91, 201, 433-434, 437, 438, 438, 469

Hang Up key 1170

hanging 755

Hanks, Tom 1002

Hanxwriter keyboard 1002

hànzì characters 943

Happy Hacking Keyboard (HHKB) 837-838, 9290, 930-932, 9330, 935

hard drives, first 377

hardware stores, typewriters in 1940

Harris, Richard 673

Harrison, John Swainson 201

Harry Potter (books) 1144

Harwood, John 410

hashtags 1189, 1196

Hawking, Stephen 1030

Hayes, Robert A. 6010

Hayes, Robert D. 6010

Hayes, Rutherford 323

HCESAR layout (Portugal) 284, 959

head-mounted pointers 1030

headplay (Selectric) 419

health hazards: pre-keyboard 773-774; RSI (See RSI); terminals 395-396; workplace 769

hearing disabilities 197, 259, 1028-1029, 10290

heat maps 1860

Heathkit EC-1 493

Heathkit H8 computer 5230

Hebrew typewriters 2780, 2880; converting English typewriters to 474; “doctor’s typing” 270; Hebrew font balls 413; Remington’s “expert” on 282; right-to-left script 275; translating factories and 275

Hedge, Alan 983

helicopter keypads 742

Helio phones 989, 994

Helios Klimax typewriters 530

Helms, Susan J. 8790

Help key 1166

Hemingway, Ernest 862-863

Henry IV (play) 1150

Her (movie) 1184

Herbert, Frank 545

Hercules typewriters 534

Here Is key 329, 332, 343, 1156

Herkimer County Historical Society 551-552

Hermes typewriters 140, 141, 593; Hermes 3000 2780; Hermes Ambassador 1980; Hermes Baby 581, 5830, 864, 8650, 902; Hermes Featherweight 864; Hermes Top-Tronic (wedge) 887, 889

Heroine typewriters 534

Hertzfeld, Andy 722

Hess, Amanda 1141

Hewlett-Packard. See HP

HHKB (Happy Hacking Keyboard) 837-838, 9290, 930-932, 9330, 935

Hi-Tek switches 751, 752

Hicks, Marie 579

Hidden Figures (movie) 406

hieroglyphics 474-475

high commas 127

high-profile keyboards 838-8390, 838-841

Hill, L. B. 101, 102, 116, 117, 117

Hill Air Force Base, Utah 3980

Hilton, Ordway 467, 4680, 1125

“hingineers” 875

Hintergrundbeleuchtung key 1199

Hinton, Mark 1120

hirigana characters 944, 947-951

Hiss, Alger 470-474, 4730, 475-477, 4750

Hiss, Priscilla 472

Hitler, Adolph 1059, 1142

Hittite smiley faces 1065

HN2000 computer 4270

Ho, Daniel 741

hobbyists: 1970s counterculture and 497; building computers, tears and 613; building keyboards from scratch 495-497; clubs 497-498; computer kits 493-495; difficulties finding transistors 610; early computers 493-495; early found uses for computers 497, 500; early lack of uses for computers 495; end of homebrew spirit 509-511; Stockholm syndrome of 499; typing tutor programs 914; ZX 80/Spectrum focus 613, 618-620, 622-6230

Hobday, Stephan 783, 800

Hodges, Tony 784-785

Hofstadter’s law 1099

Hokanson, Taylor 777

Hoke, Roy E. 1780

Holberton, Berry 575

Hollerith, Herman: key punches 295-301, 306-307, 376; legacy of 312; Tabulating Machine Company 301; U. S. Census machinery 294

Holmes, Oliver Wendell 227

Holmes, Sherlock 468

Holocaust, punch cards and 313

home computers. See personal computers

G key 1163

home rows 103, 107, 1180, 656

Homebrew Computer Club 497-498, 499, 499, 511

Honeywell H316 computer 490, 490, 687

Hong Kong-Portuguese keyboards 1153

Hoover, J. Edgar 477

Hooveromatic 419

Hopper, Grace 366, 575

hot keys 721, 738. See also accelerator and modifier keys; function keys; keyboard shortcuts

hotels, Remington typists in 84

House of Cards (show) 97

House Un-American Activities Committee 472

hovering gestures 980, 981

How to be a Super-Secretary (booklet) 566-569, 5660, 5670

Howard, Martin 744

“Howdy, I’m the sheriff of…” 10740

HP (Hewlett-Packard)

computers: color 849; HP 87XM 7350; HP 250 7190; HP 5036A 11640; Pizza Hut spacebar 12010; “talk to the hand” key 809

HP 9825 calculators 630

lab equipment 1158

Hubble Space Telescope 873

huffing correction fluids 1121

Hughes, William 410

Hughes telegraphs 3250, 5970

human behavior, computers having 910, 1184, 1185

human-computer interactions: AI (See artificial intelligence); anthropophilic computers 892-893, 894; cortical homunculus and 12060, 1207; early terminals and 396; electronic sweatshops 571; ELIZA 1183-1187, 1185, 11860, 1187, 1192-1193; Engelbart’s presentation 1009, 1010; human control and 819; human-machine interface 1183-1187; human-machine symbiosis 1038; humans as machines 453; not understanding, pain and 396; Turing test 1185-1187; verb-noun syntax 1147, 1148; Weizenbaum worries about 1187

human factors. See ergonomics and human factors

Hungarian calculators 2310

Hungarian keyboards 271, 4690, 6250, 7010, 1177

“hunt and peck” 103, 105, 114, 269-270

Hyman, Michael 1162

Hyperspace Bar 785

hysteresis 762


I Can Text You a Pile of Poo… (article) 970

I just can’t quit you, QWERTY 954-958

IBM (International Business Machines): 1980s dominance of 638, 639; computers (See IBM computers , below); culture 310; ends typewriter/computer business 679-680; Great Depression risk-taking 310; “IBM and the Seven Dwarfs” 639; ignoring home computer trends 511; key punches (See IBM key punches); keyboards (See IBM keyboards); lawyer visits from 640, 640; Lexmark spinoff 678; Lin Yutang demos for 352; loss of reverence towards 658; Nazi Germany and 312, 313; not interested in laser erasers 1126; protest songs about 312; rally songs 310; Tabulating Machine Co. and 301, 307; terminals (See IBM terminals); THINK mantra 870; toy typewriters 421; typewriters (See IBM typewriters); VisiCalc jealousy 702; word processors (See IBM word processors)

IBM computers

1960s era 377

1984 sales 707

beige era 849

clones and compatibles 647-648

early portables 866-868

end of production 679-680

IBM 610 Autopoint 3760, 493, 493

IBM 705 3750

IBM 1052 4300

IBM 1401 8040

IBM 3742 3050

IBM 5100 866-867, 869, 871

IBM 5120 8660

IBM 5140 8670

IBM 5251 Display Station 638-6390

IBM 7030 (Stretch) 422-423, 425


IBM PC/AT 6450

IBM PC Convertible 8110, 8130, 868, 869

IBM PC Model 5150 6410; alternative third party keyboards 647-648; ControlAltDelete 810-811, 812; fears of damaging 261; home computer trend and 638-640; Kildall misses out on 637-640; limitations of 640-642; manuals 8200; Model F keyboard 642-647, 6430, 644, 6440, 6450, 6460; operating system 638-640; semigraphics 1048; Sinclair laughs at 642; unbundled keyboards 647; VisiCalc and 702; Wozniak laughs at 642; as your high school yearbook photo 642

IBM PCjr 6360, 6500, 6510, 6520, 6530, 654-6550; ads 6520, 6530, 656; binding 843; chiclet keys 870-871; disappearance of 658; keyboard issues 651-656; keyboard replacements 656-658; keyboard shortcuts 656; lessons learned 870-871; manual 812; nice keys on 837; reactions to 648-656; rebooting and losing work 652; sales 653

IBM Portable PC 5155 868

IBM Scamp 866

IBM System/3 Model 6 7170

IBM System/360 4300

IBM ThinkLight 874

IBM ThinkPad 8790; black color 851; development of 868-870; as IBM’s last brilliant outing 878; keyboard 870-872; keyboards inspired by 11050; lights on 725; naming 870, 871-872, 873; NASA’s use of 873-874, 875; red accents 872, 885; sold to Lenovo 876-878; standards and 845; success of 872-873; ThinkPad 300 873; ThinkPad 550BJ 873; ThinkPad 700 873; ThinkPad 700C 870-8710; ThinkPad 701C 873-8750, 875-876, 8760; ThinkPad 755CDV 873; ThinkPad 760 874-875; ThinkPad 2521 870; ThinkPad s30 8770; ThinkPad W700DS 873; trackpads 873; TrackPoint nubbin 871-872

keyboards (See IBM keyboards)

Lotus 1-2-3 on 7310

power and abort switches 8140

referring to as calculators 692

IBM joysticks 658

IBM key punches: early computer input 376; IBM 024 VOL 1 FRONT COVER0; IBM 026 3050, 314-317, 3140, 3150, 376, 795; IBM 029 376; sales of cards 311

IBM keyboards

best 646

damage control needed 656-658

dreams of global keyboards 832

factory worker’s opinions of 656

IBM Freeboard 654-6550; chiclet keys 651-652, 656, 753; complaints 651-656, 656; development of 650-656; Freeboard Version Two 656-659; keyboard shortcuts 656; research and 793; wireless 651

IBM M15 779

IBM Model A, B and C 673

IBM Model F 6430, 6460, 8250; 50-key 6690; add-ons and extensions 644, 6440, 6450, 7040; arrow keys 697-698; as a “brick” 645, 666; buckling springs 666, 750, 754; compared to 3278 824-828; costs 651; criticisms of 644-647; design behind 646-647; development 642-647; durability of 666; ergonomics 644; function keys 715; hackers fix flaws 647; hostile reaction to 1178; IBM unbundles 647; key width 832-833; as low-profile 841; maintenance contracts 677; manufacturing 6740, 6750; Model M as response to criticism 661; as navless 837; Num Lock key 697-698; overlays 7230, 7240; pictograms vs. text 830, 831; profile 838, 8380, 841; recreating 1099-1101; ridges 646; sounds 644, 645, 666; space-saver edition 742; stepped keys 843; third party keyboards and 647-648; updated 645, 647; on Wheelwriters 885

IBM Model M 664-6650, 6770; 122 key 6680, 674; Apple Extended keyboard as clone 706; arrow keys 694, 698-699; badges 674; Barbie model 679; as best of all time 661-663, 743; buckling springs 6620, 663-666, 677, 750, 754; clones 677, 6800; complaints 673; database for 675, 676; discontinued, somewhat 677-679; dwindling supply of 680; Excel overlay 7250; frankenboards 675; function keys 715; gaming and 924; German version 6700; “God’s own keyboard” 681; layout 673-674; Lexmark and Unicomp versions 678-679; Mac version 678; made in USA 675; mandolin crystals 674-675, 676; narrower variants of 837; no extraneous keys on 676; Num Lock key 698-699; as overengineered 663-664, 663; overlays 717; pictograms vs. text 830-831; research on 848; “Selectric Touch” 673; sound 663, 666, 667; space-saving edition 6710, 674; as still working today 675-676; as template for all that followed 667-673, 720; Turkish 679; unboxing 661-663; vast numbers produced 676; versions of 674-675, 676; on Wheelwriter 885, 885; workshops repairing 6720, 675-676

IBM Model M13 674

IBM Model M15 670-6710, 6760

keyboard damage control 656-658

overlays 7370

pictograms vs. text on keys 828-832

research 793

terminal keyboard design 390-394

IBM terminals VOL 2 BACK COVER0

battleships and 839

first 385

function keys 715-716

IBM 2250 714

IBM 2260 3920

IBM 2915 7160

IBM 3278 8240; as exuberant 851; vs. Model M 823-827, 828-831; pictograms 826; profile 838, 8390, 841

IBM 3279 3930

IBM 4978 390-3910, 685, 749, 7660

IBM 5100 3930

IBM 5251 1101

IBM 5382 3920

IBM Dura Mach 10 4260

IBM Model M (See under IBM keyboards)

keyboard design 390-394

keypads 394

IBM typewriters

chording research 1112-1113

Courier font 130

end of production 679

forensic evidence and 467

IBM Communicating Selectric 420

IBM Electric 203-204, 2120, 213, 213, 427

IBM Electric Executive 438-441

IBM Electromatic 427, 594

IBM Selectric 4040, 4060, 4070, 408-4090, 414-4150; American version 8320; as an icon 405-407; attaching to early computers 495-497; as baby name 406; as beautiful 581; colors 410; compared to iPhones or cars 420-421; complexity of 531; as computer terminal 422-425, 4240, 4250, 4270; Correction key 1126-1128, 11330; cost of 420; design of 407-411; detractors and critics 420-421; diagrams 4180; ergonomics 426; European version 8300; famous users of 420; font balls 4100, 411-413, 4110, 431, 10600, 10610; font choices 4170; forensic tells 470; hidden during Stretch demo 422-423; IBM Correcting Selectric II 1126-1129, 11280, 11310, 1132-11330; IBM Correcting Selectric III 420; IBM Selectric Composer 441-442, 4440, 4550, 479, 531; IBM Selectric I/O 425; IBM Selectric II 420; IBM Selectric III 8270, 828; as industry standard 420; keyboard layout and design 425-431; keyboard research 793; keys VOL 1 FRONT ENDPAPERS; legacy of 420-421, 431; maintenance 419; manuals 419; marketing 420, 421; as most stolen item in America 420; naming 416; noise 667; as personal printers 4240, 425; physical key memory 416; profile 839-841; prototype 4230; Romance Division 421; sales 407; sculpted keys 839; “Selectric bug” (espionage) 4820, 483-485, 4830, 4850, 485; “Selectric bug” (not spyware) 416-419; selling as easy 421; semigraphics 10600, 10610; Shift 8270; strength of brand 673; stroke compensators 416; text, not pictograms 831; typamatic keys 211, 416; wear compensator 419; whiffletrees 424; Wichary admires, as well he should 427-431, 1126-1128

IBM Upright 6660, 6670, 1112

IBM Wheelwriter 8270, 8840, 8870; display 885; as electronic 886; memory 886; Model M keyboard 885, 885; repairing 889; SuperSelectric 1127; surprising features 885-887; as transitional 890

odd 1 placement 1280

Olivetti’s influence on 594

proportional fonts 438-441, 7320

slogans 206

IBM word processors

error messages 526

first spell check 531

first use of term 446

hotline for help 542

IBM Displaywriter 451, 4540, 5160, 5170, 518

IBM MC/ST 447, 453


IBM MT/ST 4320, 4400, 4410, 4430, 4550, 5140; features 442-447; as first computers 457; opened new worlds 459

losing work on 515-516

typing blind 518

IBM Word Proof 1.00 program 11380

Icelandic typewriters 2890

icons, keyboard 8310, 8330. See also legends

ICQ program 1189

Ideal layout (Hammond) 172, 1790, 11530

Ideal Polyglott typewriter 2760, 969

Ideal typewriters 534

ideograms 351

Ikeda, Toshiyuki 870-871

Ilion, New York 551-552

ILLIAC computer 365

IMEs (input method editors) 947-952, 9500, 971, 986

imitation typewriter fonts 434-435, 4370

Imperial typewriters 140, 152-1530

impression strength 1430

Improved Type-Writer. See Sholes & Glidden Type-Writers

IMSAI computers 497

incompatible formats and hardware 534

index fingers 102-104, 103, 172, 918

Fn key 6910, 8300, 831, 8320, 1127

index keyboards 11810

index typewriters 680, 5280; Chinese tray typewriters and 348; as cumbersome 859-860; development 71-74; as miserable 744; as portable 858; smallest 79

indexes (semi-automatic concordances, please) 453

Indian Cheque Writing keyboards 1153

Indian languages 970

Indian typewriters 357, 5970

“infuriated golf balls.” See font balls

injection molding 827, 1091

ink cartridges, encrypted 679

Input Club 741, 765

input method editors (IMEs) 947-952, 9500, 971, 986

Insert key 456, 459, 830

instant messaging 1189, 1192

insults 434, 435

insurance companies 1940, 253

integrated keyboards 11110

Intel Corporation 733

Intellec 8 computers 5040

intelligent typewriters 886

IntelliKeys keyboard 10370

Intergalactic Digital Research 637-640, 658

international keyboards. See also specific countries and languages: @ key and 1175-1177; AltGr key adoption 958-959; computers as multilingual 970-971; dual 969; I just can’t quit you, QWERTY 954-958; lack of universal 831-832, 843-844; Medium bug and 942-943, 9430, 961-969; multilingual typewriters 969

International Space Station 8790

International Telegraph Alphabet №2 338

internet 1171-1177, 1196

internet appliances 1162-1171, 1166-11670, 1177

Internet Relay Chat (IRC) 1189

interpersonal communication 1187-1192

interspersion 378, 378

inverted commas 127

inverted T layout 692, 694-695, 1178

Invicta typewriters 534

iPhone. See Apple iPhone

IQ 151 computer 502

Iraq invasion 480

IRC (Internet Relay Chat) 1189

Ireland, Ward Stone 1015

Ireland stenotypes 1015

irony punctuation 1065

ISO Backspace keys 833

ISO standards 831, 831, 833, 848

Italian stenotype machines 1014

Italian typewriters and keyboards: Apple IIe 5030; converted from Swiss 9680; Giuseppe Ravizza and 36; key legends on 271; QZERTY layout 186, 272, 275, 5030, 959

italic text 129, 254, 519

iTap predictive text 986

iTypewriter 1103

Ive, Jonny 631, 807

iXo terminals 1158


J key: H J K L navigation 6910, 729, 9230; home key nubs 110, 656, 673, 793; as slap in the face 174

J-Mouse keyboards 7010

Jacky, Jonathan 819

jamming: AZERTY layout 275; clashing keys 184, 185-186, 187; de-jam keys 813-815, 8180, 8200; solutions to 8170; Wichary jams the Difference Engine 813

“janitor” keys 813-815

Japanese cellphones 1068-1073, 10710

Japanese computers and keyboards 782, 9530; book interface 9400; complexity of 951; emoji 1068-1073, 10710; function keys onscreen 9570; game consoles 11910; hand size and 845; input method editors 947-952, 9500; iPhone 1002; JIS standard 844; kanji 948-9490; kaomoji 1067; left-hand keypads 9930; microfilm legends on 974; multi-shift 945; phonemes 951; QWERTY layout 8480, 8770, 952-953, 9530, 9540, 9550; Romaji mode 951, 970; split keyboards 7810, 953; Tagtype 11100; TRON TK1 782-783, 7830, 953; typesetting 9470; word processors (See Japanese word processors)

Japanese Instrument of Surrender (WWII) 1150

Japanese key punches 945

Japanese language: complexity of alphabets 943-944; hirigana 944, 947-951; kanji 943-944, 945, 947-951, 948-9490; katakana 944, 947-951; phonemes 951; reforms 944; top-to-bottom direction 945

Japanese teletypes 945

Japanese typewriters 5990, 6020, 9460; Chinese-made 945; dual typewriters 969; early manufacturers 140; early offensive 944; 雨だれタイピング “raindrop typing” 270; touch typing inferiority complexes 954; tray typewriters 944-945

Japanese word processors: cafés 952, 9620; Casio Darwin G-900ST Japanese 9570; first 953; input method editors 947-952, 9500; as liberating 952; replicating tray typewriters 945-946

jargon: chat and text 1193-1194; dialog boxes 811; generational 1193-1194; Great Runes 62; hacking 1192; keyboard 755-757, 762-763, 848, 1107, 1107; Russian 971, 1162; telegraph 1188

Jarvis, Jeff 941

Jasper program 1145

Jelly Key 1086-1087, 10860, 10870, 1088-10890, 1090-10910, 12000

Jenne, William McKendree 32, 42, 433

Jenny the elephant 85

Jewett typewriters 59

Jews, Nazi punch cards and 313

JiffyDos 7360

JIS standard 844

Jobs, Steve 9720; Apple tenure 499-502, 696, 706, 892, 897-991; cancer diagnosis 898; Canon kills Cat for 896; lampooning other smartphones 989; NeXT era 733, 898; peevishness 896; on phone keyboards 989; prys off keys 707; Raskin’s memo about 892; “too many apples” tantrum 722

JOHNNIAC (Pneumoniac) 363

Johnston, Casey 188

Jones, Charles 463

Jones, CJ 1106

Jones, Florence 463

Jones, Karen Spärck 579

Jones, Robert McKean 281-282

journalists, RSI and 772

journeymen (Linotype) 257

joysticks 687, 695, 6980, 7000, 7010, 11600

justification (Linotype) 251, 252


K key (H J K L navigation) 6910, 729, 9230

K-Type keyboard 741

“kangaroo paw” 773. See also RSI

kanji characters 943-944, 945, 947-951, 948-9490

kantele (kantere) 945

kaomoji 1067, 1070

Kapor, Mitch 733

karaoke 1028

Kare, Susan 722, 723

Karidis, John 875

Karkemish smiley faces 1065

Karl Business Machines 405-406

katakana characters 944, 947-951

Katz, Leslie 989

Kay, Alan 497, 1112

Kay, Neil M. 185-187, 191-193

Kaypro II computers 867

Keaton music typewriters 148-1500

Keeper project (HP) 630

Keleman, Don 490

Keller, Helen 1026

Kenbak-1 computer 493, 5050

Kennedy, John F. 336-338

Kerouac, Jack 537

Kerplunk key 977

Kerr, Doug 154

Kettler, Howard G. 130

“key-per-key” typing (Portuguese) 269

key punch machines and punch cards 308-3090, 3800, 5590, VOL 2 BACK COVER0; amounts in storage 316; creating art with 1061; as dehumanizing 312; early computer input 364, 376, 380-3810; early machines 302-3050; early punch cards 296-2970; first key punch machines 306-307; IBM cards 311; Internal Revenue Service 2920; Japanese multi-shift 945; key layout 313, 314-315; last hurrah of 312-313; magnetic cards 447-448; mass mailings and 436; numeric keypads 306-307; pantographs 298, 298-2990, 3020, 306; punch card evolution 306, 310-311; reading boards 2970; RSI issues 773 (See also RSI); rubber bands and 311; sorters 299; standardized sizes 297, 306; tabulators 298-299, 3000, 301, 306; typos and 317; Wichary uses 314-317; widespread use of 311

key switches. See switches

key travel 752, 759, 765

Key Tronic keyboards 647, 648, 6490, 702, 782; Key Tronic KB 5151 6570, 6950

Key-X keyboard 10370

Key64 keyboards 1091

keyboard art 1300

Keyboard Canyon 648

“keyboard computers” 503

Keyboard key 1159

keyboard shortcuts. See also accelerator and modifier keys; function keys; specific key combinations: AltF combination 969; AltF4 combination 527, 723, 725, 813; and Option keys 721-722; break/reset combinations 8110, 8130; chorded combinations 713; contortions trying to reach 1199; ControlAltDelete 810-811, 812, 8130, 890; ControlF combination 737-738; ControlH combination 724, 1130, 1134, 1142; ControlS combination 539, 941, 942, 943, 969; early word processing 526-527; function keys (See function keys); guides to 7310; hot keys 738; IBM PCjr 656; inconsistency of 720-721, 723-725, 737; Medium bug and 942-943, 9430, 961-969; menus and 717-720; mnemonics 716, 717; motor memory and 720-721; need for 714; overlays and 716-717 (See also overlays); r. key as first 711-712; remembering 716; stenotyping 1017; teletypes and 343, 713; text editors 729-732; translating and localizing 717

Keyboard Valley 648, 6490

keyboarding. See touch typing

Keyboardio keyboards: Atreus 1093, 1099; Model 01 1093-1099, 1095, 10960, 10980

keyboards. See also specific brands and layouts

adventures of 856-858 (See also space missions)

art inspired by 542-5430

building and designing: 3D printing 1091; cloning keyboards 677, 6780; every arrangement is bad 646; everything is transitional 699; independent designers 1090-1093; materials, importance of 631; open hardware 1094, 1096; from scratch 495-497

calculator origins 215-216

calculators (See calculators)

cellphone (See cellphones)

on cloned/pirated computers 623-627, 629

colors 845, 849-851, 851, 8530, 872, 1102

current choices 761-763, 1209

as dangerous tools 485-487

death of 1207

decoupling from output 211-213, 351, 357, 485, 745, 947

dirt and dust issues 842, 843, 903

dishwashers and 677

Dvorak’s Navy keyboard tests 176, 180, 181, 909

early PC horrors 502

ergonomics (See ergonomics and human factors)

features: anti-glare 825; book interface 9400; cable routing 747, 747; CD players in 11110; computers inside 1103; dictionaries in 982; feet 151, 644, 652, 747, 841; fingerprint scanners 1159; flat 1209; gesture functionality 978, 981, 982; gold dust 932; joysticks built into 687, 7050; key travel 752, 759, 765; knee shifts 6960; mode shifting 627-628, 630; multi-shift 945; polling rates 925-926; profiles (See profiles); sounds (See noise and sounds); springs (See springs); switches (See switches); talking 1028; tilting 784-787; TrackPoint nubbin 871-872

firsts: first bugged keyboard 4820, 483-485, 4830, 4850; first Control key 382; first keyboard bug 416-419; first keyboards 359-360; first mechanical 389

force curves 758-760, 7580, 7600, 7610

forums 762, 932-935

as full of hopes and dreams 5420

history reflected in 971, 1203

hobbyist (See hobbyists)

I just can’t quit you, QWERTY 954-958

IBM’s influence on 667-673

icons (See legends)

international (See international keyboards)

jargon 755-757, 762-763, 1107, 1107

key punch (See key punch machines and punch cards)

keys falling off 635

kōans 652

layouts (See layouts, keyboard)

Linotype (See Linotype machines)

monuments to 11800, 1206

most people’s needs 788-789

overlays (See overlays)

personal communication and (See communications)

phobia of 946

plastics in 851, 1102

quality: bad and cheap 519-520; best of all time (See Model M under IBM keyboards); brick-like nature 645; “finger shredders” 494; most expensive 932; worst of all time 658

quieter, preferences for 667

relaxed life of some 509

reporting capabilities to OS 942

rollover (pressing multiple keys) 185, 366, 412, 416, 747, 755, 757

Selectric’s influence on 426

sizes of 8360, 837-838, 839, 848

software has eaten 1004-1005

specialized: anthropophilic computers 892-893, 894; blank (See blank keyboards); butterfly 875-876, 8760, 1093-1099; cash-register-like 502, 520; cellphone-attached 9860; child-proof 502, 509, 753; concrete 11110, 1206; dual 50, 520, 57, 58-59, 152-1530, 969; e-ink 9930; frankenboards 675; full-travel 754; gaming (See video games and gamers); giant devices 84-87, 860, 88-890, 96, 97, 5240; keyless 978; largest 1172-11730; laser-projected 1209; medical 1153, 11550, 1158-1159, 1171; membrane (See membrane keyboards); multilingual 969-971, 9700; paddle keys 786-787, 1015, 1017, 1088; peanut butter-proof 753; pivoting 874-875; rollable/folding 1154-11550; rotated 785-786; rubber (See rubber keyboards); scope 991; space-cadet 728-7290, 730-731, 8390, 11040; split (See split keyboards); steampunk 1103; virtual (See virtual (onscreen) keyboards); virtual reality 1209

spreadsheet support 673

stabilizing keys 755, 842, 843, 1202

standards (See standards)

telegraph (See telegraphs)

teletype (See teletypes)

testing (See testing keyboards)

third-party boom 647-648, 677, 704-7050

typewriter features in 154

usability: feel of 744-745, 757, 758, 838; finger size and reach 783, 785, 8420, 844, 845; fondling zombies and 609, 618, 633; friendlier 1106-1107; productivity, preference and pain 799-800; switching layouts 189, 189, 190; typing with thimbles 613

wireless, development of 650, 651, 652, 659

keycaps 744-7450, 8220; artisanal 1086-1087, 10860, 10870, 1088-10890, 1090-10910, 12000, VOL 2 BACK ENDPAPERS0; auctioning 1086; Avid 7350; backup supplies 1580; blank 928; cleaning 1102; color-coded 1170; creating one’s own 935; customized 1084-1087, 1107-1112; defined 191; design and construction 841-843; evolution of shape 8400; femme 1107; IBM Model F 6450; iPhone behaviors 998; legends (See legends); Massdrop 935; removable, on ADMs 389; swapping 141-146, 190; teletype, removable 328; testing at meet-ups 1084

KeyChatter blog 741

KeyGuard overlay 10390

keyless keyboards 978

keyloggers 4850, 487, 4870

keypads 8500; Altairs 495; arrow keys on 697-699; BINAC 364; cellphones (See cellphones); Clear key 233; detachable 233; early calculators 217-227; early key punches 3030; Engelbart’s keyset 1010, 10110, 10130; function keypads 438; Hollerith’s first key punch 306-307; IBM 025 key punch 314-315; IBM terminals 394; Japanese multi-shift keyboards 945; “keypad wars” 229; Num Lock key 697-699; speed studies 238; telephone-style numeric 8500; on telephones (See telephones); telephones mimic 241; ten-key machines 227-233, 2360, 2370; third-party computer keypads 704-7050; Wozniak and Jobs’ blue box 499

keys. See also specific keys (i.e., W key)

accelerator (See accelerator and modifier keys)

artisanal 1086-1087, 10860, 10870, 1088-10890, 1090-10910, 12000, VOL 2 BACK ENDPAPERS0

binding 843

blank for export 828

blank (otaku) 848, 849

“buttons” 751

chiclets 651-652, 656, 753, 870, 877-878

color-coding 630-631

cushioned 9340

decoupling from output 211-213, 351, 357, 485, 745, 947

double-shot injection 8280, 8290

fear of pressing wrong 520

fingerprint scanners in 1159

forum-manufactured 934-935

function (See function keys)

home key nubs 110, 111, 1180, 223, 656, 793, 8080, 990

icons, puzzle 8310, 8330

iPhone behaviors 998

jargon describing 755-757

layers 839

layouts (See layouts, keyboard)

legends (See legends)

lights on 761, 842, 877

lights under 925, 937, 1088, 1096

malleable 974

materials 794

membrane, exploded view 7530, 7540

non-printing (See non-printing keys)

removing hated 924, 925

rollover (pressing multiple keys) 185, 366, 412, 416, 747, 755, 757

rubber (See rubber keyboards)

screen displays on 973

semigraphics (See semigraphics)

shapes: contours 103; curved 826, 839, 841, 845, 848; cylindrical 826; flat 848; sculpted 140-141, 826, 839, 939; spherical 826; width 832-837

soft keys (See function keys)

spacing between 844, 845

springs (See springs)

stabilizing 755, 842, 843, 1202

standardizing (See standards)

stepped 842-843, 843

switches (See switches)

tamper 8190

typamatic 211, 416

uncommitted 714

wooden 11090

keysets 1010, 10110, 10130

Keystone Type Foundry 4370

keystrokes: actuation 749; decoupling from results (See decoupling keys from output); delayed 416, 518; electric machines 839; energy released by 412; logging 4850, 4860, 487, 4870; measurements 395; minimum per second 395, 571, 572; printing characters vs. non- 692; sounds (See noise and sounds); stenotype strokes 1015; stroke compensators 416; touch-typing and 104; tracking software 572; typewriter actions 200

Khmer typewriters 275

Kickstarter campaigns 1096

Kildall, Dorothy 637

Kildall, Gary 637-640, 639, 658

Killer Poke 1197

Killian, Jerry 479

KindWords program 11380

Kinesis keyboards 796-7970; Kinesis Advantage 788, 7970

The King of Kong (movie) 919

Kinsley, William J. 464-465, 470

Kirschenbaum, Matthew 446, 534

Kitchen Assistant 5100

Kitchen Computer 489-492, 4910, 4920, 4940, 509

Klaczko, Max 969

klawiatura programisty and maszynistki 970

Klein-Adler typewriters 864

Kleinsteuber Machine Shop 160, 20

Klingon keyboards 1002

Klockenberg, E. A. 776-777, 797

knee-controlled functions 6960, 6970, 697

Ko-Rec-Type 1121

Kocienda, Ken 999

Korean keyboards 920, 926-927, 9260, 9640, 10290

Korean pager shorthand 1192

Korean print history 249

Korean War 355

Kottke, Daniel 1101

KPH marine radio station 1204-12050

Krasnogorsk computers 616

Kroemer, Karl 799-800

Krugman, Paul 182, 183

Kuan-Hua-Tsu-Mu typewriters 2890

“Kubuś Literka” (artwork) 10740

Kurdish language 269, 287-291

Kurita, Shigetaka 1068-1070, 1073

KYBDslöjd 1075-1076, 10770


L. C. Smith typewriters 680; Super Speed 902

L key (H J K L navigation) 6910, 729, 9230

labels. See legends

“lady with the poison typewriter” 463-465, 4650

Lafayette (Gilbert du Motier) 319-320

Lambert typewriters 680, 74, 82

Lampson, Butler 1012

Landau, Robert 396

Lane, Chester T. 476

languages and orthographies. See also specific countries and languages: @ key and 1175-1177; artificial 190, 191, 1178; bastardization of 1193; building literacy 1195; disrespect towards 281; “hunt and peck” translated 269-270; iPhone support 998-999, 1002; keyboard shortcuts and 717; Medium ś bug and 942-943, 961-969; no international keyboard 831-832, 843-844; non-Roman characters 272-274; as not sacred 1193-1194; pictograms vs. text 828-832; Polyglotte software 1088; QWERTY, poorer nations and 280, 959; QWERTY as language 1177-1179; QWERTY mutations 274-283; Remington’s offerings 2820, 1153; special characters and symbols 272-274; swapping typebars 1410, 146; switching in key displays 973; syllabaries 944; text and chat add new terms to 1194; text and chat shorthand 1192; typewriter variations 270-274, 276-2790; xenophobia and 281-282

Lanier TypeMaster 890

Lanier word processor 450-4510

Lanston, Tolbert 2640

laptops. See portable computers; specific brands

laser erasers 11140, 1115-1116, 1121-1126, 11240, 11250, 1129, VOL 1 BACK COVER0

Laser key 1115

laser-projected keyboards 1209

laser switches 7620, 763

LaserDiscs 920

Latin alphabet, Turkish introduction 2710, 284, 285-287

Law of Adoption… of Turkish Letters 287

lawsuits: Corona vs. Fox 864; Fox typewriters 864; Hiss’s libel 472; IBM punch cards 310; keyboard injury 793; Lotus 1-2-3 736-737; Maltron keyboards and 800; “office wives” sued 558; Remington and Sholes 76; SCO Group and 480; TONY! 784; touch typing and 117; “Type-Writer” 93

lawyers 799, 1171

layers, keys 839

layouts, keyboard. See also specific languages (i.e., Arabic, Hebrew, etc.): &ςEPTY 272; AbKey Revolution 9390; AEU (Belgian) 284; AIERTY 272, 284, 2860; alphabetical (See alphabetical layouts); AZERTY (See AZERTY layout); BÉPO 190, 956-958, 956; calculators (See calculators); Caligraph 480, 49-50, 59, 59; Colemak 190, 9390, 1089; Crandall 172, 5820, 11090; Dvorak (See Dvorak keyboards); early non-QWERTY layouts 172; Halmak 190; HCESAR 284, 959; history of 171-172; Ideal (Hammond) 172, 1790, 11530; key punch (See key punch machines and punch cards); Linotypes 254-260, 2550, 2560, 9160; Malling-Hansen 1990; Maltron one-handed 10360; mathematical symbols 1530; Minimak 190; Minimotion 187; Neo 190; New Standard Keyboard 191; Norman 190; number of possible 191; Orthographic (Gilbert) 172, 1780; ortholinear 520, 795, 8460, 8470, 9380, 11040; PLUM 9380; QGMLWBY 1089, 10900; QHTCSZ 963; question of which is better 187-190; QWERTY (See QWERTY layout); QWERTZ 1790, 186, 275, 280, 954, 963, 963; QZERTY 186, 272, 275, 959; Scientific (DHIATENSOR, Blickensderfer) 165-166, 1670, 1690, 172, 175, 1780, 257; Silicon Graphics 7950; switching on computers 189, 190; Thurey 5300; TNWMLC 1860, 6680, 1089, 10900; video game arrangements 922-924; Workman 190, 9380; XPMCHR 191-193, 1920

Lazaridis, Mike 994

lead 262

leaf springs 748

Leap key 8950, 896, 11090

Lear Siegler terminals 385-390, 3880

Learn key 896

Learn with Pokémon program 913, 9140

Leather Goddess of Phobos (game) 9210

Lebedev, Artemy 960-961, 973-974

left-handed people 796

legends (key cap labels): cloned computers 623-626; as instruction manual 629; iPhone behaviors 998; key size and 826; keyboard shortcuts and 716; large legends 1032; microfilm 974; pictograms vs. text 828-832; printing on keys 827-828; screen displays 973; spare 1590; standards and 848; switching 190; switching displays in keys 973; syllables on 713

Leibnitz, Gottfried 216

Leisure Suit Larry (game) 9210

Lem, Tomasz 5380

Lenin, Vladimir 10680

Leningrad computers 616

Lenovo computers 7580, 876-878, 1005

Leopold keyboards 924

Lesage, George 320-321

L’Esperance, Renee 908, 910, 9100

Levy, Steven 499, 650, 1009

Lewis, Sinclair 863

Lexitron Videotype 450-451, 456-457, 890

Lexmark ink cartridges 679

Lexmark keyboards 678

Liebowitz, Stan 182-183

Life (magazine) 3460

ligatures 254

light guns 695

“lightning calculators” 225-226

lights: built into ThinkPads 725, 874; customizing keyboard lights 1088; keyboards activated by 10430; on keys 761, 842, 877; under keys 877, 925, 937, 1088, 1096

Lil Weezy keyboard 1002

Lin, Susan 1107

Lin Taiyi 352

Lin Yutang 350-355, 3530

LINC computer 3860

Lincoln, Abraham 1059

linear switches 751, 759, 761

Linotype machines 2460, 2560, 2580, 2610, 5980; cost of 259; customizing character sets 254; dangers of 259, 260, 261; effects of, on printing industry 262-264; em space key 12000; etaoinshrdlu and typos 265-267, 2660, 267, 913, 914, 1003; experimental competitors 2640; “hanging the machines” 259; invention of 249; iPhone keyboards 1003, 1003; key layout 254-260, 2550, 2560, 9160; as largest pinball machine 259; lifespan of operators 265; maintenance 259, 260; manuals 251, 256, 259; matrices 252; molten metal squirts 251, 252, 253, 253, 259, 260, 2600; Monotype and 263-264; operation of 251-253; operator training and expertise 257-260; parts 2500, 251; practice keyboards 259-260, 9160; sounds of 259; spacebands 253; typographical niceties 254; Wichary lives dangerously 260-262

Linotype type foundry 264

The Lion King (movie) 914

lipstick marks 562

Liquid Paper 1118, 1118, 11200, 11370

LISP editors 730-731

literacy: being shocked into 321; Chinese logograms and 345; computer literacy 615-616, 1196; keyboarding and 1195; Linotypes and 263; “paperbacks of” 633; “programming is the second…” 9620; Turkish reforms and 284, 287; writing more 1195

Lithuanian typewriters 271

little duck (@) 1177

“Little Tramp” 6520, 656

Livermore, Benjamin 1021

The Lives of Others (movie) 864

Living Computer Museum 823, 826

“local echo” 395

Locke, Yost & Bates 5460

Lofree keyboards 1103

logic thrown out of windows 881

Logitec devices 952

Logitech keyboards 761, 925, 952-9530

logograms 345-346, 351

logos 413, 503-506, 506, 509, 1061

Lois, George 570

London, Jack 863

Long typewriters 534

Longini typewriters 534

Longley, Margaret Vater 106-107

losing work: advent of Save feature 539; Apple II 520; avoiding 543; blind typing 28, 33, 70-71, 518, 529; destroyed floppy disks 543; IBM PCjr 652; IBM word processors 515-516; nothing’s changed, really 520-521; Televideo TS803 520

Lotus 1-2-3 702-703, 706, 7310, 733-737

loupes, iPhone 995

love letters 4350

love stories 136-138

Lovelace, Ada 574, 575

“low-profile” keyboards 792, 838-8390, 838-841, 848

lowercase letters: extra costs for, in terminals 389; Great Depression and 1151-1152, 1156; history of 48, 248, 249; Polish 963, 963; teletypes 337; unsupported in Apple II 5470, 5490

Lu, Jackson 352

Lubar, Steven 311-312

“Lube your stabs” 1107

luggable computers 866-868. See also portable computers; specific brands

Lundy, Paul 902-903

Lupton, Ellen 554

Lynch, David 9150

lytdybr (diary) 971


M key 438, 628, 630, 1150-1151, 11510

MacCharlie extension 7210

Machine Kryptographique 36

machine time 364-366, 371, 377-382, 451

Macintosh computers. See under Apple computers

macro keys 925

macrodefinitions 1136

MacWrite (program) 525

Mad Men (show) 406

Magic Cap PDAs 9920

Magic Eye (Ming Kwai) 351, 356

magnetic cards 447-448

magnetic memory 377

magnetic tape 365, 443-444, 447-448, 449, 5140, 6000

Mail key 1163

mail merge 445, 453, 531

mainframes 384, 815, 815, 8540, 865

mainsprings 23-24, 1420

Malling-Hansen, Rasmus 197-200, 5380

Malling-Hansen layout 1990

malselection 419

Malt, Lillian 783

Maltron keyboards 742, 783-784, 784-7850, 788, 798, 800, 1029, 10360

Manchester Mark I computer 364

Mandarin, passwords in 971

mandolin crystals 674-675, 676

MANIAC computer 364, 365

manifolding 1370, 138

Manjoo, Farhad 1196

manual typewriters. See typewriters (mechanical machines)

manuals: Any key and 1162; early word processors 526; IBM 5150 8200; IBM Selectric 419; IBM word processors 515; keyboard legends as 629; Olivetti Valentine 586, 5930; Smith-Corona 8200; word processors 453

Mao Zedong 352

Māori keyboards 1002

Marchant calculators 227

margins 123, 141

Margolis, Stephen 182-183

Mario Teaches Typing 913, 914

marks, German 1150-1151

marriage 556, 562-565, 571

“marriage bar” 565

Martin, George R. R. 529

mass mailings: alternating text in 436; automatic typewriters 436-438, 4390; IBM MT/ST customization 444; imitation typewriter fonts 434-435, 4370; mail merge 445, 453, 531

Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1134, 1147

Massdrop keycaps 935

Master Control key 521

Matchbox Construction Zone (game) 11600

mathematical symbol layouts 1530

mathematicians 363

Matias keyboards 761

matrices (Linotype) 252, 254

Matsushita P502i cellphones 9860

Mattel computers: Aquarius 502, 1048, 10510; Barbie 679

Matthews, John 768

Mavis Beacon series 908-913, 911, 9120

Maxell (as software publisher) 967

McCarthy, Joseph 477

McCroskery, Allan 426

McGurrin, Charles 60

McGurrin, Frank: learns touch typing 109; popularizes touch typing 107-108; speed competitions 45-48, 51-54, 55, 57, 60; typing speeds 171

McKibben, Bill 537

McLuhan, Marshall 1134

McMullen, Sadie 462

McNasby, Petroleum 79

McWilliams, Peter 521-524

mecanografía 270

mechanical chirographers 36

mechanical computers 362, 3620

mechanical keyboards 1084, 1084. See also specific brands; 2000s comeback 754-755; community support for designs 1091; designing new 1091-1093; end of the world and 426; era of 937; evolution of 744-745; forums 932-935; gamers’ preference for 924-925; insular community 1106-1107; meet-ups 10820, 1083-1087; programmers and 927, 929; typewriterly 1102-1106

mechanical potenographo 36

mechanical switches 7560

mechanical typewriters. See typewriters (mechanical machines)

medals and awards 1150, 593, 629-631, 974, 10170

medical keyboards 1153, 11550, 1158-1159, 1171

“medium-ass” Enter key 848

Medium site 941-943, 9430, 961-969

meet-ups and type-ins: activities 1081-1082; early clubs 497-498, 499, 499, 511; early Smith-Corona 1081; insular communities 1106-1107; nerding out at 1113; non-mixing of the clans 1102; San Francisco 10800, 10830, 10850; San Jose 10820

“Meh and Fantastic” 673

Meh key 1093

Meir, Golda 5740

membrane buckling springs 762

membrane keyboards: Atari 400 502, 509, 519-520; BBC doesn’t like 616; elements of 752-754, 7530; Freeboard 650-656, 651, 654-6550, 656, 753, 793; IBM PCjr 651; IntelliKeys 10370; peanut butter-proof 753; rubber dome over membrane 7540; TouchStream (See under FingerWorks keyboards); ZX 80 613, 616; ZX Spectrum 618

membranes inside keys 763

Memotech MTX computers 8110, 8130

men: begin to use word processors 572-574; “but can he/she type?” 5740, 5750; census data 294; Chinese typewriter men 350; college graduation rates 577; craftsmanship and 560; Das Keyboard assumptions 932; disappear from typewriter ads 562; gaming keyboards and 925, 937; as heads of office 556; hovering over female typists 5640; keyboard meet-ups and 1107; keypunching railroad tickets for 293-294; nervous systems of 464; as not being caught dead typing 545, 562; office boys 553, 556, 569; pay scales 579; Polish language and gender 565, 970; as programmers 575-577; programming keyboards and 937, 970; RSI and 769-770; scurrilous letters and 463; typing, finally, on computers 5730

Men in Black 3 (movie) 405, 4140

menu key (Windows menu) 724, 782

menus, interface 685, 717-720, 920

Mercedes Benz R&D Center 1145

Mercedes Elektra 2030

Mercedes typewriters 534

Merck & Co. “track changes” issues 480

mercury 301, 360, 365, 377

Mercury typewriters 534

Mergenthaler, Ottmar 247, 249, 264-265

Mergenthaler Linotype Company 352. See also Linotype machines

Merrick, Nellie 177

MESM computer 363, 364

Meta key 731

Metadot Das Keyboard 426, 927-930, 9280, 935, 935

Meyers, Raquel 1075-1076, 10770

Michela stenotypes 1014, 1015, 10160

Mickey’s Typing Adventure program 914

Mickwee, Ronald 640

Micro Men (movie) 616

Micro Switch 389, 5130

microcomputers. See personal computers

microfilm 472, 477, 974

MicroOffice RoadRunner 808, 810

microphones 487, 1171

Microprose 7270

Microsoft Corporation 640, 658

Microsoft computers: Windows compared to Macs 182, 183; Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 4520

Microsoft keyboards 724, 725, 793, 960-961, 963; Microsoft Ergonomic 11950; Microsoft Natural Elite 793; Microsoft Natural keyboard 173, 724, 7780, 779-782, 7800, 789-790

Microsoft software and operating systems

Clippy 910

ControlAltDelete 810-811, 812, 8130, 890

Microsoft Excel 703, 7250

Microsoft Exchange 738, 7380

Microsoft Multiplan 706

Microsoft Outlook 738

Microsoft Spell 1136

Microsoft Windows: AltGr key and 942-943; Eastern Bloc countries and 969; keyboard shortcuts 723-725, 8110, 8130; mouse devices and 942; older keyboards and 942-943, 969; Sticky Keys 1178; track changes 480-481, 1130; Windows 95 724, 7380; Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 4520

Microsoft Word: AutoFormat, AutoComplete, AutoCorrect, AutoText 1136-1137, 11400; bloated 699; Fast saves 1130; Glossary 1136; keypads for 7050; names encoded in 482; spell checker 1136-1137; track changes 480-481, 1130; two spaces after periods and 1197; versioning 1196

MSN Messenger 1189

Microtron (µtron) keyboards 763, 7910

Microwriters 6030, 1021-1024, 10240, 10250, 1026-10270

middle dot key 959

Mike 2 keypad 495

military typewriters and keyboards: Blackout key 1156; Bush forgeries and 479; computers 364, 865, 869; DSKY criticisms 1147; encrypting typewriters 166; Hall effect switches 749; hobbyists vs. 498-499 479; Nazi typewriters 1151; ruggedized 8190; “sabotage” 907; SAGE light gun 695; slashed 0s 1003

Miller, Dorothy Fay 1840, 1850

Mills, Henry 35, 36

Mindscape company 910

Mine key 1156

Ming Kwai (明快) typewriters 350-355, 3530, 3540, 356

minicomputers 384, 866. See also personal computers

Minimak layout 190

Minimotion keyboards 187

Ministry of Information, U. K. 3310

miscarriages 395

Misspeller’s Dictionary program 11380

MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) 1134, 1147

MITS Altair 493-495

Mitterhofer, Peter 36

mnemonics 110, 111, 716, 717, 983

MOBIDIC (Mobile Digital Computer) 869

mobile phones. See cellphones

Mod, Craig 1197

mode shifting 627-628, 630

Modern M0110 keyboards 1101

MoKo keyboards 11550

Molle typewriters 520

“molly-guards” 815

molten metal (squirts) 251, 252, 253, 253, 259, 260, 2600

MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) 586, 778

Monarch typewriters 7680

monitors. See screens

monkey’s tail (@) 1177, 1177

monopolies 76

Monopoly (game) 6340, 1158

monospaced fonts 126-127, 156, 413, 950, 1197, 11980

Monotype machines 2570, 263-264

Monroe calculators 227, 2300

Montevideo Adding keyboards 1153

Montgomery, Bob 902-903

Moon alphabet 199, 357

moon missions. See space missions

Moore, Charles T. 249

Moore, Gordon 733

Moore’s law 545, 866

Mora, Mirka 8590

Morris index typewriter 744

Morrison, Charles (C. M.) 320, 321

Morse, Lucretia Pickering Walker 319-320, 3420

Morse, Samuel F. B. 319-323, 338-341, 3420

Morse code 3270; control characters 343; final commercial messages 341-343; first telegraphs 322-323; legacy of 338-341; mastery needed for 324; Morse not actually inventor of 322; Morse’s reasons for wanting code 319-320; Sholes’ era and 19; transcribing 171, 1204-12050

Morse keys 18, 200

Mortal Kombat (game) 747

Moscow embassy bug 4820, 483-485, 4830, 4850

Moskva computers 616

“mother of all demos” 10080, 1009-1013

“motherfucking Beethoven of switches” 748

motor memory 101-102, 116-117, 720-721, 924, 942, 969, 1197

Motorola Q cellphones 989, 9910

Mount Mitchell, North Carolina 856

mouse devices: first 696, 6980, 6990, 1010, 10110; graphical user interfaces and 696-697; “hand-to-mouse” existence 896; iPad support 709; keyboard shortcut consistency and 721; keypads on 7050; knee-controlled 6970, 697; Macintosh 684, 894; menu key and 782; optional in Windows 942; video games and 920; Xerox PARC 1012

“mouse keys” setting 1039

MouseText 1048

movable type 248

movies. See also specific movies (i.e., This is Spinal Tap, etc.): Coronas in 859; Groma Kolibri in 864; playing on key displays 973; ThinkPads in 876; vintage machines in 405-406

MP3 players 1177

“Mr. Sloppy But Fun” 902

“Mr. Typewriter” 474

MR key (Margin Release) 123

MS-DOS 706, 725, 8110, 8130

MSX computers 8110, 8130

Mullaney, Thomas S. 275

Müller, C. L. 36

multi-shift keyboards 945

multi-touch gestures 980

multilingual computers 970-971

multilingual typewriters 969, 9700

MultiMate word processor 527

Multiplan spreadsheet 706

Mumbai typewriter shops 11000

Munroe, Randall 763

Munson Supply Company 9340

Munson typewriters 50, 530, 79

Muppet Learning Keys program 914

Murder Creek, New York 4600, 461-462

murders 461-462

Murray, David 326

muscle memory 101-102, 116-117, 720-721, 924, 942, 969, 1197

musculoskeletal disabilities 772, 1029-1032, 1042-10430. See also accessibility; RSI

“museum” key () 722

Museum of Modern Art 586, 778, 875

music 35, 474

music typewriters 148-1500, 474

musicians 773, 775. See also RSI

Mussolini, Benito 1059

Mustard keyboards 1153

My First Keyboard 753

Mydata MY-15 computer 5040

mysteries, artyping 10550, 1059

mystery writers, custom typewriters for 475

myType keyboards 11540


End key 135

N-key rollover 755, 926

Nachtrieb, Milton 462

nail polish 566

Namath, Joe 5680, 570

NaNoGenMo 1143-1144, 1144

Nantucket Corporation 967

NASA. See U. S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Nasby, Petroleum 77

National agencies of the United States. See under U. S.

National Assoc. of Working Women 396

National Cash Register (NCR) 85, 880, 307, 310, 5550

National Museum of American History 357

National Organization for Women 570, 5740

Native American victims of crime 461-462

natural keyboards 173. See also under Microsoft keyboards

navigation functions: arrow keys (See arrow keys); gestures (See gestures); graphical user interfaces 696-697; head movements 695; joysticks 687, 695, 6980, 7000, 7010, 11600; knee-controlled 6960, 6970, 697; light guns 695; red TrackPoint 871-872; scrolling 699-702; spreadsheets and 699-703; Touch Bar 709, 806-807, 8090, 1005; trackballs 704-7050, 8490, 873; trackpads 456, 709, 873, 951, 978, 981

Nawaz, Maryam (Pakistani PM’s daughter) 481

Nazi Germany 312, 313, 477, 1151, 1156

NBI 4100S 451, 451

NCIS double typing 111

NCR (National Cash Register) 85, 880, 307, 310, 5550

NEC computers and keyboards: Japanese book interface 9400; NEC PC-6001 5320; NEC PC-8801 10530; NEC PC-9801 6940; TK-80A 5220

Neill, Bob 1059

Neiman Marcus 489-492

Nelson, Julius 10540, 1055-1056, 1056, 10740

Nelson, William Wilson 1790

Neo layout 190

nerds 576, 1113

nervous systems, sexism and 464

NetHack (game) 10730

Netpliance i-Opener 1162-1171, 1166-11670, 1177

Netscape Navigator 726-7270

New Century. See American Writing Machine Co.

New Standard Keyboard 191

New York Times 205, 3300

New Zealand’s “track changes” issues 480

news 334-338, 3580, 359-360

News key 1163

newspapers: etaoinshrdlu 265-267, 2660, 267, 913, 914, 1003; Linotypes and 262-263; rolled-up, fighting with 616, 616; telegraphs and 335

NeXT computers 733, 7340, 896, 898

Next key 1178

Nietzsche, Frederick 198

night writing 1025-1026

NinType keyboards 1003

Nixon, Richard 472, 473, 477

NLS computer system 1009-1013, 10100, 10110, 1012, 10130

“no conversion” key 951

“no tocar…” 2, 12080

noise and sounds

acoustic switches 763

adding to keyboards 749, 890

customizing 389, 1088

describing sounds 757-758

devices: Alps Electric switches 757; Apple Extended Keyboard 707; Apple iPhone 1002; electric typewriters 208; Hall effect switches 749; IBM MT/ST 446; IBM Selectric 419; Linotypes 259; Model F 644, 645, 666; Model M 663, 666, 667; Smith-Corona Ultrasonic 742; teletypes 335, 384; typewriter noise 147-151; UNIVAC data processing 360-362

earplugs 929

keylogging and 487

offices 667

silencing kits 384

soundproofing 151

typing pools 147, 156

whining devices 975

Noiseless typewriters 74, 146-1470, 151, 155, 2090, 441, 902, 906, 1150

Nokia cellphones: Nokia 6820 9860; Nokia E61 and E62 989, 9900

non-destructive cursors 518

non-printing keys. See also accelerator and modifier keys; dead keys: arrow keys (See arrow keys); as defective 59, 60; ergonomic size of 833; function keys (See function keys); international keys 271, 272; Ming Kwai keyboard 351; Morse code 343; telegraphs and teletypes 343, 343; usage statistics 692

Norbauer, Ryan 1107

Norman layout 190

Northgate keyboards: Model F clones 647; Northgate OmniKey 743; Northgate OmniKey 102 678-6790; Northgate OmniKey Ultra 716

Norwegian keyboards 954, 1177

notebook computers. See portable computers; specific brands

Notes app (iPhone) 519, 902

“Nothing But Initials” 451

Noun key 1147-1149, 1150

noun-verb interface 697, 1147-1149, 1150

novels, typewriters named after 864

Noyce, Robert 733

Noyes, Eliot 410-411, 594

nubbins (red TrackPoint) 871-872

nubs (dimples, anchors) 110, 111, 1180, 223, 656, 793, 8080, 990

Num Lock key 697-699, 703, 1179

number keys 127, 130, 175, 180, 188, 220, 2210, 233. See also keypads

Nutting, William Washburn 855-856


Oasys keyboards 9540, 9550

obsolescence 534

Odell typewriters 760

Office, Chief of Counsel for War Crimes 2300

office boys 553, 556, 569

Office Space (movie) 812

“office wives” 558-560, 570

office work

complexity of 569-570

early office typewriters 1950

“electronic sweatshops” 571-572

ergonomics (See ergonomics)

handwriting, preferences for 433-434

RSI and 771

time-shared computers and 395

typed documents as standard 433-434

typewriter adoption 91-93

before typewriters 553

typing pools (See typing pools)

women and: administrative assistants 579; entry-level typing jobs 554-558; gender ratios 1930s 560-562; “office wives” 558-560, 570; secretaries disappear from 574, 579; sexual harassment 558-560, 562; stenography and typing jobs grow 554; super-secretary era 566-569, 5660, 5670; typist role 553-554, 560-562; women blocked from advancement 556; women’s endangered virtue and 554

word processing changes 571-574

OfficeMax, W keys and 17

Ohio Scientific computers 1048-1049, 1049

ok message 1194, 1195

Oliver typewriters 71, 85, 96, 581; Oliver №5 730; Typewriter Row 680, 70, 74

Olivetti, Adriano 593

Olivetti, Camillo 593

Olivetti SpA 593, 594, 631

Olivetti computers and keyboards: Olivetti Divisumma 18 593; Olivetti Elea 9003 5920, 593; Olivetti OSAI keyboards 1176-11770; Olivetti P6040 5950, 630; Olivetti Programma 101 593, 5940; Olivetti TCV 250 terminal 593; word processors 6020, 8970

Olivetti girls 5680, 570

Olivetti typewriters 130, 140, 420, 440, 887; Olivetti Dora 594; Olivetti Editor 593; Olivetti ETV250 8970; Olivetti girls 5680, 570; Olivetti Graphika 440; Olivetti Ico MP1 2850, 5800, 593; Olivetti Lettera 35 5880, 593; Olivetti Lexicon 593; Olivetti M40/3 5890; Olivetti Praxis 48 587-593, 590-5910, 594-595; Olivetti Studio 42 5880; Olivetti Studio 44 5890; Olivetti Valentine 581, 584-587, 5840, 5850, 586, 5860, 5870, 5930, 594-595

oll korrect message 1195

Olympia typewriters 479, 5120, 581, 887; Olympia de Luxe Turkish 2900; Olympia Model 8 5820; Olympia Olympiette VOL 2 BACK ENDPAPERS0; Olympia Reporter 2110; Olympia SF 864; Olympia SM3 5830; Olympia Traveler 864

“one-finger typing” 270

the Onion (magazine and site) 762

Oops key 11570, 1158

open hardware 1094, 1096

Open Steno software 1088

operating systems 639, 730, 942. See also specific systems (i.e., CP/M, MS-DOS, etc.)

Optima Bambino typewriters 5280

Optima M12 typewriters 2760

Optimus keyboards 928, 960; Optimus Maximus 973-977, 974-9750, 9760; Optimus Popularis 977

Option key (Mac) 721-722

Orao computers 9640

orbiTouch keyboards 7880

Oregon Railroad and Navigation Co. 2950

Oregon Trail (game) 920

O’Reilly, David 335

Orr, Mae 55, 59

Orthodox keyboards 1093

Orthographic keyboard (Gilbert) 172, 1780

orthographies. See languages and orthographies

ortholinear layout 520, 795, 8460, 8470, 9380, 11040

Orwell, George 1193

OSAI keyboards 1176-11770

Osborn, Albert S. 469-470, 485

Osborne 1 computers 867, 8680, 8800

Osbourne, T. 55-57

oscilloscopes 365, 742, 991

Osner Business Machines 883

Oswald, Lee Harvey 336-338

otaku keyboards 848, 849

Ottoman Empire 283

oven-dial manufacturers (cooker) 631

overlays 716-717, 726-7270; Apple Extended Keyboard 707; Ashton-Tate 7260; BASIC commands 6280; BlackBerrys with 9880; Colemak 9390; Comanche 4 7240; Commodore 7360; Excel 7250; Freeboard keyboard 652, 6540; IBM 6450, 717, 7370; KeyGuard 10390; overlay keyboards 438; Rolodex-like 716-717; Royal typewriters 726-7270; Tektronix terminals 7150; WordPerfect 7230

overtyping characters: creating symbols 129-130; on early computers 1064; emoticons 1064, 1065, 10650, 10670; glitchy text or Zalgo 1075; moving platens 1059; puzzles 1290, 1300; spacebars and 1199; Typo the mechanical man 1056

overweight people 294, 295

Owen, Margaret 91, 5220


“Pac-Man pinky” 773

PACE terminal keyboards 7900

pad printing 827, 831

paddle keyboards 786-787, 1015, 1017, 1088

“a page a day” typewriters 71

page numbers 36, 453

pagers 18, 21, 987, 1068, 1192

Paige Compositor 264

Pajitnov, Alexey 7020

Pakistani Panama papers case 481-482

Palace Hotel, Cincinnati 440, 46, 63

Palantype machines 10220

Palm phones: Graffiti 1004; Palm Treo 989, 9910

Palm Portable keyboard 11540

Panama-Pacific Exposition 84, 880

Panama Papers leaks 481-482

Panasonic Toughbook CF-U1 9920

Panasonic typewriters 11350

Panic key 11630

pantograph switches 757

pantographs 298, 298-2990, 3020, 306

Papa John’s pizza 1166

paper: carbon paper 18, 93, 136-138, 1026; for mass mailings 436; “quiet” 151; standard sizes 127; tape (See paper tape)

paper holders 141

paper tape: computer input 364; fixing mistakes 382; lubricated 384; stenotype machines 1018, 10200; telegraph 325, 3260, 3270; teletype 335

paperwork 19; correspondence (See correspondence); creating in offices (See office work); duplicate copies of (See duplication)

Papiermarks 1150

paragraphs, Return key and 445

paranoid schizophrenic programs 1185

Park Sung-Joon 921

parking meters 1158, 11690

Parmelee, Dubois 219

Parmelee calculators 2180, 219, 243

PARRY program 1185

Pascal, Blaise 216

Pascaline calculators 216, 2160

passwords 189, 1196

patents: Crandall portable 11090; delaying 21; Ming Kwai 3550; non-QWERTY keyboards 178-1790; Parmelee calculators 2180, 219; Sholes & Glidden 21, 29; Sholes’ later 191, 1920, 193; Writing Ball 198

path dependence 182

Patient Operated Selector Mechanism 20420

Patton, Phil 410

PBT plastic 851

PC-0010 computer 6240

PDAs. See specific brands (i.e., Palm, BlackBerry, etc.)

PDP-1 computer 493

peanut butter-proof keyboards 753

pedals 889-890, 945

Peerless typewriters 534

pekfingervalson (index finger waltz) 270

pen computers 870, 991

“pen slavery” 551

pencil lines 141

Penna keyboards 1103

pens 35, 1197

key (per) 1153, 11530

Perfected Type-Writer. See Sholes & Glidden Type-Writers

Perfection typewriters 534

performance art 1075-1076, 10770

. key (period) 713

perjury 473

Permutation Typography 1021

PERQ computers 1158

personal computers 6030. See also specific brands

accessibility (See accessibility)

art created on (See art, created by typing)

“burn-in” periods 521

cloning 622-627, 629, 647-648, 677, 761

computer literacy (See literacy)

costs (See costs)

debugging programs 575

as doorstops 633, 635

evolution of 508-511; 1980s era 506, 511, 648, 6600; beige era 849-851; British demand for 618-620; cold milk and hot machines 614; companies fail to transition 889; connecting to Selectrics or teletypes 495-497; data use shifts to communication 509; devices become software 739; early buying choices 531; early uses or lack of 495, 497, 506, 532-5330; executives adopt 574; exported machines (See exports and imports); first PCs 490, 493-495, 502, 504-5050; hobbyists (See hobbyists); homebrew spirit ends 509-511; IBM and 511, 638-640, 648-653; IBM compatibles 647-648; incompatible formats and hardware 534; internet appliances 1162-1171, 1166-11670, 1177; Japanese adoption 952-953; “keyboard computers” 503; kitchen appliances 489-492, 4910, 4920, 4940, 501; limits of floppy disks or documents 524-525; Moore’s law 866; portables become main machines 879-881; typewriter companies try to survive 593-594; typography returns with 1067; video display revolution 501; wedge typewriters as transitional 887-892; Wozniak’s desire to create 498

exported (See exports and imports)

floppy disks 4540, 521-525, 543, 967

hobbyists (See hobbyists)

hopes and dreams 5420

input method editors 947-952, 9500

intuitiveness and 1012

logo keys 503-506, 509

losing work (See losing work)

“nerd” image and 576

programming nightmares 494

renting 5370, 9620

repairing 6720, 675-676, 8040, 851, 890, 1102

revisions and writing process 536-539

typewriterly keyboards for 1102-1106

as unreliable 539

USB, PS/2, AT, ADB, XT connections 1102

wariness towards 530

women’s achievements and 574-575

worst of all time 658-659

PETSCII art 1075-1076, 10770

PFDGB (Program Fall Down, Go Boom) 812

PgDn and PgUp keys 1179

Philips computers 502; Philips VG 5000 520

Phoenix Validator 456

phonemes, typing 951

phonetic alphabets 1002, 1003

Photoshop 1038, 1199

phototelegraphs 326

phototypesetting 1174-11750

phrases, early typewriters and 35

physicians 270, 771, 797-798, 925

“pianist’s cramp” 773, 775

piano-key telegraphs 3240, 324, 3250

piano-key typewriters 22, 220, 107

piano keys 104, 899

Pickering, Lucretia (later Morse) 319-320

“pickle and pie” 91

pictograms on keys 828-832

Piggie (book) 2630

pig’s tail (@) 1177

pilots 1002, 1003

Pinball interface 11460, 1147-1149, 1149, 1150, 1150, 1178

pinball machine calculators 11640

Pinyin 970

| \ key (pipe/backslash) 644, 646, 833, 937, 9390

piracy 622, 963, 967

pitch (fonts) 412

Pitman shorthand method 19, 1013

Pittsburgh, blowing up 520

pivoting keyboards 874-875

pivoting screens 9570

Pixels (movie) 920

Pizza Hut spacebar 12010

Pizza key 1166-1171, 11660

plain text editors 728-732

Planck keyboard 1091, 1093

Planet Sinclair website 633

planets, typing 474

plastics, yellowing of 851, 1102

platens 23, 135-136, 138-1390, 141, 147

PLATO computers

backspacing 1134

PLATO IV computers 10640, 10660; emoticons 1065-1066, 10650, 10670, 1070; full name of 1066

Talkomatic 1188-1189

PLUM keyboard 9380

Plume Typographique 400

PMC-80 computer 716

Pneumoniac (JOHNNIAC) 363

Pocket Printing Machine 1021

pocket typing 1021

pocketable typewriters 858

poetry, concrete 1060

Pogo Stick (TrackPoint) 871-872

Pogue, David 994

point-of-sale terminals 1171

poison emails 482

poison typewriter lady 463-465, 4650

Pokémon typing program 913, 9150

“poking” (Dutch) 269

Pol Pot 1142

“police method” typing 270

The Policeman’s Beard… (book) 1143

Polish computers and keyboards: AltGr key 942-943; assemblers 963; Communism and 963; Elwro 800jr 623, 9670; gendered history of typing and 970; lack of uppercase characters 963, 963; programmer’s and typist’s layouts 967, 9670, 969, 970; Russian-Polish-French keyboards 1153; standards 844-845

Polish high-rises 634

Polish key punch machines 3030

Polish language 565, 942-943, 9430, 961-969

Polish typewriters 2720; accented character issues 1280; broken Polish arises from 966; converted from German 9680; dissidents and 963; early 9660; filed-off serial numbers 963; key legends on 271; QWERTZ layout 1050, 280, 963; symbols and special characters 272

political issues: Communism (See Communism and communists); elections 359-360, 366-371, 401; invention of typewriters and 36; Korean War 355; Mao Zedong and typewriters 352; red (Republicans), blue (Democrats) 360; Turkish and Kurdish 287-291

Pollard, Anna J. 463-465, 4650

polling rates 925-926

Polyglott typewriters 2760, 969

Polyglotte software 1088

PolyMorphic System 8813 5230

Pong (game) 503

Pooney erasers 11190

💩 emoji (poop) 1070, 1070

Popular Computing (magazine) 3470

portable computers (luggables, laptops, notebooks, etc.). See also specific brands: early laptops 868; early luggables 866-868; early notebooks 868-870; gaming computers 881, 935-937; keyboard sizes 837-838; pen computers 870; plane trips and 868; printers built into 873; projector features 873; in space (See space missions); stenotyping machines 10220; subnotebooks 875, 9930; trackballs and trackpads (See trackballs; trackpads); tripods 881; as typewriters 869; underpowered 867-868; as users’ main computers 879-881

portable typewriters. See also specific brands (i.e., Corona, Olivetti Valentine, etc.): adventures of 856-858; alarming people on trains 855-856; battery-powered 865; electric portables 865; first 858-860, 863-865, 1021; folding 8560. 8570 8580, 8590, 860-861, 864; index (See index typewriters); movie careers 859; pocketable typewriters 858; segmented typebars 864; Sholes & Glidden as somewhat 858; Sholes’ project 32, 553; tripods 855; war-time service 856-858

Portuguese typewriters 269, 270, 275, 284, 959, 1153

Pournelle, Jerry 537, 832-833

Power Space key 1199

power typing 445, 446

Powers Tabulating Machine Company 3020

Practical typewriters 59

practice keyboards 110, 225, 259-260, 9160, 9170

Pratt, John 37

predicting war tactics from typewriters 474

predictive text: apologizing for 1196; automatic writing with 1144; cellphones and 986, 1138-1139, 1139; Chinese influences on 357; fairytale typewriters 1145; Google suggestions 1139-1143; iPhone 995; T9 and iTap 986; TouchStream keyboard 982; typing speed and 1004

premium keyboards 1084

“Press any key to continue…” 1162

pretzel key () 722

Prev Ch and Next Ch keys 1166

Price Up and Price Downkeys 1156

“primitive tortureboard” 187

Princeton University Computer Center 3800

Print Screen key 828, 830, 1179

printers (personal) 4240, 425, 873

printing industry. See also Linotype machines; typesetting; typography: Chinese 345-346, 350; composition 248-249, 2530; earliest examples of 249; Gutenberg’s revolution 248, 254; imitation typewriter fonts 434-435, 4370; Linotypes and 254, 262-263; as not suited to small runs 19; process of 248; Selectric Composer and VariTyper 442; short lifespan of typesetters 265; typed output expectations and 434

printing telegraphs 3180, 324-327, 5970

Priser, John B. 5090

prisms 71

prison 473, 8880, 8890

prisoners of war 103

privacy 236, 1129

problems, solving with design 632

professional gamers. See video games and gamers

profiles: electric typewriters 839-841; high-profile 838-8390, 838-841; low-profile 792, 838-8390, 838-841, 848; mechanical typewriters 838-839; standards and 841, 845

Progin, Xavier 35, 36, 37, 400, 42

programmers and programming: arrow key insistence 706; \ key 737, 960, 1178; BASIC and 631; communicating before email 1188, 1193; definition of computers and 362; disrespectful calendars 10690; early hobby computers 494; early programming as painful 377; female 574-577; first programming languages 377; forums 932-935; gaming keyboards and 935; HHKB keyboards 837-838, 9290, 930-932, 9330; key punching 380-3810; machine time 364-366, 371-382, 451; Macintosh software and 683-684, 703-706; “mathematicians” and “analysts” 363; mechanical keyboards and 927, 929; “nerd” image 576; not allowed near early computers 376-377; Polish programmer’s layout 967, 970; Russian keyboards and 960-961; switches and 761; UNITYPER input 365; UNIVAC and election night 366; Wichary’s mazes 1061-1064; working off-line 364-365

programs. See software

Project GUNMAN 485

projection 1185, 1188

projectors 873

Prológica computers 810

Promin-2 computer 3740

propeller key () 722

proper keyboards 1084

proportional fonts 438-442, 7320

Proto Type program 913

Protoswitch device 10030

prudish spell checkers 1142, 1143

Psion 5MX computer 1199

psychoanalysis 474, 521. See also ELIZA program

Pterotype machines 37, 42

PulSE keycaps 1084

Pumpkin Papers 472-473

punch cards. See key punch machines and punch cards

“purchaser’s perplexing peculiarities” 293-294

pure typewriters 421

puzzles: break/reset keyboard shortcuts 8110, 8130; finding etaoinshrdlu 267; hieroglyphs 1021; key icons 8310, 8330; overtyping characters 1290, 1300; PLATO emoticons 10650, 10670; two spaces after periods 1199


Q key 2, 10, 285, 287-291, 503, 983

“Q keyboard” 284. See also QWERTY layout

QGMLWBY layout 1089, 10900

QHTCSZ layout 963

Qi Xuan 350

Qlavier Keeblade keyboards 11050

QMK software 1088

QSENN DT-35 keyboards 9260

Quadrato font 130

Quake (game) 924

Quattro Pro spreadsheet 736

Quentell, W. P. 1790

question marks 475

questioned documents: Alger Hiss case 473, 475-477; American Society of Questioned Document Examiners 485; counterfeited receipts 468-469; George W. Bush memos 4780, 479-480; Gestapo forgeries 477; Hilton’s guide 467, 4680; identifying 467; laser erasers and counterfeiting 1124; Osborn’s guide 469-470; Panama Papers leaks (Fontgate) 481-482; Pumpkin Papers (Hiss) 472-473; recreating typewriters for trial 475-477

Quoc Ngu typewriters 2880

quotation marks 127-128, 441

Qwerkywriter keyboard 1103

QWERTY layout: adjustments to 1700, 171; key and 721; Blickensderfer’s typewriters and 165, 166-167, 1690; Carpalx testing 1089; colonialism and 282; comparing to Dvorak 176-180, 182-184; as design choice 186; disdain for 928; Dvorak and Dealey’s study of 174; “Dvorak hands” 183-1840; economic impacts of 181-182; evolution of layout 1700; as “good enough” 190; heat maps of usage 1860; I just can’t quit you, QWERTY 954-958; “improve” or just “prove” 1090; international adoption of 274-283, 954-958, 959; iPhone and 995, 1003; Japanese keyboards and 946, 952-953; as language 1177-1179; lasting power of 11; as a mess 1178, 1179; myths about 168; no notes about invention 168-172; notoriety after speed competition 54; path dependence and 182; poorer nations and 280, 959, 963; as “poorest keyboard in the world” 281; as “primitive tortureboard” 187; question of which is better 187-190; QWERTY effect 1206; Sholes & Glidden’s use of 33, 168-172; Sholes’ hatred for 191-193; signed releases before using 166-167; slowing typists 168, 171, 184, 187; speed of 171; telegraph adoption 326; terminals’ use of 394; Turkish typewriters and 284; typebar collisions 184-186; up-strike vs. front-strike 185

Qwerty (planetoid) 1209

QWERTY problem” 182

QWERTZ layout 1790, 186, 275, 280, 954, 963, 963

Qyx and Qwip word processors 446-4470

QZERTY layout 186, 272, 275, 959


r. key 711-712

racism: 1890 U. S. Census 296; black women underrepresented 911-913; Google suggestions and 1141-1142; manual labor and 560; Mavis Beacon and sales 909; RSI and 769, 771; women of color in workforce 560; women’s office work and 560; xenophobia 281-282, 346, 3460, 357, 833

RACTER program 1185

radiation 395, 805-806, 815-819, 821

Radio Shack computers: TRS-80 502, 614, 659, 10520; TRS-80 Model 100 902

Radiola VG5000 computers 5290

Raduga computers 616

railroads and trains: Burlington Northern 1950; hole punching tickets 293-294; Oregon Railroad and Navigation Co. 2950; typing on trains 855-856

raindrop typing (雨だれタイピング) 270

Ramazzini, Bernardo 773-774, 799

Ran, Thomas 7460; ASMR 749; on beam-spring switches 750; on bullshit 926; collections 760; jargon 755-758; on Optimus Maximus 975; YouTube reviews 747-748, 763-765

Rand Ledger Company 366

Random House software 1136

raphigraphs 36

Rapid typewriters 534

Rapidata time-sharing 382

Raskin, Jef: anthropophilic computers 892-893, 894; Apple career 696, 892-893; cancer diagnosis 898; Canon Cat 894-899; efficiency and 899; “hand-to-mouse” existence 896; on keyboard reinvention 899; memo about Steve Jobs 892

Rather, Dan 479

Ravizza, Giuseppe 35, 36, 410

Razer keyboards 761, 925

RCA keyboards 497

“read on this” 9380

reading rates (wpm) 91

realtiming 1028

recipes, artyping 1057, 10570

red squiggly lines 1136-1137, 1137

redacted documents 480

Redactron word processor 450

Reddit 933

Reed, Aaron A. 629

Reichardt, Marian 60

Reichsmarks 1150-1151

Reimann, Hannah 785

Reliable typewriters 534

Rem-Sho 76

Remington, Franklin 76

Remington Rand 370, 566, 7690. See also UNIVAC

Remington-Sholes company 76

Remington Standard Typewriter. See Remington typewriters

Remington Typewriter Co. (formerly E. Remington & Sons) 2830; becomes Remington Rand 366; buys Blickensderfer 168; buys Smith Premier 280; competitors 140; Herkimer County and 551; home computers’ effect on company 593; laser eraser and 1125; legal department 60; Lin Yutang demos at 352; Machine Assembly Room 64-650; marketing efforts 60; sales 1880s 92; “typewriter,” rights to 51; Typewriter Row shop 680; Wyckoff, Seamans, and Benedict buy 75

Remington typewriters

ads 570, 77-78, 123-124, 5220, 530, 565-566, 7690

Chinese machines 350

de-jam keys 813

electric typewriters 206

golf ball typewriters 420

grammar and 1134

hotel typewriter stations 84

international models 275, 281-282, 2820, 288-2890, 961, 1153

knee shifts 6960

Mark Twain and 77-78

poorer nations’ languages and 280

Remington 3B 1152, 11520

Remington Baby Rem 864

Remington Electric 202, 2030, 2060, 565-566

Remington Junior 864

Remington №1 (See Sholes & Glidden Type-Writers)

Remington №2 470, 490, 1076; keyboard layout 49-50; QWERTY keyboard 49; Shift for lowercase 49-50; speed competitions 46-48, 54; uppercase only 48; victory in Shift Wars 59-60

Remington №5 1250

Remington №6 82

Remington №7 920, 1260

Remington Noiseless 902, 906

Remington Perfected 7100, 711-712, 7120, 713

Remington Portable 8620, 863, 8630, 865, 8800

Remington Remette 864

Remington Remie Scout 864

Remington Remtronic 889, 889

“scientific” layouts 281-282

Sholes & Glidden: Densmore’s negotiations with 30-32, 320; first Sholes & Glidden models 33-35, 340, 43; later Sholes & Glidden models 37-390; luck and timing for machine 42-43; Remington-Sholes company and 76

Super-Secretary booklet 566-569, 5660, 5670

T-Y-P-E-W-R-I-T-E-R arrangement 187

Turkish typewriters 284

typing classes 554

underscore characters 5460

remixing keyboards 1099-1101

Remote Computing (time-sharing) 382

Rempel, David 772-773, 787-793, 799, 801

renting typewriters and computers 536-5370, 952, 9620

repairing and cleaning Linotypes 259

repairing and restoring computers 6720, 675-676, 8040, 851, 890, 1102

repairing and restoring typewriters 8040; Berkeley Typewriter 883-885; Bremerton Office Machine Co. 900-9010, 902-903; brushes 1440; correction fluid horrors 1121; IBM Selectric 419; Martin Tytell (Mr. Typewriter) 474, 883; Mason Whitlock 147, 890; Mumbai 11000; Osner Business Machines 883; repainting 1083; requirements 1101-1102; wedge typewriters 889

repetitive stress injuries. See RSI

replay mode (IBM MT/ST) 444

Research in Motion. See BlackBerry mobiles

reset commands 807-811, 8110, 8130

Reset key 520, 809-810

restoring typewriters. See repairing and restoring typewriters

Retro Time Backward key 1159, 1171

retrobrighting 1102

“Retrospective Supplementary Income” 769

Retter, Dale 787, 788

Return key 834-8350; early versions of 210; Electromatic typewriters and 1178; first paragraph functionality 445; functions of 1179; IBM terminals 394; impressive keys 1980; international key legends 271; symbols for 828; terminals 390; word processors 457

Reuters Ultronic Stockmaster 2220

reverse engineering 629, 647

reviving old keyboards 1099-1101

Rheinmetall Portable typewriter 7750, 778

Rhodes, Ida 575

ribbons: artyping and 1059; boxes designed for women 565; Carter’s 562; cartridges 141, 407; duochrome 129, 1440, 1450; Remington’s sales of 93; Selectric 1128, 1129, 11300, 11310; Sholes & Glidden 24, 25; switching colors 413; tri-chrome 1440; Underwood №5 96; unreliability 529

Ricoh Riport keyboards 6950

right-to-left languages 166, 275, 413, 474

Righter, Charles 83-84

RIM. See BlackBerry mobiles

rings, learning typing with 110, 9080

rivers: jumped into, due to failed invention 201; typewriters dumped in 461

Robertson, William 172

robot typists 5760, 777

Robotron computers: Robotron 300 computers 10680; Robotron KC 85/1 computer 520, 1049, 10510; Robotron Z-9001 computers 10530

Roemer, Madge 10570

Rogers, Carl 1184

Rogue (game) 10730

Roku keyboard 10000

rollable keyboards 11540

rollover (pressing multiple keys) 185, 366, 412, 416, 747, 755-757

Rolodex-like overlays 716-717

Romaji mode 951, 970

Roman characters on Japanese keyboards 950

Roman numerals 22

Romance Division, IBM 421

Romanian typewriters and keyboards 2680, 271, 623, 963, 967

Romano, Frank 263

Ronalds, Francis 321

Roosevelt, Franklin D. 441

Roosevelt, Theodore 856

Rooy typewriters 864

rose (@) 1177

Rose, Frank 861

rotary dials 9850; alphabet on 983; calculators 2350; iPod 990, 991; legacy of 241; long telephone numbers and 238; telephone dials 236, 238, 2390, 243

rotated keyboards 785-786

Rowell, Sidney W. 1790

Royal Digital III calculators 11650

Royal Typewriter Co.: competitors 140; computers’ effect on company 593; laser erasers and 1125-1126; Royal Factory 1220, 1340, 155; sales 151-154; the “Supreme Court” 1340; Typewriter Row 74, 750

Royal typewriters: adjustable force 777; ads 1320; bells 124; Dvorak keyboards 180; Finger Form keys 141; Hemingway and 862; industrial design evolution 402-4030; inspection and adjustment of 121-126, 131-136, 1320, 1340, 139-140; Keyboard Margin Control 141; overlays 726-7270; robot typists 5760, 777; Royal De Luxe 8640; Royal HHE 1250; Royal KHM VOL 1 FRONT ENDPAPERS; Royal Portables 1320; Royal Quiet De Luxe 151, 581, VOL 1 BACK ENDPAPERS; Royal Signet 1156; Royaltyper machines 436, 4520; Shift Freedom 5480; specialized typewriters 1580; Tangora’s speed typing and 900; Vogue font 130, 1330; watery ends for 475; wedges 887; Wichary’s Dvorak typewriter 156-157

RSI (repetitive stress injuries): agony of 797-798; apm (actions per minute) 921; Apple and Microsoft avoid mentioning 793; artyping and 1059, 1059; Australian Telecom 767-771, 799; BlackBerry thumb 989; CANS terminology 798; Carpalx software 1089; classism and 772; diagnosis 797-798; first typewriters and 774-777; misunderstandings about 772-773; names for 799; “next-please doctors” 771; pre-keyboard 773-774; “Retrospective Supplementary Income” 769; scrivener’s palsy 106, 107, 773, 799; sexism and racism 769; solutions for 798-799; sympathetic RSI 771; touch typing and 776; TouchStream keyboard and 980, 983; as vicious circle 799; of vocal chords 1207; Westerman’s research 978-980

RTFM key 527

Rub Out key 1178

rubber, instead of springs 677

rubber bands, punch cards and 311

rubber keyboards: exploded view 7540; HHKB 837-838, 9290, 930-932, 9330; IBM PCjr 651, 753; as menace 748; printing on 630; rubber dome 748, 753, 754, 762, 926-927, 9260; rubber dome over membrane 753-754; ZX Spectrum 520, 618, 628-629, 631, 753

rubber keypads 613

Rulifson, Jeff 1012

Russell, Daniel 737

Russian embassy, Washington D. C. 485

Russian language 274, 971

Russian/Soviet computers and keyboards: BESM-1 3730; Byte 6250; complexity needed 959-961; costs of computers 629; Cyrillic characters on keyboards 959-960; Cyrillic teletype machines 2780; Elektronika 15IE-00-013 7020; Elektronika BK0010 9600; enikeyshchik (anykeyer) 1162; MESM 363, 364; Microsoft and 960-961; Optimus 928, 960, 973-977, 974-9750, 9760; PC-0010 6240; piracy 967; programmers and 960-961; terminals 7020, 9610; typos on keycaps 12010; URAL-2 3750; used computers 622; ZX Spectrum cloning 622-627, 629

Russian/Soviet encryption machines 11610

Russian/Soviet espionage 4820, 483-485, 4830, 4850, 485

Russian/Soviet keypads 3070

Russian/Soviet teletypes 2780

Russian/Soviet typewriters 1270, 2740, 2780, 2790, 2890, 5280; Alissoff’s 36; converting from English 275, 474; converting to German 2790, 1156; Dvorak layout and 961; Ideal Polyglott typewriter 2760, 969; key charts 1580; missing “fir trees” 127; orthography reforms and 274; Remington’s “expert” on 282; Remington’s layout 961; Russian Latin-Medical keyboards 1153; Russian-Polish-French keyboards 1153; symbols and special characters 273-274


S key 922

sabotage, mistreating typewriters is 907

SABRE computers 5610

safety: Killer Poke 1197; laser erasers 1125; Linotypes 252; office work offers 553; Shift key as relatively safe 1178, 1179; Therac machines 805-806, 815-819

SafeType keyboard 785-786, 786-7870

SAGE computers 695

Salazar, António de Oliveira 284

sales: 1980s personal computers 648; BBC Micro 618; Canon Cat 896; car-based typewriter 820, 830; carbon paper 93; Corona №3 861; early Remington typewriters 92; early typewriter salesmen 82-84; geared towards women 565; giant devices 84-87, 860, 88-890, 96, 97, 5240; gimmicks era 84, 140; IBM PC 642, 707; IBM PCjr 653; IBM Selectric 407, 421; IBM ThinkPad 872-873, 876; IBM training 301, 310; key punch cards 311; Key Tronic keyboards 648; Macintosh 706, 707, 894; Mavis Beacon series 909; office adoption of typewriters 91-93; Olivetti Valentine 594-595; promotional photos 840, 850; ribbons 93; Royal typewriters 151-154; Sinclair ZX Spectrum 618; third party keyboards 648; typewriters 1880-1886 92; Underwood №5 96

Salter typewriters 79, 776; Salter Standard 10 8640

Salvá i Campillo, Francisco 321

Same Sentence key 1158, 1171

Samsung Alias 2 cellphone 9930

Samsung DT-35 keyboard 926-927, 9260

Samsung Sens 810 computer 7940

Samurai stickers 9350

San Francisco Center for the Book 10850

Sanders (murderer) 461-462

Sapper, Richard 870, 1112

“Satan’s compressed excrement” 975

Saturn typewriters 534

Saval, Nikil 395

Save commands 539, 941, 1130

Save For Web Claws site 1199

.SAVED tool 1188, 1193

Sazanna keyboards 945

Scandinavian terms 722

Scandinavian typewriters 2890

Scantest 11 typesetter 1174-11750

Schawlow, Arthur 11140, 1116, 1121-1126, 1128, 1129, VOL 1 BACK COVER0

Schiller, Phil 990

Schisgal, Murray 883

Schutzstaffel (Nazi Germany) 1151

Schwalbach, Matthias 22-23, 29

science fiction writers 534, 536-537

Scientific American article 30, 310

Scientific keyboard (DHIATENSOR) 165-166, 1670, 1690, 172, 175, 1780, 257

“scientific typewriting” 107. See also touch typing

scissor switches 7550, 757, 871

SCO Group’s “track changes” issues 480

scope keyboards 991

Scott, David 1148

Scott, Mike 4880

Scott, Tom 1070

Scrabble keyboards 11040, 1112

screen typers 887

screens: burn-in 7180; eyestrain 518; first cursors 456-457, 519; inside keyboards 926; inside keys 973; onscreen (See virtual (onscreen) keyboards); pivoting 9570; terminals 390-391; typewriter hook-ups 889; word processors 450-451, 453, 518-519

Screenshot key 1178

scriveners 553

scrivener’s palsy 106, 107, 773, 799. See also RSI

W key 699-703, 1179

scrolling 518, 699-703

Sculley, John 897-898

sculpted keys 140-141, 826, 939

Scunthorpe program 1143

SEAC (Standards Eastern Automatic Computer) 3740

Seale, Yasmine 286, 291

search functionality 445, 453, 1139-1143

Sears typewriters: Foreign Language Type Kit 1410; Sears Corrector 11350

“the second shift” 558

secretaries: administrative assistants instead 579; ads geared towards 562-569; appearance of 565-566; blocked from taking credit 567; disappear from offices 574, 579; “electronic sweatshops” 571-572; executives don’t miss 574; firing, causes of 558; gimmicks geared towards women 565; hovering men and 5640; marriage and 556, 562-565, 565, 571; “office wives” 558-560, 570; Olivetti girls 5680; private secretaries 556, 558-560; ranking oneself 569; sexual harassment 558-560, 562; Super-Secretary (booklet) 566-569, 5660, 5670; Today’s Secretary (magazine) 566; wives as 577-579; word processing changes work 571-574

security, correctable ribbons and 1129

Sedaris, David 420

sedition, typewriters and 283

Sega’s Typing of the Dead 914-918, 9180, 9190

Seiko watches 11810

Semeco, Daniela 1088

; key (semicolon) 49, 1290 , 1310, 174, 1178-1179

semigraphics: charts 1050-10510; disappearance of 1067-1068; early computers with 1047-1049; on font balls 10600, 10610; on keys 1048-10490, 1049, 1052-10530; messaging apps 1192; Meyers’ art 1075-1076, 10770; modifying typewriters to print 1106; origin of 1047-1048; Wichary discovers 1046-1047

Senator typewriters 534

sentence spacing 11980

Sentence Spacing site 1196

serial numbers 83, 83, 462, 463, 675, 676, 963

“seven powers” (Apple) 508

sewing machines 29, 30

sex and Commodore computers 869

sexism: ads geared towards women 562-569; Apple Adjustable Keyboard and 779; “but can he/she type?” 5740, 5750; craftsmanship vs. manufacturing 560; electric typewriters and 204; executives don’t miss secretaries 574; female programmers 574-575; femme keycaps 1107; first telephone exchange and 236; gaming keyboards and 937; gendered language for typists 565; gimmicks geared towards women 565; girl-less typewriters 5770; Google suggestions and 1141-1142; graphoideophrenoia and 464; Mae Orr’s media description 59; male and female Chinese typists 350; McGurrin’s touch typing and 109; men hovering over women 5640; men not being caught dead typing 545; men type on computers, finally 5730; “nerd” image 576; “office wives” 558-560, 570; office work today 579; Olivetti girls 5680, 570; “poison typewriter” lady’s case 464; print shop variety of 261-262; programming and 574-577; programming keyboards and 932, 937; programming UNIVAC and 365; robot typists 777; RSI and 769-770, 771; secretaries’ lives 566-569, 5660, 5670; sexual harassment 558-560, 562; Sholes as emancipator 5500, 551-552, 577, 579; typewriter as emancipator 551-552, 579; “typing on boobs” 578; typing speed competitions and 570; wives as typists 577-579; women as affective and emotional 556; women as typists 262, 352, 577-579; women blocked from advancement 556; women learning to type and 554; women’s appearance in ads 565-566; women’s expertise ignored 574-575; women’s marriages and 556, 562-565, 565; women’s separate entrances and dining rooms 560; women’s support work in offices 569-570

sexual harassment 558-560, 562, 579

sexual terms, Google and 1142

SGI (Silicon Graphics, Inc.) notebooks 7950, 1112

Shackleton, Ernest 856

Shakespeare, William 1150

Shanghai-German keyboards 1153

Shannon, Claude 1014

ShapeWriter 1089

Sharp computers 502; Sharp MZ-700 1048, 10500

Shatner, William 656

Shaw, George Bernard 357

sheet music holders 623, 630

Shen Yunfen 355

sheriffs 1073, 10740

Shift Freedom key 610, 62, 5480

Shift key VOL 1 & 2 ENDPAPERS0. See also Shift Wars; 1880s variations 49, 50-51, 58, 610; computers bring changes to 62-63; confusion and 1156; Densmore promotes 93; first Shift and Control combination 382; Freedom or Floating 610, 62, 5480; George R. R. Martin and 529; Great Depression and 594, 1151-1152, 1156; Hebrew and Arabic typewriters 275; IBM PC’s is pedestrian 645; international key legends 271; iPhone layout 63; Japanese multi-shift keyboards 945; missing in early word processors 527; notoriety after speed competition 54-55; Num Lock functions 703; Olivetti considers removing 594; as relatively safe 1178, 1179; Remington №2 and 49-50; single and double layouts 49, 50, 54, 57-59, 60-62; software customization 1088; symbols for 828, 830; teletypes 327-328; terminals 389; testing new machines 122; thumb shifts 782, 782, 953, 9540, 9550; Yost “Automatic Shift” 10060; ZX Spectrum 616-618

Shift Lock key 123, 154, 156, 503, 828

Shift Wars. See also Shift key: 1880s typewriter variations 49, 50-51, 58; Apple II 5470, 5490; Japanese 946; legacy of 1179; Remington’s victory in 57-62; Remington’s vs. Caligraph’s 49-50, 54-55; Shift Freedom key 610, 62, 5480; stenotype machines and 1017; teletypes 327

Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory 733

Sholes, Christopher Latham 240

accuses Densmore of theft 97-99

on beauty of typed output, not 131

on children harming typewriters 774

death of 193

Densmore compared to 26-27

Densmore is angry at 1203

development of first typewriter 18-30; Densmore’s involvement in 25-35, 37, 42; dislikes fonts 42; disowns first machine 97-99; laughing over ribbon placement 24; leaves the project 42; overworking on prototype 23; as ready to release machine 27-28; Roman numerals 22; on the typewriter’s “worst moods” 24-25; as upset with Clephane’s testing 29

as emancipator of women 5500, 551-552, 579

hatred for QWERTY layout 191-193, 1178

“little abortion” project 32, 97, 191, 553

on lowercase letters 48

no computer for designing layout 187

noise reduction efforts 147-151

occupational injuries and 774-775

page-numbering device 36

sells out to Densmore 32, 99

on standardizing keyboards 117

key (vertical ellipsis) 1076

Wichary imagines Dvorak meeting 193

Wichary wishes to talk with 1203-1206

XPMCHR layout patent 191-193, 1920

Sholes, Lillian 30, 310, 552, 554

Sholes, Zalmon 76

Sholes & Glidden Type-Writers (later Remington) 93, 12080

artyping 10720

as beautiful 581

birthplace 11820

cost of 43

Densmore’s involvement in 25-35

ergonomic issues 775-776

features: bells 23; blind typing 28, 33; buttons on 23-24; carriage returns 23, 33; escapements 23-24; foot pedals 889-890; manifolding capabilities 1370; QWERTY keyboard 2, 33, 171; ribbons 24; typebars 23, 1880, 1890; up-strike 185; uppercase only 48; key (vertical ellipsis) 1076-10790

as first practical typewriter 36

first Remington models 33, 340

Herkimer County and 551

iPhone comparisons 10-11

Kay’s study of 185-187

key close-up 7520

later models 37-390

luck and timing of 42-43

Mark Twain and 77-78, 5350

naming 33-35

patent 1780

prototypes 260, 270, 1210-12110; first prototypes 19-25; lack of documentation and notes 21, 168-172; manufacturing issues 29-30; one-key prototype 18-19, 200, 210; piano-key prototype 22, 220; reliability issues 24-25; testing 28-30

Scientific American article 30, 310

Sholes’ involvement in 18-30

as somewhat portable 858

Soulé’s involvement in 21, 29, 42

type sample 4710

“Type-Writer,” ownership of 93

Typewriter Row 740

Wichary illegally touches in museum 2

Shop key 1163

shortcuts. See keyboard shortcuts

shorthand 5990, 1014-10150; 1880s era 19; evolution of 1013-1015; shorthand typists 556; “stenographer,” defined 569; stenotyping pushes out 1018; Tiro’s Roman system 1013; training 554

shrapnel, Coronas hit by 858

Shrdlu, Etienne 913, 914

Shrek, keyboards for 975

Siamese typewriters 282

sign language 197, 201

silencing kits 384

SILLIAC computer 365

Simon (computer) 493

Simplex typewriters 82

Simplified keyboard. See Dvorak keyboards

The Simpsons (show) 357, 1162

Sincerity Machine 1106, 11080

Sinclair, Clive: BBC-branded computers and 615-616; cost consciousness 632; on customizing ZX Spectrum 620; laughs at IBM PC 642; post ZX Spectrum 632-633; rolled-up newspaper fights 616, 616; Sinclair Radionics 609-610; Sinclair Research 612

Sinclair Research (formerly Sinclair Radionics) 609-610, 620, 633, 1202

Sinclair calculators: Black Watch 610-612, 6110; Sinclair Cambridge 610; Sinclair Executive 610; Wrist Calculator 612, 627, 628

Sinclair computers

home computer boom 502

rainbow detail 633-635

Sinclair Microcomputer Kit 14 (MK14) 612, 613, 614

Sinclair QL 635

Sinclair Z88 902

Sinclair ZX Spectrum 6170, 6240, 626-6270; affordability 632; cloning 622-627, 629; complaints about 633; costs 629, 632; cottage industry for 618-620, 622-6230; “dead cockroach” fix 618; design 629-631; disassembled 6210; as doorstop 633, 635; ease of smuggling 629; exports 620-622; fondling zombies and 609, 618, 633; heat issues 631; keyboard 520, 616-618, 6190, 627-629, 630, 633, 752; keyboard add-ons 7000; keyboard shortcuts 8110, 8130; opens doors to computing 633; prototypes 630-6310, 631; replacement keyboards 620, 622-6230; sales 618; semigraphics 10500

Sinclair ZX Spectrum+ 626-6270, 6340

Sinclair ZX80 612-614, 613, 6140, 615, 628

Sinclair ZX81 614-615, 6150, 622-6230, 629

Sinclair Microvision televisions 612

Singapore keyboards 9390

single Shift machines. See Shift key; Shift Wars

Sinofsky, Steven 1137

Sinotype computers 1137

Siri 11940, 1207

SK key 1029

Skrivekugle (Writing Ball) 197-200, 1980, 1990, 2000, 201, 581

slash keys 337, 733, 737, 960, 1178

slaves (enslaved people) 294

sledgehammers on keyboards 777

“slim-ass” Enter key 848

slogans 77-82, 351, 562-569, 5730, 574, 576. See also under individual companies and products

Slovak “police method” typing 270

Slovakian smiley faces 1065

“slow keys” setting 1039

slugs 252, 2520

Smaky computers 809

small caps text 254

small talk, computer-generated 1193

smartphones. See cellphones; specific brands

Smathers, James Fields 201-203, 203, 310

smiley faces 1065-1067, 1070

Smith, Ernie 960

Smith, L. C. 864

Smith, Merriman 336

Smith, Paul 1059-1060

Smith-Corona typewriters (formerly Corona): animal pictures on keys 110, 1160; competitors 140; cursor controls 7050; de-jam keys 813-815, 8180, 8200; Dvorak ASK keyboard 180, 181; electric typewriters 206; golf ball typewriters 420; home computers’ effect on company 593; “inventing” punctuation 1300; laser erasers and 1125; Smith-Corona 88 902; Smith-Corona Cougar 864; Smith-Corona Courier 864; Smith-Corona Electra C/T 11350; Smith-Corona electrics 2070, 865; Smith-Corona Galaxie 864; Smith-Corona Sterling VOL 1 BACK ENDPAPERS; Smith-Corona Typetronic 887; Smith-Corona Ultrasonic 742; Smith-Corona Zephyr 864; Tab key 1250; WordEraser 11350

Smith Premier typewriters: double keyboards 50; lack of Shift 58; Linowriter keyboard 9160; Remington purchases 280; shifting is awful 59, 62; Smith Premier Adding and Subtracting Typewriter 5960; Smith Premier №10 520, 560; Smith Premier Tri-Chrome 1440; Typewriter Row 680

snail (@) 1177

Snoopy calendars 10690

Snopake fluid 1118, 11190

Social Security Act of 1935 310

soft keys. See function keys

software and apps. See also specific programs, games, and apps: BASIC language (See BASIC language); bloated 699; chat 1188-1189, 1188-11890, 1207; command line legacy 401; customizing for keyboards 1087-1090; devices become software 739; early computers before software 363-364; email 482, 1171-1177, 1188, 1195, 1207; first programming languages 377; function keys, need for 714; instant messaging 1189; keyboard shortcuts inconsistent 720-721, 723-725; keyloggers 4850, 487, 4870; keystroke counting 572; losing work (See losing work); Macintosh forces new code 683-684, 703-706; manuals (See manuals); messaging 1189, 1192; piracy 622, 967; programming (See programmers and programming); Save functionality 539, 941, 1130; software-defined keys (See function keys); “software is eating the world” 1004-1005; specialized keys and 714; spell checkers (See spell checkers); spreadsheets 702-703, 706, 7300, 7310, 732-737; text editors 725-732, 932; texting (See texting); word processors (See word processors)

Software Toolworks’ Mavis Beacon series 908-913, 911, 9120

Sol Terminal Computer 5230

solenoids 4230, 424, 425, 427, 749, 1101

Solly, Samuel 799

“someone is typing” messages 1189, 1193

songs, predictive text writing 1144

Sony computers 849, 9930; Sony HiTBiT HB-55 10530

Sony MiniDisc player 11680

Soroc terminals 385

sorters, punch card 299, 377

Sottsass, Ettore 581-584, 586-587, 593, 594

Soulé, Samuel Willard 21, 29, 42

South Korean keyboards 920, 926-927, 9260, 9640, 10290

South Pole trips with typewriters 856

Soviet typewriters and computers. See under Russian/Soviet computers; Russian/Soviet typewriters

space boards 1199

space-cadet keyboard 728-7290, 730-731, 8390, 11040

space characters 248, 253, 254, 442

“Space Invaders elbow” 773

Space Invaders (game) 508

space missions: Apollo Guidance Computer 11460, 1147-1149, 1149, 1150, 1150, 1178; ergonomic keyboards 1032; spaceship symbol, unlicensed 1049; ThinkPads and 873-874, 875

space saver keyboards 837

Space Shuttle Endeavour 873

spacebands, Linotype 253

spacebars and keys: artisanal 12000; automatic Shift and 1006-10070; circular 978; Densmore’s design 1202; ergonomic keyboards 1199; half-spacing 1123, 1199, 12010; history of 1199-1203; Japanese language and 950; Linotype 253, 254, 12000; as most used 1199; Pizza Hut spacebar 12010; Sholes & Glidden 23; space keys 616, 618; split 103, 1199; stabilizing 755, 842, 843, 1202; tabs vs. spaces war 155; two or more after periods 7100, 1196-1197, 11980; undersized 1202; uses 1199; yellowed 851; ZX Spectrum 616

spaceship symbol, unlicensed 1049

Spacewar (game) 493

spamming (StarCraft) 921

Spanish typewriters and keyboards 980, 2890, 5800, 5880; converting from English 474; Factor S 3860; key legends on 271; keyboard shortcut hell and 717; mecanografía vs. chuzografía 270; symbols and special characters 272; variations from QWERTY 357; Victoria 12000

Speak & Read 11690

Speak & Spell 613

speaking rates (wpm) 91

special characters and symbols: emoji 1068-1073, 10710; emoticons 23, 1065-1067, 10650, 10670, 1070, 1070, 1188-1192; industry-related 146; international keyboards 272-274, 958, 959; iPhone behaviors 998-999; irony punctuation 1065; pictograms vs. text on keys 828-832; semigraphics (See semigraphics)

Spectravideo computers 1049

speed: “as fast as you can think” 905, 909; BlackBerry typing 989; cellphone typing 986; IBM Selectric 420, 421; iPhone and Android typing 1004; Japanese tray typewriters 945; Lenore Fenton is queen of 906; motor memory and 909; NinType keyboards 1003; Palm Graffiti 1004; shorthand 1014; StarCraft gamers 920-921; stenotyping 1018; transcription 1014; transcription fluency 1195

speed competitions: Albert Tangora 900; Charles McGurrin 60; Chinese typewriters 355; coaches 87; Comptometers 220-222; Dvorak keyboards 175-176; early 20th century 87, 91; electric typewriters and 91; Florence Wilson 91; Frank McGurrin 45-48, 51-55; handwriting speeds and 91; Louis Traub 45-48, 51-55; Mae Orr 55; Margaret Owen 91; prizes 87; real goal of 776; Rose Fritz 91; sexism and 570; Swedish 860; T. Osbourne 55-57; teams 87; Turkish 285; Wichary participates in 1081

SPEEDAC computer 365

spell checkers and spelling: Amazon anti-union 1143; AutoText/AutoCorrect 1136-1137, 11400; first 531, 1134; generations of dummies and 1193; odd substitutions made by 1137-1138; prudish 1142, 1143; red squiggly lines 1136-1137, 1137; standalone 11380; typed as bad as handwritten 530; typewriters forced one to learn 1134; word processors’ 453, 531; Word’s 1136-1137

Spell Perfect (program) 11380

spherical keys 826

Spicer, Dag 509

spider monkey (@) 1177

spiders, tap-dancing 925

Spike key 1158, 1171

Spinal Tap (movie) 1156

spindles 311

spittle 435

splat key () 722

split keyboards 7740, 7900, 7910, 792-7930, 794-7950; AbKey Revolution 9390; Alice 1091, 10920; Apple Adjustable 7220, 778-779, 7790, 779, 7810; continuing experiments 795-796; DataHand 786-787, 7890, 798; early versions 777; FlexPro 784-785, 792-7930; IBM M15 779; lack of adoption 787-793; Maltron 742, 783-784, 784-7850, 788, 798, 800; Microsoft Natural 724, 7780, 779-782, 7800, 789-790; Rheinmetall Portable 778; TRON TK1 782-783, 7830

split spacebars 103, 1199

SpongeBob SquarePants program 914, 914, 9150

sponsored gamers 926

spreadsheets: Excel 703, 7250, 733, 737; keyboard support for 673; Lotus 1-2-3 702-703, 706, 7310, 733-737; Multiplan 706; Quattro Pro 736; W key and 699-703; VisiCalc 699-702, 7300, 732-737; VP Planner 736

springs: beam-spring keys 749-750, 7500, 752, 871, 1084; buckling springs (See buckling springs); capacitive buckling springs 762; coil spring over membrane 748; dental floss and 667; gold-plated 926; leaf springs 748; mainsprings 23-24, 1420; membrane buckling springs 762; Model M keyboard 6620, 663-666; rubber instead of 677

spying. See espionage

squirts (molten metal) 251, 252, 253, 253, 259, 260, 2600

stabilizing keys 755, 842, 843, 1202

Stalin, Joseph 1059

“standard,” meaning of 227

Standard Adding Machine Co. 227-229

Standard Folding Type-Bar Visible Typewriter 861, 872. See also Corona typewriters

Standard typewriters 534, 8570


ANSI (American National Standards Inst.) 833

Densmore wants for keyboards 117

Dvorak keyboard’s 845

ergonomics and 800

German standards (DIN): computers, terminals and word processors 825; key spacing 844; keyboards 825, 841, 8420; as limiting 845

ISO standards 831, 831, 833

Japanese Industrial Standard 844, 953

no universal international keyboard 831-832, 843-844

paper sizes 127

Polish keyboards 844-845

punch cards sizes 297, 306

Sholes on standardizing keyboards 117

“standard,” meaning of 227

standardizing keys 793-794

Swedish keyboards 844-845

Stanford University 1123, 1125-1126, 1129

Stapenell, Horace: adjusting machines 121-126, 131-136; on adjusting typewriters 157; five and ten millionth typewriters 151-154; on spacebars 1199; typical day 139-140; Wichary’s Royal and 156-157

Staples, Mavis 908

Star Trek: The Next Generation (show) 1048-1049, 1084

Star typewriters 534

Starbucks keyboards 1002

StarCraft (game) 919-922, 924, 1192

starship and friends 1048-1049

Start key (UNIVAC) 1047

key (Start menu) 724

static 612

status messages 1189

status symbols 934-935

stealing. See crimes and theft

steam-powered telegraphs 324

steampunk keyboards 1103

SteelSeries keyboards 925

Stenograph machines 10190

stenography and stenographers 5990; awards for 10170; early terms for typing 51; evolution of 1013-1019; learning 1017; Open Steno software 1088; seated next to stenotypists 5990, 1020; speed rates 91; stenographer sued by boss’s wife 558; training 554; transcribing dictaphone recordings 569; “writing” 1017

stenotype machines 5990; backspacing 1020; computer transcription 1018; development of 1014-1019; early machines 10160, 10180, 10190, 10220; in-machine transcription 1018-1019; Korean 10290; MIDI keyboards 1015; modern 10220; paddles 1015, 1017, 1088; speed 1018; stenotypists next to stenographers 1020

stepped keys 842-843, 843

stepped reckoners 216

Stevens, Katie 482

Stevenson, Adlai 3580, 360

stickers, keycap 9350

stickers, messaging 1189

sticking 755

“sticky keys” setting 1039, 1178

stock tickers 42

stockbrokers, keyboards for 1156-1158

Stockholm syndrome, hobbyists 499

stolen Hemingway manuscripts 863, 863

stolen typewriters. See crimes and theft

The Story of the Typewriter… (book) 551-552

Strandberg, Joe 1099-1101

StrawBerry (BlackBerry) 989

streamlined design 410, 411

streetcars 1158

Stretch computer (IBM 7030) 422-423, 425

stroke compensators 416

the Strokes 1144

strokes (stenotype) 1015

Strong, Earl 176-180

Strowger, Almon 236-238, 243

strudel (@) 1177

Studebakers 900

stupid criminals 462-463

Sub key 1065

submarines, typewriters aboard 856

subnotebooks 875, 9930. See also portable computers; specific brands

subscripts 1065

Sudowrite program 1145

suicides 201

Sumerian complaints about teenagers 1194

Sun keyboards 716

Sun typewriters 680, 74, 5220, 534

Sun workstations 8110, 8130

Sunstrand adding machines 2280, 229, 243

Super key 1065

Super Meat Boy (game) 747

“super-slim-ass” Enter key 848

supercomputers 384, 3870, 493

superscripts 1065

SuperSelectrics 1127

the “Supreme Court” 1340

SWAC (Standards Western Automatic Computer) 3720

Swearing Creek, North Carolina 462

Swedish key punches 3040

Swedish typewriters and keyboards 127, 270, 2730, 5040, 844-845, 954-956

Sweeney, Harold 3610

Sweet, Philip K. 83

swimming pools, typewriters in 8610

Swintec 2410CC typewriter 8880, 8890

Swiss Banking Corporation 4140

Swiss typewriters and keyboards 140, 272, 956, 9680

switch keyboards 1084

switches (key) 744-7450, 7560

actuation and actuation force 749, 751

Alexander as “switch” person 744

cloning 761

current choices 761-763

customizing 389, 762, 1087

detecting light pressures 763

differing mounts for 751-752

evolution of 748-752

in exploded view of keyboard 7430

feel of 750-751

force curves 758-760, 7580, 7600, 7610

gamers and 755, 761

jargon describing 755-757

manufacturers adopt 745-747

mechanical comeback 754-755

membranes and 752-754, 7530, 7540

new vs. used 763

operation of 750

programmers and 761

rubber keyboards 753-754, 7540

testers 7400

testing at meet-ups 1084

types: acoustic 763; beam-spring 749-750, 7500, 752, 871; buckling-spring 6620, 663-666, 673, 677, 750, 7510, 754, 761, 871; butterfly 757; clicky 751, 761; early Cherry 7640, 765; foam-and-foil 762; gaming 935; Hall effect 748-749, 7480; ideal 761; infrared laser 763; laser 7620; linear 751, 759, 761; pantograph 757; scissor 7550, 757, 871; tactile 751, 761

switches (power) 8140

SWTPC terminals 501

syllabaries 944, 1015

syllables, keys for 713

symbols. See overtyping characters; special characters and symbols

Sys Req key 703


T key 467

T-Y-P-E-W-R-I-T-E-R 43, 168, 187

T9 predictive text 986

Tab key: Bloomberg on 1171; computer keyboards 154; decimal tabulators 124; early versions of 1250; functions of 1179; names for 123; Remington’s advertising of 123-124; symbols for 830, 832; tabs vs. spaces war 155

tab stops 124, 154-155

tablets 4520, 709, 725, 870, 999, 1103, 1210-12110

Tabulating Machine Company 301, 307. See also IBM

tabulators 124, 1260, 1270, 298-299, 3000, 301, 306

tachigraphs 36

tactile switches 751, 757-758, 761

Tagtype keyboard 11100

Taiwan passwords 971

“talk to the hand” key 809

talking keyboards 1028

Talkomatic computer 1188-1189

tamper keys 8190

Tandy computers 748; Tandy 102 8980; Tandy 1000 659

Tangora, Albert 900, 9070

tanks 1019, 1049

tap-dancing spiders 925

tapes: correction 11190, 1120; magnetic 365, 443-444, 447-448, 449, 5140, 6000; paper (See paper tape)

Tarrant, Robert 220

Taurus typewriters 79, 858, 859

taxicab signs 2700

Taylor, William A. 731

TDDs (telecommunications devices for the deaf) 1028, 10290

tea ceremony of correction fluids 1121

teclado national (HCESAR layout) 284, 959

teenagers, sigh 1121, 1194

“teh” 175, 1138, 1139

Tektronix terminals 385, 7050, 7150

telautographs 326

Telecom Australia 7660, 767-770, 799

telefaxes 326

telegrams 332-333

telegraph operators: fist (tapping style) 1188; RSI issues 773, 774 (See also RSI); speed of 171; training 3220

telegraphs. See also teletypes

components: chorded keyboards 324; keyboards 1950, 3200, 3210, 3230, 324; needle indicators 322; non-printing keys 343; paper tape 325, 3260 3270; split keyboards 777

early versions of 320-322, 3200, 3210

final commercial messages 341-343

first functioning 321

legacy of 341

Morse’s first 322-323

Morse’s reasons for inventing 319-320

piano-key 3240, 324, 3250

printing 3180, 324-327, 5970

spread of 323

steam-powered 324

technical issues with 323-324

teletype origins 326-327

typewriter’s influence on 326

USB-connected 1103

Writing Ball model 199

telephone networks 235-236, 238, 499

telephone-style keypads 8500

telephones: alphabet, using on 983-986; dehumanization of numbers 984; early connections with 235-236; early mnemonic numbers 983; emergency phone numbers 238; first prototypes 236-238; first rotary dials 238, 2390; mimicked in other devices 241-243; multiple letters per key 984; numbers, length of 238; rotary dials 236, 238, 241, 243, 9850; testing keypads 2420; touch-dial keypads 238-241, 983-984, 9850; vanity numbers 984; women’s work answering 569

teleprinters 337

teleprompters 2450

Teleregister Reservisor keyboards 11590

Teletype Corporation machines: Teletype Model 15 327, 328-3290; Teletype Model 28 332-3330; Teletype Model 33 3790, 382-384, 3830, 385, 4000, 728; Teletype Model 37 3390

teletypers 327. See also teletypes

teletypes 330-3310, 3340, 3350, 3790; artyping on 1060-1061; attaching to UNIVAC 368; bells 332-333; braille’s similarity to 1027; courtesies of 341; development of 326-327; early versions of 327-333, 328-3290; election results 359, 368; ergonomics 337; glass teletypes 385; Japanese multi-shift 945; Kennedy assassination and 336-338; keyboard repurposed for Apple I 501; keyboard shortcuts 713; keyboards and keycaps 328-329; legacy of 341; lowercase letters and 337; noise 335, 384; non-printing keys 343; paper tape 335; power users and 495; Shift key 327-328; telegrams 332-333; Telex system 332, 3400; as terminals 378, 382-384, 495-497; training 3300; waning days of 396; weather data and 3310, 337; world news and 334-338

teletypewriters 326-327. See also teletypes

TeleVideo terminals 385

Televideo TS803 word processor 520

television and TV sets: Aston 4 TV production keyboard 11600; closed captions 10220, 10230; home computers and 498, 499, 502, 613, 1044; Microwriter plugs into 1024; overlapping spy signals 484; TV-like displays (See screens); UNIVAC debuts on 3580, 359-360, 366-371, 401

telewriters 327. See also teletypes

Telex system 332, 3400

Telharmonium instruments 203

Tellatouch keyboards 1039-1041, 10400

templates. See overlays

ten-key keypads 227-233, 2280, 229, 2360, 2370, 241

tendonitis 770, 798. See also RSI

tenkeyless keyboards (TKL) 8360, 837, 848

tenosynovitis 770, 798. See also RSI

Tension Neck Syndrome 798

terminals 3970, 398-3990, 428-4300; arrow keys and 685; dumb 389; forms on 391, 4000; graphic 3980; H key jokes 1130, 1134, 1203; health hazard scares 395-396; home computers and 495-497; keyboard shortcuts 8110, 8130; non-programmers can use 395; screens 389, 389, 390-391; Selectrics as 422-425, 4240, 428-4290; teletypes become 384; video display terminals 385-390, 396, 5630, 6000

Termite LT450N computer 8190

testing keyboards: ads bragging about 5130; before buying 519-520; calculators 240-2410, 243; Carpalx testing 1089; Clephane’s brutal testing 29; Densmore asks for “little love” 28-29; Dvorak’s Navy keyboard tests 176, 180, 181, 909; force curves 758-760, 7580, 7600, 7610; inspection reports 5120; keycaps, testing at meet-ups 1084; Sholes & Glidden prototypes 28-30; switches 7400, 1084; telephone keypad layouts 2420; testing Shift key 122

Tetris (game) 692, 692, 7020, 837, 9210

Tex Shinobi keyboard 11050

Texas Instruments 502, 610; Spelling B (game) 11610; TI-99/4 computers 503; TI-nspire CAS calculators 11680

text editors 725-732, 932

text on keys. See legends

texting: adding new languages 1194; American exorbitant fees 989; bastardization of language and 1193; early cellphones 984-986; first message 1189; rates (wpm) 91; shorthand for 1192; “someone is typing” messages 1189, 1193; teletypes and 334

th key, Bush memos and 479

Thai typewriters and keyboards 280, 2800, 2810, 413, 998

#ThanksForTyping 578

Thayer’s Quest (game) 920

“the flying walnut.” See font balls

The Real-time Operating system Nucleus 783

theft. See crimes and theft

Therac-20 and -25 machines 805-806, 8070, 815-819, 821

therapy 474, 521, 925. See also ELIZA program

thesaurus feature 537

thimbles, typing with 613

THINK mantra 870

This Book is Full of Troubles… (manual) 251

This is Spinal Tap (movie) 1156

Thompson, Clive 116

Thompson, Hunter S. 420

Thompson Products 5770

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome 798

“three finger salute” 810-811, 812, 890

Three-Letter Acronym (TLA) 1107

thumbs: BlackBerry thumb 989; cellphone typing and 1004; thumb shifts 782, 782, 953, 9540, 9550; touch typing 108

Thurber, James 537

Thurey typewriters 5300

tickets, punched 293-294, 2940, 2950

TIE Enter 849

~` key (tilde/backtick) 644, 647, 659, 937, 9390, 1088

tilting keyboards 784-787

time-sharing 377-382, 378, 379, 395

“time-stealing” 378

Timex Sinclair 620

Tiny Intersection Enter 849

Tiro (Roman shorthand) 1013

TKL keyboards (tenkeyless) 8360, 837, 848

TLA (Three-Letter Acronym) 1107

TNWMLC layout 1860, 6680, 1089, 10900

“To labor less and accomplish more” 1017

“To type, just type” 894

Today’s Secretary (magazine) 566

toes, dangers to 23

Tognazzini, Bruce 703, 709

Tolkien, J. R. R 115

Tomlinson, Ray 1171-1174

Tomy Tutor computer 5300

Tony computers 502

TONY! keyboard 784-785

top-to-bottom scripts 945

Topre switches 751, 762, 932

Torrey, Bates 106-107, 107

Toshiba JW-10 word processor 953

Toshiba typewriters 9460

Touch and Go tape 11190

Touch Bar (Apple) 709, 806-807, 8090, 810, 1005

touch screens. See virtual (onscreen) keyboards

touch typing (keyboarding): “2 idiots 1 keyboard” 111; accuracy and 109, 111-114; blindfolded 60, 103, 107, 1140; chording and 713; classes 4150; computers teach 111; early 20th century competitions and 87; finger positions 102-106, 104-1050; vs. “hunt and peck” 103, 105, 114, 269-270; Japanese inferiority complexes 954; “keyboarding” term arises 457; lawsuits over 117; McGurrin’s display 48, 51-54; mecanografía 270; mechanics of 102-106; membrane keyboards and 752; possible speeds 187, 187; QWERTY development and 171-172; RSI and 776 (See also RSI); “scientific typewriting” 107; speed comparisons 114; unlearning bad habits 115, 117; word processing changes terminology 110

toy typewriters 421

Tpwr key 457, 4580

“track changes” issues 480-481, 1130

trackballs 704-7050, 8490, 873

trackpads 456, 709, 873, 951, 978, 981

TrackPoint nubbin 871-872

“tracks in new-fallen snow” 1120

training. See typing classes and training

trains. See railroads and trains

Tramiel, Jack 869

transcription 569, 569, 1013-1019, 1014-10150, 10200

transcription fluency (wpm) 116, 1195

transistors 377, 545, 610, 610, 866

trash cans, typewriter covers as 586

Traub, Louis 46-48, 51-54, 57, 60

travel agencies 5630

“travel back in time” functionality 457

tray typewriters 347-349, 355-357, 944-946

Treo phones 989, 9910

tri-chrome ribbons 1440

trial balances 234

triple-shot injection molding 827

tripods 855, 881

Triumph-Adler typewriters 887

Triumph typewriters 140, 534, 593

trolley tickets 2940

TRON TK1 keyboard 782-783, 7830, 951, 1094

Trouble key 11570

Truman, Harry S. 472

TTD devices 10290

Tuch-Rite program 9170

Turing, Alan 365

Turing test 1185-1187

Turkish alphabet 284

Turkish language: Alphabet March 286; alphabet reforms 285-287; ban on Q, W, and X lifted 291; Kurdish and 287-291; Latin alphabet introduced 2710; Law of Adoption and Application of Turkish Letters 287; modern Turkish alphabet 284, 285-287; taxicab signs 2700; three in use 269

Turkish typewriters and keyboards 282-291, 2900; AIERTY layout 272, 2860; banned in early twentieth century 283, 284; F keyboard 284-285, 2900, 959; forbidden keys 285, 287-291; Model M 679; modern Turkish alphabet 284, 285-287; Remingtons 281; rose (@) 1177; speed competitions 285

Turri, Pellegrino 136-138, 1026

TV-like displays. See screens

TV Typewriter terminal 498

Twain, Mark (Samuel Clemens): bankruptcy 265; letters 5350, 1076-1079, 10780; Life of the Mississippi 1076; Paige Compositor 264; Sholes & Glidden machine 76-78; slightly scammed by typist 79

Twiddler keyboard 10310

Twist, Robert 413

Twitter 334, 1189

two-color ribbons 129, 1440, 1450, 413

“two-finger” typing 269

two or more spaces after periods 7100, 1196-1197, 11980

TX-2 computers 991

typamatic keys 211, 416

type balls. See font balls

Type-Erase 1121

type-ins. See meet-ups and type-ins

Type-Release Co., Inc. 8170

Type-right computers 9160

typebars 4660; bottom-positioned 23, 28; collisions 184-186; comparing 2090; font balls supersede 412; forensic evidence 4660; jammed keys 813-815; segmented in portables 864; Sholes & Glidden 23, 1880, 1890; using with iPads 1103

typecasting 249, 251-253, 2520

typefaces. See fonts and typefaces

TypeMatrix keyboards 795; TypeMatrix EZ-Reach 2030 8460

typesetting: books set on typewriters 2630; Chinese typewriters and 348, 351; composition 248-249, 2530; distributing type 248; effects of Linotype on 262-263; Fairchild machines 6010; Japanese keyboards 945, 9470; Linotype functions 251-253, 257; phototypesetting machines 1174-11750; RSI issues 773 (See also RSI); short lifespan of typesetters 265

typesleeves 70

Typewriter: A Celebration… (book) 556

Typewriter Company 883

Typewriter Database 463, 1102

Typewriter Mystery Games 10540

Typewriter Row, New York City 660, 67-75, 680, 740, 750, 80-810, 93

typewriter stores 43, 780, 790

“typewriter’s cramp” 776. See also RSI

typewriters (electromechanical machines) VOL 2 BACK COVER0. See also typewriters (mechanical machines); specific brands; adoption of 204-205, 206-208; aging 467; American exports modified 274-282; antennas in 484; Apple bans 4880; arrow keys and 685; artwork (See art, created by typing); attached to early computers 359-360, 377, 422-425, 4220, 4240, 4250, 4270, 428-4290; automatic typing systems 436-438, 4520, 4540; backup electricity for 208; bugged keyboards 4820, 483-485, 4830, 4850; buttons 210-211; decoupling keystrokes and results 211-213, 351, 357, 485, 745, 947; development of 200-203; as digital-to-analog converters 424; effects of, in society 262; electricity as muscle 423-424, 778, 779; electromechanical, defined 204; first 166, 200; forensic evidence 465-467, 470; girl-less 5770; intelligent 886-887; keycaps (See keycaps); logo keys 506; merged with calculators 2450; multilingual 969; portable (See portable typewriters); power Shift options 62; profiles 839-841; proportional fonts 438-442, 7320; repairing (See repairing and restoring typewriters); speed competitions and 91; two spaces war and 1196-1197; type bars 2090; type samples 4710; typographic features 438-442; vintage machines for movies 405-406; watery ends for 462, 475; wedge (See daisy wheels and wedges); x-rayed 483

typewriters (mechanical machines). See also typewriters (electromechanical machines); specific brands

accessories 141, 144-1450; cases 864, 864-8650; electrical add-ons for 200-201, 203; eraser shields 1118

adjustment of 121-126, 131-136

aging 467

American exports modified 274-282

artwork on (See art, created by typing)

college and home use trends 114

competitions (See speed competitions)

con men and 713

costs 536, 537

difficulties using 528-529

early models 35-42

early salesmen 82-84

effects of, in society 262

“electric-like” 208

energy required to operate 200, 777

evenly typing on, difficulties 200

evolution of form factor 140-141

features found in later keyboards 154

firsts: “first,” defining 32; first chorded 1021; first functioning 136; first mass-produced 198; first portable 1021

fly-by-night companies 534

forensic evidence 465-467, 469, 470

forging entire typewriters 474, 475-477

giant devices 84-87, 860, 96, 97, 5240

Great Depression and 1151-1152, 1156

hieroglyphics 474-475

home adoption 114

imitating fonts in print 434-435, 4370

jammed keys 813-815, 8170

keycaps (See keycaps)

keys (See keys)

logo keys 506

manuals 138

mimicking for later keyboards 1102-1106

monospaced fonts 126-127

music 148-1500, 474

noise of (See noise and sounds)

office work adoption 91-93

output mistaken for printing 434

patents (See patents)

profiles 838-839

recreating 475-477

repairing (See repairing and restoring typewriters)

RSI issues and 775

as ruining penmanship 1193

selecting 531

Selectric as 416

serial numbers 83, 83, 462, 463

specialized types: astronomical 474; automatic 436, 4390; blind machines 28, 33, 70-71, 72-730; coin-operated 5360; fairytale 1145; folding 8560. 8570 8570, 8580, 8590, 860-861, 864; gas-powered 211; index typewriters 5280, 744, 858, 859-860; multilingual 969; portable (See portable typewriters); “pure” 421; toys 421; tray 347-349, 355-357, 944-945

swimming pool-based typing 8610

theft of 82-83, 462

“tinkering” dissuaded 139

Turkish ban on 283, 284

two spaces war and 1196-1197

type sample 4710

typebars 141-146, 2090

typographical horrors of 126-131

unboxing early machines 138-139

USB-connected 1106

watery ends for 461, 462, 475

typewriters (people) 51, 51, 554, 556. See also typists

Typewriting Behavior (book) 173-174, 182

typing: alternating hands 175; as exercise, not 763; fun and 913; “hunt and peck” 103, 105, 114, 269-270; injuries (See RSI); literacy and 1195; men not being caught dead 545; motor memory 101-102, 116-117, 720-721, 924, 942, 969, 1197; QWERTY effect 1206; touch typing (See touch typing); transcription fluency (wpm) 116; Typewriting Behavior (book) 173-174; “typing,” first use of 51; zero-force typing 978-980

typing classes and training 1000, 112-1130, 4150, 916-9170; Comptometer Educator 9170; disappearance of rigorous training 919; Dvorak’s training 119, 909, 9140; early hobbyist programs 914; forensic evidence and 467; lack of 105; Lenore Fenton’s training 9040; Linotype practice 259-260, 9160; Mavis Beacon series 908-913, 911, 9120; Ring ’N Key 9080; stenotyping 1017; “The quick brown fox…,” etc. (See filler text); touch typing and 108; typing manuals 104-1110, 108, 9090; Typing of the Dead 914-918, 9180, 9190; U. S. Navy training films 9040, 905-907; video games and programs 913-919; Young Women’s Christian Association 554

typing competitions. See speed competitions

Typing of the Dead (game) 914-918, 9180, 9190

typing pools: as dehumanizing 572; dictation and 556, 569; disappearance of 574; entry-level jobs 554; noise of 147, 156; space-age 569

Typing Tutor program 913

typists: certified 93; copy typists 556; costs of hiring 115; early names for 51, 51; “electronic sweatshops” 571-572; entry level work 570-571; exercises for 802-8030; first use of term 554; forensic evidence indicating 467; gimmicks geared towards women 565; in Mumbai 5970; paid by keystroke 572; Polish language and gender 565; as retyping content 114; rise in female typing jobs 554; robots and 5760, 777; RSI issues (See RSI); shorthand typists 556; slowing down 168, 171, 184, 187; #ThanksForTyping 578; tired, slow, backward, emotionally upset 173; typing is female domain 560-562; typist as beneficial occupation 553-554; wives as 577-579; word processing changes 571-574

typist’s layout (Polish) 967, 9670, 970

Typo (artyping icon) 1056, 1072, 10740

Typograph machine 410

typographers (machines) 36

typographs 36, 410

typography: dumb quotes 129; horrors of typewriter fonts 126-131; IBM Electric Executive claims 438; letter widths 126; Linotype features 254, 257; printing process 248-249; questioned documents and 479; returns with personal computers 1067; short lifespan of typesetters 265; typewriters imitating 438-442

typolithographs 36

typos: correction fluids 1118, 1118, 11190, 11200, 1121; correction keys 1126-1130; correction paper, pens, tape 11190, 1120; crowding 1120; early Backspace keys 1116-1117; early word processors 449-450; erasers 1117-1118, 1118, 11190; etaoinshrdlu and typos 265-267, 2660, 267, 913, 914, 1003; finger awareness of 103, 103; Ford’s thesis 173; German bank catastrophes 1196, 1197; Google suggestions 1139-1143; IBM Correcting Selectric II 1126-1129, 11280, 11310, 1132-11330; IBM MT/ST elimination of 444; internet outages and 1196; Kennedy assassination and 337-338; key punch cards 317, 377; on keycaps 12010; killer 816-818; laser erasers 11140, 1115-1116, 1117, 1121-1126, 11240, 11250, 1129; in letters about laser eraser 1123; Linotype, as dangerous 260, 261; Microsoft Word features 1136-1137; most misspelled words 175; odd spellcheck substitutions 1137-1138; predictive text and 1138-1139, 1139; speed competitions and 87; “teh” 175, 1138, 1139; teletype corrections 329-330; touch typing manuals 109; “tracks in new-fallen snow” 1120; video games and 924; Wichary can’t key punch his name 317; Wichary can’t type his name 1127; Wichary’s many many typos 4860

Tytell, Martin K. 474-477, 480, 883, 1156

Tytell, Pearl 474, 480

Tytell, Peter 4780, 480, 481


über-geek keyboards 929

UDAC data-collection machine 10020

“ugly springs” 419

Ukrainian computers 3740, 9620

Ukrainian typewriters 1270

Ultratec Miniprint 225 10290

Ultronic Stockmaster 2220

ULWRMSD (RSI disorders) 798. See also RSI

umlauts, sympathy and 832

uncommitted keys. See function keys

underlining/underscores 435, 456, 5460

undertakers, telephones and 236

Underwood (dog) 474

Underwood, John Thomas 93-97

Underwood Building 97

Underwood calculators 2370

Underwood Park 97

Underwood typewriters: ads 5220; Chinese 350; competitors 140; electric typewriters 206; extra-wide platens 138-1390; forensic evidence and 467; front-strike 184-185; giant 84-85, 860, 890, 96, 97, 5240; Hemingway and 862; modified to type colors 1106; nail polish and 566; proportional fonts 440-441; ribbon sales 93; speed competition winners 91; speed typing training gym 87; Typewriter Row 680, 74; Underwood All Electric 2070; Underwood Golden Touch 206, 2100; Underwood №3 96; Underwood №4 96; Underwood №5 93-97, 930, 94-950, 980, 185, 474, 902; Underwood Portable 1200, 8600, 863; Underwood Raphael 440-441; Underwood Semitic 275; visible vs. blind typing 62; watery ends for 475; World War II era 2300

undo functionality 521

Censor key 896

Unicode characters 341, 970, 1067, 1073

Unicomp keyboards 678-679, 679, 761

unicylists 1118

Union Typewriter Co. 680, 76, 93

unions, Amazon and 1143

Uniscope terminals 385

United Press International 334, 336-338

United States: Americans and women typing 352; economy in 1870s 42, 43; exports 74, 167, 274-282, 283, 614, 959; government agencies (See under U. S.); hand size 845; pictograms and 830; Selectric as most stolen item 420; texting fees 989; theft of typewriters 82-83, 420, 462

Unitra tape recorders 6340

Unitra Vela televisions 6340

UNITYPER input 365

UNIVAC 3580, 3610, 3670, 368-3690; console 364-365, 368; costs of 365-366; display mistakes 370; downtime 364, 365; election forecasts 359-360, 366-371, 401; history of 360-362; Hopper’s work on 575; Intrpt key 808; keyboards 359-360, 364-366, 3670, 368-3690; mercury 360, 365; mockups of 368; moving 8540; porting tapes to other machines 365; Start key 1047; Unimatic 300 714, 7140; Uniscope 100 keyboard 8430

universal compositors 36

“universal keyboard.” See QWERTY layout

Universal typewriters 534

University of California, Santa Barbara 3870

University of Chicago 805-806

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 815

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire 3800

Unix 385, 1189

“unlaunching” 698

up-strike 185

Upper Case key 49, 1178. See also Shift key

uppercase letters: computers limited to 365, 5470, 5490, 963, 963; Engelbart’s mouse 1011; Great Depression and 1151-1152, 1156; Great Runes 62; history of 48; keyboards that use only 48, 63; origins of “upper case” 248, 249; Polish 963, 963; script case 5460; as shouting 1189; teletypes 337; warnings against 124

upright typewriters 6660, 6670, 1112

URAL-2 computer 3750

Urine key 1158, 1171

U. S. Atomic Energy Commission 368

U. S. Census 294-301, 3020

U. S. Congress 437, 472, 480

U. S. Embassy, Moscow 4810, 483-485

U. S. Federal Bureau of Investigation 476, 477

U. S. Federal Records Center 3160

U. S. General Services Administration 176-177

U. S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA): Apollo Guidance Computer 11460, 1147-1149, 1149, 1150, 1150, 1178; calculators 5980; ergonomic keyboards 1032; SafeType keyboard and 7860; ThinkPads in space 873-874, 875

U. S. National Weather Service 337

U. S. Navy: Dvorak’s keyboard tests 176, 180, 181, 909; Dvorak’s time and motion studies 180; Fenton’s training films 9040, 905-907; terminal use 398-3990

U. S. Social Security offices 3040, 310

U. S. Treasury 1124

USB cables 1102, 1103

USB Typewriter 1106


vacuum tubes 362, 363, 377

Vail, Alfred 322

Validator spell check 453, 457

Valley, Alfred 284

vanity phone numbers 984

Vaporware awards 974

VariTyper 442, 443, 4450, 479, 1150

VAX machines 810, 8110, 8130

VDTs (video display terminals) 385-390, 396, 5630, 6000

Velotype keyboards 10300

Ventek Wordplex 4520

Verb key 1147-1149, 1150

verb-noun interface 684, 1147-1149, 1150

Verbatim (as software publisher) 967

verification, spelling 1134

key (vertical ellipsis) 1076-10790

veterans, one-armed 474

VHS vs. Betamax 182, 183

vi text editor 389, 728-732, 819, 932

VIC computers 8160

Victor adding machines 2320

Victor calculators 11650

Victor typewriters 5230, 534

Victoria, Queen of England 434

Victoria typewriters 534, 12000

video display terminals 385-390, 396, 5630, 6000

video displays. See screens; virtual (onscreen) keyboards

video games and gamers. See also specific games: apm (actions per minute) 921; ASCII-based 10730; Boss key 9210, 924; children playing games 6030; early use for computers 508; forums 932-935; gamers effect on keyboards 755; gaming computers 881, 935-937; gaming keyboards 924-927, 9270; gaming switches 935; geared towards males 576; key arrangements 922-924, 9230; keyboard-extreme 747; keyboard wear and tear 508, 922-924; keyboards as great for 918-919; keycap stickers 9350; mechanical keyboards and 924-925; motor memory 924; mouse devices and 920; programming keyboards and 935; rise of video games 919-922; RSI issues 773; South Korea and 920; sponsorship 926; staff support for gamers 925; StarCraft game 919-922, 924; switches and 755, 761, 935; tap-dancing spiders 925; typing tutors 909, 911, 913-914, 9150, 918-919; hatred 924

VideoBrain Family Computer 520, 521

Videotron computers 7010

videotypewriters 887

viewfinders 351, 356

Vincent, Jesse 977-978, 1093-1099, 11000, 1177

Virotyp typewriters 858

virtual (onscreen) keyboards 9920, 998-9990, 1000-10010; accessible 1033; burn-in on screens 7180; first 991; gestures (See gestures); iPhone 989-999; Japanese kanji and touch screens 951; keypad inconsistencies 241; Shift layout 63; smallest 1181; typing speed 1004

virtual reality keyboards 1209

visible typewriters 71, 72-730, 96

VisiCalc 699-702, 7300, 732-737

visual impairment. See blindness and visual impairment

Visual terminals 385

Vogelback Computing Center, Northwestern 3810

Vogue font 130, 1320

voice transcription 1207

Volapük (language) 971, 1178

volume keys 779

Vonnegut, Kurt 1151

vortex (@) 1177

Vostok computers 616

vowels, omitting 1014, 1015

VP Planner 736

VTech-CreatiVision consoles 11900

Vulcan FlipStart 7340

“Vulcan nerve pinch” 812

vulgar fractions 899

Vydec 1400 451, 453, 456, 457, 527


W key: Bush administration and 17; forensic evidence and 467; gaming 922; illegal in Turkey 269, 285, 287-291; Sholes’ demonstration 18, 19, 32, 290; Wichary’s giddiness about 438

W, A, S, D keys 922-924, 9230

WA (Whatever’s Available) 623

waapuro kissaten 952

Wada, Eiiti 930, 932

Walker, Lucretia Pickering 319-320, 3420

Wang, Yuha 922

Wang Laboratories: An Wang and 449; Halt key 808; Wang 1200 word processor 448; Wang 2200 computer 630; Wang WPS 451, 459, 525; word processor error messages 5440; word processor keyboard shortcuts 527

Wardell, Brandon 10740

watch calculators 610-612, 6110, 612

watch keyboards 11810

watery ends for typewriters 462, 475, 856

Watson, Thomas J. 301, 310, 312, 594, 870

Watson, Thomas Jr. 412

Waverly typewriters 720, 140, 438, 438

wax cylinders 569

wear compensators (Selectrics) 419

weather data, teletypes and 3310, 337

Weather key 1163

Web Guide key 1163, 1170

Webster spell checker software 1136

webtv keyboard 10000

wedge typewriters. See daisy wheels and wedges

wedges (peripherals) 902

WEIZAC computer 365

Weizenbaum, Joseph 1184-1187, 1187

Welch, Harold 778

Weller, Charles 18, 24, 28, 111

Wells, H. G. 863

Werty, Quentin 913

West, Benjamin 319

West Coast Sandals 658

Westerman, Wayne 978-983

Westfield, New Jersey 462

Whatever’s Available (WA) 623

Wheatstone, Charles 321-322, 7740, 777

wheelwriter typewriters. See daisy wheels and wedges

“When you care enough to steal the very best” 629

whiffletrees (Selectric) 424

whirlpool (@) 1177

Whiskers (TrackPoint) 871-872

“white finger” 799

White House automated typing systems 437

Whitlock, Mason 147, 890

Whitney, Eli 319

Who Are You? key 329, 332-3330, 343, 1156

Wibowo, Amy 1107

Wichary, Marcin: acknowledges everyone 160-163; admires Selectric, as well he should 427-431, 1126-1128; Backspace omnipresence 1134; Berkeley Typewriter visit 883-885; blank keyboards and 115, 463; can’t type his first name 1127; “clicky as fuck” comments 765; cognitive keyboard dissonance 1101; computers make him learn English 967; converses with braille 1041; coolness and 463; discovers semigraphic worlds 1046-1047; ELIZA doesn’t understand 1192-1193; embarrassing mistakes of 521; fairytale typewriters don’t impress 1145; fear of dementia 119; Figueres Museu de la Tècnica visit 1-11, 12080; first computer 1045-1047; fondness for Columnator key 123; four-handed video games 919; giddiness about M and W widths 438; Google Instant and 1143; GPT-3 channels 1144; “great typewriter day” 902; high school yearbook projections 642; his Dvorak Royal De Luxe 157; induces Medium’s bug 941-943, 9430, 961-969; jams the Difference Engine 813; key punches his name 314-317; keyboard kōans 652; keylogs himself 4860; likes pickled herring (@) 1177; Linotype la vida loca 260-262; Living Computer Museum visit 823-824; lots and lots of words 859; makes you do binary math 497, 499; many many typos 4860; maze programming 1061-1064, 1066; misses Perfected nomenclature 713; most gorgeous keyboard opinion 587; Programmed Logic for Automatic Teaching Operations (alas) 1066; QWERTY as puzzle 1203; records himself typing 115; recreation of childhood, perhaps 6340; rudely touches Sholes & Glidden 2; sidewalk typing 11820; as speed typist 1081; start of keyboard research 2-13; tolerates Notes app stuttering 519; tries to get RSI by artyping 1059; typewriter store highs 883; typing demos mesmerize 748; wants Sholes and Densmore to talk 1203-1206; wishes to talk to Horace Stapenell 156; wishes to talk to Lenore Fenton 937

width of keys 832-837

Wild Rose 461-462

Wilkis, Maurice 575

Williams, Cassidy 1107-1112

Williams typewriters 680, 70, 71, 74, 96, 581; Williams №1 typewriter 720

Wilson, Florence 91

Wilson, Woodrow 70, 71

key (Windows) 724, 782, 801, 924, 926, 1101

WinKeyLess (WKL) 1107

“wire service” 334

Wired Vaporware awards 974

wireless keyboards 650, 651, 652, 656, 659, 8380

wives as typists 577-579

The Wizard (movie) 919

WKL (WinKeyLess) 1107

Woman’s Place Is at the Typewriter (book) 556


ads: “but can he/she type?” 5740, 5750; female-focused 562-569; girl-less typewriters 5770; hovering men 5640; robots 5760

census data 294

Chinese typewriter men and 350

college and 554, 577

computers and: computer expertise ignored 574-575; female programmers 574-575, 575; pushed out of programming 575-577; UNIVAC programming 365

femme keycaps 1107

gimmicks geared towards 565

keyboards shaped like derrières 779

marriage and children: childbearing, women’s work and 565; “marriage bar” 565; miscarriages 395; “the second shift” of domestic work 558; wives as typists 577-579; work and 556, 562-565, 565, 571

Mavis Beacon as influence 911-913

Polish typist’s keyboards and 970

prejudices towards: “affective” and “emotional” labels 556; Americans need to see typing 352; appearance of 565-566; “female mind and constitution” 554; nervous systems of 464; subservient roles 556; “vital powers,” losing 560-562

railroad tickets for 293-294

#ThanksForTyping 578

Underwood nail polish for 566

venomous letters and 463

wives as typists 577-579

work life: blocked from advancement 556, 565; “emancipation” 5500, 551-552, 577, 579; entry-level typing jobs 554-558, 570-571; glass ceiling 554; light manufacturing and 560; long hours at terminals and 396; office boys 569; office jobs, reasons for seeking 560-562; “office wives” 558-560, 570; pay scales 579; RSI and 769-770; screenwriting and editing 578; secretaries (See secretaries); separate entrances and dining rooms 560; sexual harassment 558-560, 562; stenography and typing jobs, rise in 554; subservient roles 556; sued by boss’s wife 558; before typewriters 553; typing becomes female domain 560-562; typist as beneficial occupation 553-554; unacknowledged work 567; women of color in workforce 560; word processing changes 571-574

Woodstock typewriters 560, 475-477; Woodstock №5 (serial number 230,099) 473-477, 4760; Woodstock serial number 231,195 476

Word Processing Program 525

word-processing typewriters 886

word processors 4320, 454-4550. See also computers; specific brands

Apple bans 4880

cafés 952, 9620

chorded key combinations 713-714

coinciding with food processors 447

as computers 457

criminal potential of 485-487

devices become software 457-459, 739

drawbacks: buffers 518; “burn-in” periods 521; complicated software 525-527; early screenless machines 518; font and type style issues 519, 531; incompatible formats and hardware 534; limits of floppy disks or documents 524-525; losing work 520-521 (See also losing work); obsolescence 534; slowness 528; unreliability 539

early word processors 518, 519, 525-527, 886

executives start to use 572-574

features: calculation support 531; comparing 534; cursors 518, 519; daisy wheels 448-449; database support 531; first video displays 450-451, 453, 518-519; floppy disks 521-525; keyboards 456-457; mail merge 445, 453, 531; outline functionality 531; saving work 941; scrolling 518; spell check (See spell checkers); “travel back in time” 457

first use of term 446

input method editors 947-952, 9500

Japanese 945-946

keyboard shortcuts 526-527, 713-714, 7310

maintenance 521

manuals 453, 526

office adoption of 453, 571-574

restricted access to 451

revisions and writing process 536-539

selecting 531-534

text editors 725-732

typed copy requested instead 457

wariness towards 530

word spacing 11980

word wrap 528, 539

WordEraser feature 11350

“Wordgate” 482

WordPerfect program 7230

WordStar program 4520, 543, 7270

work, losing. See losing work

Workman layout 190, 9380

World typewriters 79, 8800

World War I: Corona portables 856-858, 861-862, 863; German patents and 280, 963; portables aboard trains 855; Stapenell in 124; typewriter exports during 167

World War II: automatic typing systems and 437; Burstein’s typewriter skills and 1156; Churchill’s typewriter 1150; Colossus computer 362; Corona factory retooled 863; Dvorak’s Navy tests 176, 180, 181, 909; Enigma machine 839, 1149-1150; French typewriters and D-Day 474; Hollywood women and 578; Japanese Instrument of Surrender 1150; “marriage bar” set aside 565; Montgomery’s work during 902; Navy training films 9040, 905-907; Nazi Germany 312, 313, 477, 1151, 1156; portable typewriters in 8600; sabotage, typewriter mistreatment as 907; soldier overprinted figures 1056; teletypes 327; typewriters’ watery ends during 475; War Crimes office 2300

World Wide Time Sharing (network) 382

World’s Fair 1939, 84, 860

worm (@) 1177

Wozniak, Steve 498-501, 642

“wrist drop” 773

wrist rests 7660, 793, 793

Write File word processor 525

WriteHander keyboard 10300

writers. See also specific writers (i.e., Hemingway, Christie, Martin, etc.): Canon Cat adoption 897; Corona typewriters and 863; journalists 772; plots with BASIC commands 635; revisions and word processing 536-539; science fiction writers 534, 536-537; wives as typists 577-579

“writer’s cramp” 775, 776. See also RSI

Writing Ball (Skrivekugle) 197-200, 1980, 1990, 2000, 201, 581

writing (stenotype machines) 1017

WTTF (Want To Trade For) 1107

Wyekoff, Seamans, and Benedict 75. See also Remington typewriters

Wyse terminals 385


X key 285, 287-291

x-rayed typewriters 483

Xbox 360 consoles 11900

xenophobia 281-282, 346, 3460, 357, 769, 833

Xerox Corporation 1125, 1126

Xerox copiers 485

Xerox PARC 1012

Xerox Star computers 7180

Xerox word processors: Xerox 800 448-4490, 448-450; Xerox 860 453-456, 4550, 456, 457, 459, 525, 534

XPMCHR layout 191-193, 1920


Yahoo! Messenger program 1189

Yekaterinburg, Russia 11800, 1206

yellowing of plastics 851, 1102

Yener, İhsan 284, 1178

Yiddish typewriters 275, 969

YogiType keyboards 796

Yost typewriters 680, 74, 5640, 10060

Young Women’s Christian Association 554

Yours key 1156

YWCA (Young Women’s Christian Association) 554


Z key 983

zacináč (@) 1177

Zaisan keyboards 8500

Zalgo text 1075

Zapf, Herman 131

Zawinski, Jamie 797

Zealio switches 1087

Zealiostotle switches 1087

Zenith keyboards 748

zero-force typing 978-980

Zhai, Shumin 1089-1090

Zhuyin alphabet 350

Ziba studio 782

Zinsser, William 515-516, 518, 539-543, 545, 823, 941

zombies: fondling 609, 618, 633; killing by typing fast 918

Zoom key 999

zooming gestures 981

Zork (game) 1106

Zucco, Antonio Michela 1014

Zuse, Konrad 362

Zuse computers 362, 3620, 3630

Zvezda computers 616

ZX Spectrum. See under Sinclair computers

Zylkin, Jack 1106

ZZT (game) 10730

Zzz key 1159